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Should I do it?

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This is a strange and perhaps silly question. 
So... I have been seeing a man for just over 2 months. It’s going wells we don’t see each other a lot but text daily. He sends a good morning text every day and messages as soon as he gets in from work. We’ve done sleepovers etc. It’s going slow, but that suits us both.
Anyway... he does a really physical job, works outside and has been doing loads of overtime. He goes home and has a bubble bath to relax. Yesterday I asked if he was having extra bubbles because he’d been cold and wet at work and he said no because he’d run out of radox and couldn’t get to the shops until Friday.
I was thinking of getting some todah and leaving it on his doorstep while he’s at work so he gets home to it.
My question is... is that sweet or creepy? Too far to be going round his house when he’s out and leaving gifts? Or is it just a thoughtful gesture? 
It’s not a wedding ring, or me laying naked in the bath. Just some radox on the doorstep. But is it weird? Am I overthinking?!


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mark clemson

As a risk/reward (where the potential risk is he's off-put but the potential reward is he really appreciates it) I think it's probably worth doing.  You might consider letting him know "you did something" in advance (e.g. a text like "Btw, I got you something") so he's not completely surprised, but up to you.

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One time I left my FwB a Booster Juice, didn't tell her it was me, because I figured she would know, hehe, well some random guy on her facebook ended up taking credit for it and they ended up shacking up and are still together to this day.

Hey man, I ain't mad, out here bringing people together, love is in the air baby

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As a guy l'd really like it myself , it's not a big thing just something girlie and sweat that to me would be the sort of caring/thoughtful things l really like .

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