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He's acting in a weird way,What should I do?

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My ex boyfriend told me he loves me and misses me a lot and needs me and he hugged me and kissed me when we me met and I always seem to bump into him somehow I feel like he follows me around sometimes and he gets jealous if other guys talk to me but at the same time he told me he doesn’t want us to get back together and that he wants to forget me but He wants to keep talking to me and meeting and he said he will always be there for me and beside me no matter what and he doesn’t want to date anyone new or have a new girlfriend and he doesn’t want to be just friends and he tries to kiss me all the time the last time I met him he tried to kiss me and I backed off and I told him since we are not together anymore I don’t want him to kiss me he said sorry but later He kissed me against my will he said he can’t control himself and he askes me If I’m dating someone new... he was the one who dumped me and I asked If he wants us to get back together after he told me he loves me and misses me a lot he said no however he’s acting this way I’m so confused(I still love him and I do want him back) 😔

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You want him back?

Do you want him to sneak back in without any accountability? What he's doing is high school stuff and it sounds as if he's trying to use your love for him to arrange a cozy FWB situation.

That isn't love. Is it?

Avoid him and make it difficult for him to contact you.

Then you will find out how much he "loves" you.

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