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Should I Get Tested

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Not So Sad Now

I can't believe I'm asking this, as I've never been in this position before.  But I'm wondering if I should get tested for an STD after my boyfriend cheated on me.  It keeps going around my head that I maybe should, and I keep worrying about, waking up at night, etc. 

I've only had 4 sexual partners in my life and have known my ex and his family for about 15 years before getting together with him 2 years ago.  It was a LDR but I was due to move back to his home city just before lockdown and am moving up next week now.  We are no contact.

Whats making me concerned is:

- He dumped me for a woman he cheated on me with, I'm not sure for how long and I can't get any sense out of him as to whether there was an overlap.

- When I asked him if there had been an overlap, he immediately blocked me on his phone.  

- He has previous form for having a past secret LDR, where he kept the relationship, which seemed to have lasted a few years, completely secret from his friends and me.  We all assumed he was very shy and innocent because thats the way he acts and just not ready to have a girlfriend, when he actually had a long term girlfriend in a city 150 miles away.  Stupidly, I overlooked this - I only found out when I started dating another guy (because he didn't seem interested in dating properly) and he blurted it out to a mutual friend to get back at me, and then invited her to their engagement party.

- When he dumped me, he admitted to being a "bad boyfriend" and of having had quite a few Tinder hook ups in the past.  This really shocked me, as he comes across as a sort of boyishly innocent guy (when he dumped me he actually sounded like a completely different person).

- He is a ballroom dancing teacher (runs his own business) and the woman he cheated on me with and dumped me for was one of his students.  I've worked out who she is and she sounds a bit ...skanky - her social media is public and has a lot of photos of her showing her boobs and talking about "jizz" and similar.  I'm concerned that this may not have been the first time given what I now know about the Tinder use, etc and how he actually seems to be the opposite of what I thought he was.

Do you think I would be best to get tested just in case in these circumstances?  And does anyone know how I go about it in the UK right now?  Do they take blood samples?

Needless to say, I'm absolutely disgusted and shocked that I'm even having to think about this, but I must be practical.

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Yep, go get tested. Check if it's covered by the NHS - if so you might as well for your peace of mind.

Some may require blood tests - if you're looking to be tested for just about everything it's likely you'll want to have that done. Yeah I know it may make you feel faint and/or you're worried about needles but it's done in less than a minute.

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