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Sick of me or Busy??


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I have been seeing this guy for a month and we have spent pretty much every day with eachother watching movies or hanging out with friends. We really hit it off. He started calling me his girl about 2 weeks ago and when we are out he always is holding on to me some way. All signs point to the fact that he likes me to. I haven't heard from him for 5 days this is the longest we have gone and I know he is going to be away for the weekend so I won't hear from him for a little while longer. Is this any cause to worry?? Do you think he is getting sick of me? He also had a huge essay due and a final this weekend so I am pretty sure this is nothing to worry about I just needed to tell someone and I guess I needed to reassure myself that he liked me. He has told me that he thinks that I am very beautiful and smart the weirdest thing is that i have known him forever we grew up together. The other reassuring thing is that he did most of the calling to go out and do something but I am getting used to hanging out with him almost every night and I guess I miss him. I try to keep telling myself that I have survived longer without talking to a boyfriend. Do you think he is avoiding me or just really busy?? Do you think he is sick of me?? I know you can't read his mind but i need a second opinion other than my own over active imagination. THank you

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i think he's just busy right now, but i dont think getting together every single day is generally a good practice...


but i wouldn't worry now - he has a lot to do, he informed u of it ... so its okay :)


good luck

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how in tarnation would we know if he likes you. we don't know him, we can't read his mind. during these days you don't see him, go down to Walgreens and buy a clue.

I have been seeing this guy for a month and we have spent pretty much every day with eachother watching movies or hanging out with friends. We really hit it off. He started calling me his girl about 2 weeks ago and when we are out he always is holding on to me some way. All signs point to the fact that he likes me to. I haven't heard from him for 5 days this is the longest we have gone and I know he is going to be away for the weekend so I won't hear from him for a little while longer. Is this any cause to worry?? Do you think he is getting sick of me? He also had a huge essay due and a final this weekend so I am pretty sure this is nothing to worry about I just needed to tell someone and I guess I needed to reassure myself that he liked me. He has told me that he thinks that I am very beautiful and smart the weirdest thing is that i have known him forever we grew up together. The other reassuring thing is that he did most of the calling to go out and do something but I am getting used to hanging out with him almost every night and I guess I miss him. I try to keep telling myself that I have survived longer without talking to a boyfriend. Do you think he is avoiding me or just really busy?? Do you think he is sick of me?? I know you can't read his mind but i need a second opinion other than my own over active imagination. THank you
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First of all, I agree with Kikie.


Secondly, don't let wombat's harsh reply affect you. People are usually much kinder here.


You two have only been going out for a month, and you've been "his girl" for weeks, yet you two have pretty much spent every day together. Not a good idea! Doing so can often make one person lose interest in the other quickly. And yes, it can make a person sick of the other.


I'm not saying that he's sick of you, but at this rate, it's very possible that it could happen. Back off. Take a BIG step back, and take things MUCH slower. Don't have out with him 24-7. Three to four days a week is more than enough. The other 3-4 days, hang out with your OTHER friends. Or spend that time doing things you enjoy doing, but WITHOUT your boyfriend. And you shouldn't talk on the phone more than once or twice per day with him.


Don't make yourself so available to him from now on. Otherwise, he will get sick of you.


And about this weekend, he was going away, he had a huge essay due, AND a final! He already has enough on his mind to keep him busy. Leave him alone, and let him call you. Enjoy the weekend by spending time doing something you enjoy, or with a girl friend or family member.

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