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Bleach or Semen?

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she says that she can't feal love anymore becasue everyoner she's ever loved has betrayyed or left her. I've heard her history, form her and her mom, and I really don balme her for it. if I ahd gone through what she's been through I don't think I could love anyone either.

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Doesn't sound like a promising situation. She needs time to heal, but it sounds like she doesn't know where to start. "Bleaching" her problems won't make things better in the long run.

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hope her leg healed. i never knew bleach was such a healthy home remedy for a cut leg.






you must be frequently "determined not to worry". it's the only way to explain why you choose to believe this broad.


leave her a$$, seriously. it's going to get worse. all signs point to "she's cheating you in the bed where you used to have with sex with her but don't anymore because she thinks you're not dominant enough which is just an excuse to not have sex with you."


good luck with this one. you seem like a decent enough guy, but you seriously need to assert yourself better...stop sniffing suspicious goo and grow a set.

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and I know she's lied about stuff... but unl;ess I can remeber exactly what then she'll just say I'm making it up.




she says that she can't feal love anymore becasue everyoner she's ever loved has betrayyed or left her. I've heard her history, form her and her mom, and I really don balme her for it. if I ahd gone through what she's been through I don't think I could love anyone either.


RUN! You are dating my ex-wife! :lmao: You can't argue with someone like this. And even if you were to pin down something concrete with dates and times, "that's different" is the excuse you will get. You can't argue with psychotic people like that because they are not reasonable.


Also, sounds like she is a drama queen, or attention whore. She doesn't love you, won't sleep with you, but will pour out her sob story to you. She feeds off of sympathy and attention. She is bad news. Seriously, run, you will thank me for it.

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simple advice.... wait until laundry day. if after the sheets are washed, and the stain remains, it's bleach. if it disappears, it's a "peter print". (Peter Print..... that's a gem!)

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It might be time to end the relationship... you say she doesn't love you, you say she won't sleep with you, she uses manipulative tactics to make you conform, and you don't trust her............. end the suffering.

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hope her leg healed. i never knew bleach was such a healthy home remedy for a cut leg.






you must be frequently "determined not to worry". it's the only way to explain why you choose to believe this broad.


leave her a$$, seriously. it's going to get worse. all signs point to "she's cheating you in the bed where you used to have with sex with her but don't anymore because she thinks you're not dominant enough which is just an excuse to not have sex with you."


good luck with this one. you seem like a decent enough guy, but you seriously need to assert yourself better...stop sniffing suspicious goo and grow a set.



actaully you are incorrect in one point, we;ve never had sex, I've chosen to abstain until recently.



And actually she is very much not an attention whore. She hardley ever cries, like never. she's cried... 3 times since we've started dating, all for very very good reasons. she hates to cry, she says its useless and pointless.


simple advice.... wait until laundry day. if after the sheets are washed, and the stain remains, it's bleach. if it disappears, it's a "peter print". (Peter Print..... that's a gem!)


That's essentially what I've determined to do.

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And actually she is very much not an attention whore. She hardley ever cries, like never. she's cried... 3 times since we've started dating, all for very very good reasons. she hates to cry, she says its useless and pointless.


Okay sport. :rolleyes:


They don't have to cry to get the attention, just seem pitiful enough. Just be willing to tell their sob stories and how hard life is/has been for them. And there will always be some kind hearted person foolish enough to take pity on them and feed their need for attention and pity. And even though she most likely has cheated on you, IF you have enough sense to leave her, the next poor sucker will be treated to the story of how her last boyfriend unjustly dumped her for something as innocent as a bleach stain on the sheets.


Just out of curiousity, what was her sob story of how her last relationship ended unfairly?

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Star Gazer, sure, it could have been any of those things, but SHE claims it is from her using bleach to treat a cut on her leg while sitting in bed.


sry, I'd very much prefer not to share.


So there is a sob story then. Interesting.

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Star Gazer, sure, it could have been any of those things, but SHE claims it is from her using bleach to treat a cut on her leg while sitting in bed.




So there is a sob story then. Interesting.


no, not jsut a sob story, I saw the evidence behind this one. It was definetly well founded.


It could be a number of things:


1. Her own juice.

2. Some sort of lubricant she used when alone.

3. Deodorant.

4. Hair gel, or some other hair product.

5. Food/beverage (milkshake, ice cream?).

6. Extra detergent (I have this problem when I use to much, it clumps up).

7. Lotion.

8. Maderma (I have a scar on my belly button from my piercing that I use it on, and it leaves a little white stain on my clothes/bedding).



but, as DevilDog, pointed out, she said it was bleach she was using to remove dead skin cells around a cut.

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Evidence can be fabricated, especially after the fact.


You were asking if this stain sounds like a bleach stain or a semen stain. In effect asking us if she is cheating on you. We have given our opinions and advice.


If it will make you feel better, I will tell you what it is you want to hear: It is in fact a bleach stain from treating a cut on her leg. Normally this would sound like a foolish and incredibly painful way to treat an open wound, but obviously she is so brilliant she is on the cutting edge of medicine. And even though most people would never pour bleach onto anything while over colored fabric, she is so confident in her skills that she was sure that she wouldn't spill so much as a drop. But this just shows she is human and not quite perfect. It isn't possible that she cheated on you because she is in fact a virgin and as pure as the falling snow.


All better now? :rolleyes:

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I trust her for the most part, she's just been acting differently lately, add that to the fact atht she continuoulsy comments on how much she needs to get laid, and the fact that she descided not to have sex with me, jsut starts to reap on your mental view after a while.


I was trying to clean it up before I asked her what it was (I thought it might be ramen) (I'm mild OCD, hence the clening thing)


I didn't call her on it cause she get's really offened whenever anyone even suggessts she might be cheating. She aked me what I thought it was and I told her what I thought it looked at and She said "well if its anyones its mine" and gave me a really mad look.


and it wasn't one little spot, it was a line of it, two line actually, vith very straight edges on the inside and very varied edges on the outside. She said that she was using the bleach to kill get rid of the dead skin around where she had cut her leg.







I think you are trying to find a way to make what you think realistic...im sure its not...She is still with you sweet boy.


Call her up on it..like previous poster said


SImply said..and DONE


and done be rude about it

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Evidence can be fabricated, especially after the fact.


You were asking if this stain sounds like a bleach stain or a semen stain. In effect asking us if she is cheating on you. We have given our opinions and advice.


If it will make you feel better, I will tell you what it is you want to hear: It is in fact a bleach stain from treating a cut on her leg. Normally this would sound like a foolish and incredibly painful way to treat an open wound, but obviously she is so brilliant she is on the cutting edge of medicine. And even though most people would never pour bleach onto anything while over colored fabric, she is so confident in her skills that she was sure that she wouldn't spill so much as a drop. But this just shows she is human and not quite perfect. It isn't possible that she cheated on you because she is in fact a virgin and as pure as the falling snow.


All better now? :rolleyes:


I would very much apprecciate it if you wouldn't ridicule me allright. Kat is the first girl I have ever seriously devoted myself to, so this is pretty damn hard for me to deal with. I'm not trying to whine, jsut aking that you not ridicule me.


I think you are trying to find a way to make what you think realistic...im sure its not...She is still with you sweet boy.


I'm afraid I'm not following your meaning on that.

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Well, given that I enjoy ridiculing people and the general art of sarcasm more than any mere mortal should be allowed....:D


But really, it isn't my intention to make you feel bad. whether you want to believe it or not, I am trying to help you, I just tend to not be subtle.


From what you have posted I get the impression that you are young and inexperienced. And probably a virgin. Nothing wrong with that in the least. You will get your heart broken in this relationship. I'm trying to help minimize the forthcoming devestation. This girl is bad news.


I have yet to meet anyone that learns from other people's mistakes when it comes to relationships. Just remember this when the time comes: the problem here most likely wasn't you. If she has a track record of bad relationships in the past, ask yourself what the common denominator was in all those relationship.

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Well, given that I enjoy ridiculing people and the general art of sarcasm more than any mere mortal should be allowed....:D


But really, it isn't my intention to make you feel bad. whether you want to believe it or not, I am trying to help you, I just tend to not be subtle.


From what you have posted I get the impression that you are young and inexperienced. And probably a virgin. Nothing wrong with that in the least. You will get your heart broken in this relationship. I'm trying to help minimize the forthcoming devestation. This girl is bad news.


I have yet to meet anyone that learns from other people's mistakes when it comes to relationships. Just remember this when the time comes: the problem here most likely wasn't you. If she has a track record of bad relationships in the past, ask yourself what the common denominator was in all those relationship.



I recognize all of these facts. And you are correct, I am 18 and remain a virgin. I also recognize that this relationship will most likely not work out. However, I promised her that I would be there for her as long as I could. And I frankly do not want to break that promise...

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However, I promised her that I would be there for her as long as I could. And I frankly do not want to break that promise...


Very honorable and noble. Felt the same way about my ex-wife. And I tried like you wouldn't believe. There is a nice long 300+ post thread about my story when I went through my separation and divorce. and the most important lesson I learned from my ordeal is this: You can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved. Sure, it is sad to watch them go through the things that happen to them. Yeah, you will reach out a hand to them to pull them to safety. Heck, you might even jump into the shark infested waters to try to pull them out. But people that live to be the victim don't want that. If you save them they can't be the victim anymore.


And no, they will never admit to enjoying the role of the victim.

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I know, but its just not in me to give up on her. I feel sick right now because I don't know what she's doing, and its driving me insane. I want to trust her, more than anything I want to be able to go back to how we were a month or so ago. I want to be able to lay my head on her lap, or feal her head against my chest and not worry about anyhting anymore....


I dunno if I should keep trying or just give in...


I'm headed to bed, she might be coming by later, so all of you who are even mildly interested in the droles of an 18y/o idiot... wish me luck.

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Use what forensic scientists and private investigators use to detect semen evidence, which is UV light (also used on "CSI" and MTV's "Room Raiders"). Biological fluids contain fluorescent molecules which glow in the dark when the light is flashed onto its surface...if it glows, you can rule out "bleach" as the culprit, but you gotta hurry before she does her laundry!

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It seems to me that you know what needs to be done. IF this is all true, and to be honest I am beginning to have my doubts, you are in for a rough ride no matter what you do.


You said you would be there for her as long as you could....well this probably should be as long as you could right now.


You are a virgin, yet you also claim that she won't have sex with you because you are not more sexually dominant. I am not sure I follow this logic. How can she know how dominant or docile you are without having experienced sex with you? Obviously she is having sex since you suspect that she is cheating on you...maybe she has you confused with someone else?


As this thread goes on, my meter is beginning to go off and get stronger and stronger.

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She doesn't have sex with you, and tells you point blank that she does not love you, she blatantly lies to you, and insults your manhood by implying that you are not dominant enough for her to want to have sex with you.


Are you sure you are actually in a relationship with this girl? I'm not trying to be funny here, or insulting - but it sounds to me like you think you are dating this girl and I'm not seeing any evidence that it is reciprocated. Did she break up with you, or give you the "I need space" talk, or tell you she wanted a "break"?


I guess I don't understand why you call her your girlfriend. Maybe if you posted some positive qualities about your relationship so we can get a more balanced view of what is going on? What makes her your girlfriend (nothing in your thread makes her sound like girlfriend material - nor can I understand why you would want a girlfriend like this). Right now, this post makes her sound like a class A bitch who is dangling some sort of carrot in front of your nose and making you look like a fool.


Surely there are some good parts to your relationship that make it seem less like that?

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It seems to me that you know what needs to be done. IF this is all true, and to be honest I am beginning to have my doubts, you are in for a rough ride no matter what you do.


You said you would be there for her as long as you could....well this probably should be as long as you could right now.


You are a virgin, yet you also claim that she won't have sex with you because you are not more sexually dominant. I am not sure I follow this logic. How can she know how dominant or docile you are without having experienced sex with you? Obviously she is having sex since you suspect that she is cheating on you...maybe she has you confused with someone else?


As this thread goes on, my meter is beginning to go off and get stronger and stronger.



she know's I'm not dominant because we've been very sexual together, playing around together and stuff like that, but abstained from sex. She knows that I'm not overly dominant cause she asked meto try out being dominant a couple of times and I was completely lost as to what to do.


Anyways, she called me last night while she was still asleep (she calls me when she has a nightmare, but she's always asleep) and I asked her about it because, to present, she hasn't lied when she's asleep. She said that it was from her playing (masturbating), and so now my question degrades down to: Do female fluids have the potential to leave stains?


She doesn't have sex with you, and tells you point blank that she does not love you. Are you sure you are actually in a relationship with this girl? I'm not trying to be funny here, or insulting - but it sounds to me like you think you are dating this girl and I'm not seeing any evidence that it is reciprocated.


We were in a very good realtionship for a while, but then teh ex came back into the picture before she had fully gotten over him, and has done alot of things to really screw with her emotions, so we're at a definite low right now.

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We were in a very good realtionship for a while, but then teh ex came back into the picture before she had fully gotten over him, and has done alot of things to really screw with her emotions, so we're at a definite low right now.


Ah, gotcha. I see what is going on now. You are stuck in the "confused girlfriend" black hole. Here is a definite thing you need to know. The ex is back in the picture. She is no doubt emotionally vulnerable to him, and as much as she won't admit it - she needs him. For whatever reason, right now she needs him in her life, just like a crackhead needs crack. That's why when he came back into her life she didn't simply say "F*ck off, I have a boyfriend now and I never want to see you or talk to you again". That's why chances are pretty high that your gut instinct is right and she ended up having sex with him.


She is torn right down the middle, and is trying to push you away. If she is telling you that she does not love you, then you need to take that cue and walk away before she forcibly pushes you away for good. What you had a month ago is gone, and as long as she has her 'ex' in her life it is never coming back.


You will need to let go of a month ago, and take a good long look at today. Even if you do find out that she slept with him, you can't change the fact that she still has feelings for her 'ex' and she will continue to see him, and will continue to push you away.


You are at a point where the only change you can make is with yourself. You know that "being there for her" is doing ZERO amount of good, so its time to try something else - you can let her know that she is killing you, and that you need to walk out of her life until you can get your head and heart together.


If you leave her life, you have a chance to start over and a chance to see if she cares enough to come after you. If you try to force yourself into her life right now, she will destroy you. Choose your path: renewal or destruction.

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