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What else to talk about with your LDR partner?

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Hey! My partner and I have been together for two months. We dont let a day goes by without talking whether it’d be text, audio call or video call. However, recently, it felt like we’ve run out of things to talk about. I’ve been doing research what else to talk about haha we’ve tackled his favorite topics: politics and science. He likes to serenade me everyday, we’ve danced, he has showcased his cooking and baking skills, our day to day activities, work schedule, exchanging sweet messages to each other, our future, life goals and aspirations, etc. Sooo, i am seeking for advice/suggestions of what else we can talk about 😁 Thank you. 

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Talk about your 30 year age gap. Have you met in person or is this a foreign bride site?

Edited by Wiseman2
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1 minute ago, Wiseman2 said:

Talk about your 30 year age gap.

Look Wiseman2, you have your own issues, deal with it and stop spreading negativity and hate on my content. Goodness, you’re not helping haha 

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1 hour ago, marikrissa said:


Haha talk about meeting in person. Better than what you are doing now. Is he married?

Edited by Wiseman2
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That is an exhaustive list.  However many of those topics evolve daily so just because you talked about politics yesterday doesn't mean you can't talk about them again today -- there was a new speech, a new tweet or a new controversy to discuss.  Each day you should have made some new progress toward achieving your goal or possibly there was set back.  Granted having the same conversation each day is boring but most subjects are limitless.  

In a good relationship you don't run out of things to talk about.  The conversation flows naturally.   The idea that you are fearful that have run out if idea a mere 60 days into know this guy, especially since an LDR is built  on conversation.   

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Look, bride sites tell you how to navigate older men who are looking for younger foreign brides. Where are you hoping to get residency? Europe? Australia? North America? 

Talk about that and when he's due to meet up with you. It seems you need to find ideas so he picks you.




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When we were in LDR, we called each other almost everyday. We didnt need to talk all the time, we just let the call "on"  and talked from times to times. Our calls ranged from 8 till 12 hours and on weekend like 24 hours. In real life when you live with someone you also dont talk 24/7 so in LDR its impossible

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On 8/23/2020 at 11:12 AM, marikrissa said:

Hey! My partner and I have been together for two months. We dont let a day goes by without talking whether it’d be text, audio call or video call. However, recently, it felt like we’ve run out of things to talk about. I’ve been doing research what else to talk about haha we’ve tackled his favorite topics: politics and science. He likes to serenade me everyday, we’ve danced, he has showcased his cooking and baking skills, our day to day activities, work schedule, exchanging sweet messages to each other, our future, life goals and aspirations, etc. Sooo, i am seeking for advice/suggestions of what else we can talk about 😁 Thank you. 

You think you got it bad? I'm married and this language barrier is borderline as my Chinese  is bad and her English is bad although my Chinese is better so we converse in chinese. 

There is so much I can say in chinese so I can't go in depth like talking about politics or cooking recipes or any sports. I can literally just ask 'how was your day' and reply her to very basic. 

Can't even string sentences together. 


If your case, I'm assuming you both talk in the same language. Talk about Internet memes 😁 

Jokes aside, what you talked about will be pretty much what people talk about at home face to face. Your day changes and so does the weather, talk about the changes

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On 8/23/2020 at 6:22 PM, marikrissa said:

Look Wiseman2, you have your own issues, deal with it and stop spreading negativity and hate on my content. Goodness, you’re not helping haha 

LOL..... I love it!!! There is nothing like a good bite..... Jumps right onto the bated hook just as it hits the water.... :)


On 8/23/2020 at 7:35 PM, Wiseman2 said:

Where are you hoping to get residency? Europe? Australia? North America? 

Talk about that and when he's due to meet up with you

All jokes aside..... Wiseman2 is very correct that these are important topics. There are lots to discuss before visitation him to you or you to him takes place. Immigration for you will be very detailed and lengthy process, if he sponsors you.... It's been over 20yrs that I went down that road.....  You are not alone doing the LDR, or doing the immigration if it comes down to that. 

To make this work, you need:

1) Full commitment from both parties. 

2) End Date (when you will meet or be together, no more LDR).

3) Track/celebrate milestones along the way ( there has to be progression, sometimes small... but all toward the end date goal.)

Immigration can take years, I think mine was close to 3yrs, and both countries were in the Commonwealth with very close ties.... I was able to become duel citizen after 2 yrs, I waited to about yr 5. I think Australia has pushed that out to 5yrs now. I immigrated to Australia.

You have lots to talk about, (I assume he is in a western country), his culture, your culture. What he values (sports, holidays, fishing, hunting, family, favorite bar, pub, or just having a beer at home in his shed). Was he in the military? Did he see active duty? What about that is he proud of? What is he ashamed of? How close does his kids live to him? Does he see them often? Who doesn't he talk to anymore? (find out where the Red Flags are, dig them out). Better to find out now than after you are forced on a plane back to Motherland Philippines..... Now is the time to find out about him, you can't judge his actions much because of the LDR but you can listen.... How open is he on sharing what he likes, dislikes, wants, needs, goals, etc. Listen on what and how he shares (important)… This is your time to explore him. Snuggle up to him and listen and learn, he may never open up to you like this in person.

I find Philippine women talk fast and I have to ask them to repeat slower.... (cleaners at work are all from the Philippines, 5 or 6 of them, and I am hopeless communicating with them). Is he really understanding what you are saying? Or is he just agreeing to you with no clue of what you want him to understand? Double check he really does understand you!!!

This dream can come true, it needs the right people with commitment (also forgiveness...) that can work together for a common goal. The End Date!!!


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