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Dating a Taurus man

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I have dated this Taurus man on and off in the past. The timing was just never really right for us. We recently started connecting again and i like him more than I ever have. We have hung out 3 times since reconnecting. My concern is I always have to initiate the texts. He always responds pretty much right away and we will have good convos. But he never texts me first. When we are together he deff shows me he is more than interested. What’s the deal?

Edited by Laurabee22
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Why were things on/off? That's not a good sign 

Don't worry about texting. Pay attention to how things are in person.

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I'm kind of involved with one, too. He doesn't always respond right away, but we aren't actually in a relationship. He told me that he reads everything that I write. He does initiate, though, if I'm quiet for a while. I think he would do so more often, if we were in a relationship. 

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Seems to be so many poor souls following all the internet instructions these days if forums are anything to go by, maybe he's just being one of those, don't do this don't do that. Doubt though taurus is much to do with it my ex w was Taurus and there was none of that bs.

To my mind, you've been on off and had bad timing in the past which aren't usually a very good sign or enough to stop things if there is all the goods there , you'll work around it. Personally, got my doubts about the whole thing tbh and although he puts in effort in person l dunno , sounds a bit half hearted to me given the other stuff. Anyway, ask him what you asked here, see what he says.


Edited by chillii
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Taurus has nothing to do with it.   He's simply not sufficiently interested in you to think of reaching out.

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Stop chasing him, he isn't interested enough in you to even initiate a text.
Yes he likes the attention in person,  but he cant even be bothered sending you a 3 sec text so where do you think you are in his list of priorities?
Too many women wear themselves out, trying to heat up luke-warm men. It is upsetting and soul destroying and will kill your self esteem and extinguish your joie de vivre.
You will then become addicted to any small crumb he throws in your direction. "OMG he sent me a text, he MUST love me..."
Don't be that woman. 
Don't play that game
Don't waste your time.
Find a man who matches your enthusiasm.

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5 hours ago, basil67 said:

Taurus has nothing to do with it.   He's simply not sufficiently interested in you to think of reaching out.

But he apparently enjoys your company when you are together. 

If you want to gauge his interest, stop calling the man...

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Ok thanks for the input everyone. Trying really hard not to be that girl. I guess I mentioned his sign because I feel a lot them show you how they feel and not through text. We are not in a relationship yet just hanging out for right now. I think I hurt him in the past by going off to school etc as I’m a lot younger so maybe he is guarding a lot? Or like some of you said maybe just not that interested. Yes 

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Also I have brought this up lightly and he said he  just has a hard time communicating and he is interested...always available when I suggest a date and time 

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