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A question for the guys in the crowd...

What's your view on male circumcision? Do you believe it's acceptable to have this performed on infants who are not capable of giving consent? if it's done for religious reasons, do you feel that's acceptable?

I'd really like to hear from the men on this one, as I am not a man.


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Had to do homework to make sure I wouldn't get the facts wrong. My personal belief is that it's acceptable for religious reasons. Homework reveals that the religions reasons apply mostly to Muslims and Jews. Otherwise I believe it is acceptable if the parents and pediatrician or other physician agree that it is indicated for medical reasons. Otherwise otherwise I have a weak preference for letting the guy whose foreskin is literally 'on the chopping block' decide later in life, opening the can of worms about what is the 'age of consent'.

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mark clemson

I am circumcised and a (secular) Christian. I never thought it was a big deal. I was told it had medical advantages (ie, less risk of infection) when growing up, and have heard that view was widespread among US doctors at the time, although apparently the supposed medical benefits may not actually be real.

I suspect if you waited until a reasonable age of consent no one would ever have it done except as a required cultural ritual. Who wants a knife or other sharp anywhere near there?

I understand there is less sensitivity after circumcision, so perhaps that is a disadvantage. However, since I don't know what I missed out on, I guess I don't miss it. As a guy who's had plenty of sex, GFs, and masturbation in life, I honestly don't think I've missed out on too much.

So IMO it's no big deal. I guess some folks just need things to bitch about. Perhaps I'm missing some key info, but that's how I see it at present (and have for a long time).

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i'm circumsized and i have no problem with it.  my parents had it done when i was a few yrs old.  never heard anyghing bad from my female lovers...

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Well, me and nearly all my mates have the `Hooded Cobra` If i had boys then i would only have it done for medical reasons. 


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I’m circumcised and my parents did it as the medical community at the time thought it prevented infections. 

I’ve had a son and we did not circumcise him. Not for any reason other than it would have involved another appointment. We didn’t really care and when we asked the pediatrician if there were medical benefits he said maybe, but nothing significant.

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3 hours ago, Weezy1973 said:

I’m circumcised and my parents did it as the medical community at the time thought it prevented infections. 

I’ve had a son and we did not circumcise him. Not for any reason other than it would have involved another appointment. We didn’t really care and when we asked the pediatrician if there were medical benefits he said maybe, but nothing significant.

i've heard that men who are not circumcised have big problem with cheese dick

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Yeah, a guy does need to have a good wash daily (or least every second day) to keep it under control.   If he doesn't have this level of hygiene, I wouldn't be getting near his person, let alone his penis.

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Nearly everyone I knew growing up was circumcised. It was the default to circumcise soon after birth. We all considered it perfectly normal of course. In fact, I was surprised the first time I saw an uncircumcised penis. We were Christian Protestant, and only a few were Catholic. I think they did promote it as being healthier, but the reality was that it was more of a cultural practice.

In recent years there has been a movement to define it as genital mutilation, differing only by degree (and impact) from female genital mutilation that was/is commonplace in African countries. So the ethical aspect is divided, but the advocates of abandoning the practice are more adamant and vocal. If I had to choose now, I'd opt out. But it has not caused me any great distress of dysfunction, so no harm no foul I guess.

Edited by salparadise
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On the only occasion where I had a say I didn't ask for circumcision for my son. Of which we weren't asked if we wanted it anyway, since it wasn't something that the hospital generally did.

If it is recommended for medical reasons then I am fine with it. Otherwise I think applying it to children without consent for any other reason, is nothing more than abominable behaviour.

I myself am uncircumcised which is very common in Australia especially with males born from the 1970s onwards. I've never had any issues with having my foreskin it works fine and I have never had any hygiene issues with it either. It takes a few moments to roll the skin back and clean oneself properly.


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