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How to make her reconsider us ?

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5 hours ago, smackie9 said:

A little too late. You had plenty of opportunity to get your act together, but you kept going in a complete decline for sometime. I'm surprised she hung on as long as she did. You didn't make any real effort to actually do something about the issues she brought to you. That will wear anyone down. She was all loved out, you are not the man she fell in love with, she has moved on. This relationship has ran it's course....it didn't stand the test of time. Not only that, you didn't step up to the plate to come up with a better plan to live together. All you did was make excuses how you couldn't do this or that, the wadges are too low, blah blah blah. When you date someone from a completely different country, different culture, etc, you have to make sacrifices. You didn't love her enough to sacrifice your comfortable home, job, etc. So of course it wasn't going to work.

It hurts, but it's done. Take with you what you have learned, go forward improving your life and start fresh with someone new.

Yes what you said is absolutely true, I have became aware from this post and take full responsability for my miss behavior. I have started to change in a positive way. I know it's stupid to bluntly ask her to give me another chance or get back together. But what about slowly renewing contact with her, to let her feel and see little by little I have changed without explaining my past wrong doings ? Because I value her very much to have taught me this hard lesson, I also value what we were. 

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 She already gave you several chances to redeem yourself. She's done. Change for yourself not for her. Clear the slate, start with someone new.

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1 hour ago, lovehiker said:

But what about slowly renewing contact with her, to let her feel and see little by little I have changed without explaining my past wrong doings ? 

It’s  too late for this, OP.

Her interest is with someone else, and she’s moved on to a different life back in her home country. You’re not part of her mental landscape anymore so she’s unlikely to notice or care much at this point. 

I don’t mean to be harsh. But in the end it’s going to be better for you to accept that this chapter is closed now. 

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I'm sorry you're having a rough time, OP. Break-ups are awful. 

Feel your feelings. Cry it out when you need to. Come here and post about it. Most of us have been though tough break-ups before and can offer some sympathy and support. Bit by bit, it does get better. It will take time, but you will get there. 

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