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Calling Back

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I had an ex that i used to date. we broke up but maintained contact for three years. up until august i still thought we were cool, but i noticed that he hasn't been returning my calls.


so, i kept calling and calling trying to figure out what i did wrong. finally when i wrote him a text saying that i am going to cut complete contact with him he calls me. we had a conversation about how he said that i was aggressive to keep calling him and that i need to calm down. he was like, if you keep calling me like that do you think that i will call you back? i told him that if he keeps up with his attitude i will not talk to him anymore...he was like "yeah right". the reason why i kept calling him was because he wouldn't tell me what i didn wrong, if anything. i cared about him for three years and i felt that i deserved some respect as to why he was ignoring my calls. well, at the end that's exactly what i said..either you want to talk or not just respect me enough to tell me thought a text message or email. he ends up sending me a text with "hey" like nothing is wrong.


so, finally i was like i am not going to make anymore effort. if you want to contact me then it's cool, if not that's cool too. we were friends....and i really don't know where i friendship went.


i also told him if he has found someone then to tell me...i don't want to be a block...but he was like "yeah, yeah, yeah"..trying to avoid that subject as well. he said that he would call later..but it has been three weeks and i haven't heard from him, accept though a text message of "hi" or "hey" that i have intiated. maybe he doesn't care?


Guys, what do you think...do you think that he will call?

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Yeah it sounds like you have annoyed him to the point where he doesn't care to talk to you anymore.


My friends, we talk and don't call each other back for weeks at a time sometimes. It's not about not showing "respect" it's about having a life. He clearly doesn't want "a relationship" with you so let up on the chain.

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He's ignoring your calls because he is not interested in persuing a relationship with you any further. Cut this one loose.

NC all the way to retain your dignity.]


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some more news..i have intiated no contact and have been recieving frequent text messages..but he has initiated them..they have been quite simple with a text of "hi" almost every week.


well, i thought we were friends so i ended up text messaging him:


if you can't call me to ask how i am doing like a normal human being..please don't waste my time. i am leaving the decision up to you.


i haven't heard from him...i am just so sick of his attitude. this is not the first time he has done this. every time i say something like "you should hook up with so and so...he cuts me off and doesn't want to speak to me." we are friends so i can't imagine why he would act like this..you know?

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