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Bleach or Semen?

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Recently, I noticed a white stain on my girlfriends bed. She said that it was some bleach that she had spilt. The stain itself is not fully white, it is in multiple degrees of white, grey and black (black bedsheets) and looks very much like a semen stain.


I got it wet and rub on it and for a brief second it looked to have turned black and then turned a bit darker shade of what it had been. I ddind't have time to stay to see if it turned back to its original color when it dried though.


My question is: does that seem more normal of a semen or a bleach stain?

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Seems like neither..


Don't you trust her ??


What are you doing wetting possible secretions on her bed ?


If you didn't like her answer you should've called her on it..

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Well it does sounds like it could be a semen or love juice stain. You should have smelled it when you got it wet.


The bleach stain excuse is pretty weak. What? She just happened to be in bed with a bottle of bleach and spilled it but only enough to make one little spot?

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I trust her for the most part, she's just been acting differently lately, add that to the fact atht she continuoulsy comments on how much she needs to get laid, and the fact that she descided not to have sex with me, jsut starts to reap on your mental view after a while.


I was trying to clean it up before I asked her what it was (I thought it might be ramen) (I'm mild OCD, hence the clening thing)


I didn't call her on it cause she get's really offened whenever anyone even suggessts she might be cheating. She aked me what I thought it was and I told her what I thought it looked at and She said "well if its anyones its mine" and gave me a really mad look.


and it wasn't one little spot, it was a line of it, two line actually, vith very straight edges on the inside and very varied edges on the outside. She said that she was using the bleach to kill get rid of the dead skin around where she had cut her leg.

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Well you haven't posted much detail so there's a chance it might all be innocent but what you have posted doesn't sound good at all. People usually get defensive when they have something to be defensive about.

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and it wasn't one little spot, it was a line of it, two line actually, vith very straight edges on the inside and very varied edges on the outside. She said that she was using the bleach to kill get rid of the dead skin around where she had cut her leg.



She's either lying or you're dating the dumbest girl on Earth.

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and it wasn't one little spot, it was a line of it, two line actually, vith very straight edges on the inside and very varied edges on the outside. She said that she was using the bleach to kill get rid of the dead skin around where she had cut her leg.


Sounds like a peter print



The bleach thing sounds real fishy.. How many women go near color bed sheets with bleach while they are on the bed ? My guess ... None

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That's the thing that keeps passing through my mind... She's said a whole bunch of times that she would never cheat on anyone, like, she actually told a guy never to talk to her again because he asked if she would like to make out with him and used the terming, w"we can keep it discreet"


things like taht make me feel better.. but I just keep thinking aobut how that thing looked and it drives me back down..


Peter Print?

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Peter Print?


A dick print..


a woman isn't the only one that can slime the sheets



By the way people that tell you they would never cheat or lie do exactly that.. They cheat and lie


honest people don't say those things

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ah, ok.... God damnit... I don't need this. I don't wnat to confront her aobu tit cause I lov eher and don't want to lose her.. but damint.....



.. and I know that.... and I know she's lied about stuff... but unl;ess I can remeber exactly what then she'll just say I'm making it up.


Do you think I should Confront her about it right now, or wait?

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Do you think I should Confront her about it right now, or wait?


I don't think you can confront her about it.. There is really no way of knowing what the stain is to a point that you could know for sure.


you need to use this as your wake up call and pay a lot of attention to the things you mentioned earlier.. She doesn't want to have sex with you ..

Those kind of things

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That's the thing that keeps passing through my mind... She's said a whole bunch of times that she would never cheat on anyone, like, she actually told a guy never to talk to her again because he asked if she would like to make out with him and used the terming, w"we can keep it discreet"


That doesn't mean anything. Girls who cheat rarely admit that they do. Actions speak louder than words.

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I don't think I wilkl confront her about it. ym head is on the verge of exploding becasue I'm fighitng with myself over it... I think I'll just keep on watching for a while....


her actions scared two of her friends...

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If you do a Google search for "semen detection kit", you'll find something that might help you out if you find yourself in this situation again.

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yeah, It hought about it. I apprecciate the advice.


and thought on wether or not I should confront her at peesent, given my mental unrest?

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You can confront her, but your lack of solid proof is her strongest weapon. All she has to do (if she is up to something) is lie and deny. You have to have something concrete to bust that first lie. Once you do that, you can make some progress.


I should add here that (depending on what her bedspread is made of and how much she spilled) a bleach stain is white. Solid patchs of white everywhere a drop touches. You cannot rub it off. It will not change color when you wet it. It is permanent. She is lying to you about putting it on a cut. That's the lamest crap I've ever heard.


Here is something unlikely to consider, but something that has to be considered nonetheless on your hunt for answers.


The only 'benefit of the doubt' thing is that maybe she has been masturbating or playing with toys, and left a spot of her own and is embarrassed to tell you? As for not wanting sex - maybe she prefers getting herself off? I know when I'm turned on or if I've been making a lot of 'wet', and I happen to sit on the bed you can see a girl-part shaped 'double line' mark of the outline of well... you get the idea (embarrassing, yes...) - and it leaves a whitish 'stain'.

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I;'ve considered that, but #1: its not shaped like a puddle, and #2: I know she's not masturbating.


also, she won't ahve sex with me becuase of two things:


#1: her last realtionship,where she had sex with him and was then cheated on, and #2: I'm submissive for the most part and she wants me to be more dominant, so until I start being more dominant, among other things, she won't have sex with me.


Make her do a taste test... it's the only way to be sure.



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#1: her last realtionship,where she had sex with him and was then cheated on, and #2: I'm submissive for the most part and she wants me to be more dominant, so until I start being more dominant, among other things, she won't have sex with me.


I'm sorry. I'm convinced you are being fed a line of bull now. You have to find some proof. Either catch her in the act, or have someone else catch her in the act.

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This has nothing to do with the semen stain on her bed..


It sounds like you guys are not really in a deep seated relationship.

She is telling you no sex until you are more dominate ?.. Tha'ts not a relationship.


The more you talk about her the more I have to say she is doing someone else..

You need to pay alot of attention to her or break up with her.

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Buy a balck light bulb at the grocery store. Semen will glow and you will also be able to see if it was truly a bleach spill---liquid spills differently than semen. Also if the sheets were washed, the bleach stain should still be white and there. Semen will wash out. But it also could be natural woman secretions---but that does not explain the bleach story.


And using bleach on a cut. WTF???

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I'm sorry. I'm convinced you are being fed a line of bull now. You have to find some proof. Either catch her in the act, or have someone else catch her in the act.



TYhe dominant thing is onlyt part of it, and our realtionship isn't very deep seated, I love her, but she doesn't love me, I know she doesn't, she's told me so, more than once, and I understand the reasoning behind it.


Black light? have to check on that, never thought of it, thanks for the idea.

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