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Citing age as a reason for settling 'I'm not getting any younger!

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2 minutes ago, Weezy1973 said:

I guess you have to prove it with a source once in a while. Although, it's 2020 online dating so it's pretty much common sense to know this. I'm like "In other news, water is wet!" lol

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8 minutes ago, Weezy1973 said:

>>There was a study out of Australia that showed that women are pickier than men during their fertile years (under 40) and then men become pickier than women over 40. On average, in general etc.<<

Thanks for the link.   You've represented the article with something similar to it's click bait headline and not the actual data.

Pulling it apart: a more accurate description would be "Female Australian RSVP users between ages of 18 and 30 were found to be looking for partners with either the same level of education as themselves or higher"   The study didn't make a reference to what made them decide that men older than this were pickier.

I would argue that a single parameter of wanting someone with a same education level isn't "picky".


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25 minutes ago, basil67 said:

I would argue that a single parameter of wanting someone with a same education level isn't "picky".


Picky is relative. So they are pickier. Also there are similar studies about women wanting women with equal incomes or higher. And it’s well known (and there are also studies) about women preferring men that are taller then themselves. 

This was a study that specifically showed that a preference (education) was pickier in a woman’s fertile years and lessened as they got older.

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8 minutes ago, Weezy1973 said:

Picky is relative. So they are pickier. Also there are similar studies about women wanting women with equal incomes or higher. And it’s well known (and there are also studies) about women preferring men that are taller then themselves. 

My early 20s daughter is doing OLD and she's finding that men who haven't been to Uni can't give her the intellectual stimulation she needs.   And yes, she has tried dating men who haven't been to uni.   Is it truly 'picky' to simply want a partner who is a good intellectual fit?    She's open in all other things - looks, height etc.  


This was a study that specifically showed that a preference (education) was pickier in a woman’s fertile years and lessened as they got older.

Again, I'd want to see the data before I comment.   Is it comparing educated 25yo women with 50yo women?   Or is it tracking a group of educated women and observing how their preferences change over a period of, say, 25 years?   Because societal and educational expectations/standards have changed a lot over the last 50 years.

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6 minutes ago, basil67 said:

 Is it truly 'picky' to simply want a partner who is a good intellectual fit?   

Pickier than someone who doesn’t value intellectual fit as much. I’m not even saying good or bad at all, in fact I think it makes sense to search for someone who’s  has a similar intellect and values towards education. But pickier is pickier.


9 minutes ago, basil67 said:

 Is it comparing educated 25yo women with 50yo women?   Or is it tracking a group of educated women and observing how their preferences change over a period of, say, 25 years?  

I believe they just compared preferences of women on OLD sites where you could indicate education levels. 

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28 minutes ago, Weezy1973 said:

Pickier than someone who doesn’t value intellectual fit as much. I’m not even saying good or bad at all, in fact I think it makes sense to search for someone who’s  has a similar intellect and values towards education. But pickier is pickier.


I believe they just compared preferences of women on OLD sites where you could indicate education levels. 

I can only say that you and I are viewing the word 'picky' very differently.   To me, a person who is picky has a large criteria of wants and struggles to find satisfaction.    Like the person who spends years unable to find the perfect house.

So the latter survey was just raw number crunching?  It's not news that young people today have different priorities than older people.

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58 minutes ago, basil67 said:

I can only say that you and I are viewing the word 'picky' very differently.   

Again, pickiness is relative. Someone who wants a partner that’s taller than themselves is pickier than someone that doesn’t care about height. We view the word the same, I think. You’re just ignoring the basic fact that someone that has any preference on a particular parameter is, by definition, pickier than someone that doesn’t care about that parameter when choosing a partner. And of course many shades of gray in the middle (I.e varying degrees of pickiness).


1 hour ago, basil67 said:

So the latter survey was just raw number crunching?  It's not news that young people today have different priorities than older people.

Or said another way, priorities change as you age. Which is precisely the claim of the thread, and supported by evidence from the cited study.

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4 hours ago, Weezy1973 said:

Pickier than someone who doesn’t value intellectual fit as much. I’m not even saying good or bad at all, in fact I think it makes sense to search for someone who’s  has a similar intellect and values towards education. But pickier is pickier.


I believe they just compared preferences of women on OLD sites where you could indicate education levels. 

People may just start to understand, with more life experience, that the same basic education definitely does not guarantee any type of intellectual fit. And that eliminating one category of people can mean missing out on a great person for them.

I value education but have definitely seen a good few stumps come walking out of college, and OTOH have known people with no college at all who were brilliant, and every variation in between.

But the biggest revelation was we gain more experience with more people is that it's the *type* of intellect, or intelligence, that can turn is on. Not whether one has his or her BA, Masters, etc.

I'm not seeing how this commonsense realization means women over 40 settle...since settling is the entire point of this thread.

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4 hours ago, Weezy1973 said:

Again, pickiness is relative. Someone who wants a partner that’s taller than themselves is pickier than someone that doesn’t care about height. We view the word the same, I think. You’re just ignoring the basic fact that someone that has any preference on a particular parameter is, by definition, pickier than someone that doesn’t care about that parameter when choosing a partner. And of course many shades of gray in the middle (I.e varying degrees of pickiness).


Or said another way, priorities change as you age. Which is precisely the claim of the thread, and supported by evidence from the cited study.

No, we don't view the word the same.   I view it as the more traits you have on your 'must have' list, the pickier you are.  For example, someone who is looking for 10 traits across a broad spectrum is picky.  Someone who's looking for 3 traits across the same spectrum is not picky.   And to be clear, in my culture, being seen as 'picky' is not a compliment......it's generally used to describe someone who's entitled, hard to please, fussy etc.

Sorry, my wording wasn't clear regarding this mystery survey.   What I meant to say is we don't know that young people today will want the same thing as today's older people when it's their turn to be old.  My 21yo at 50 may want totally different things to today's 50yo women.   And todays 50yo women probably want a completely different thing to what their mothers wanted at the same age.    So it doesn't make sense to compare a young woman with an older woman when they come from different generations which had different priorities.

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There's a book out called "Marry him! The Case of Settling for Mr Good Enough" which the author (a woman mind you) that expresses to other women that there may come a time in their lives that they could agree to a date with that mediocre looking guy that's been asking them out. That the guys who noses whistles when he breathes should be given a shot. (for some reason that sticks out to me lol..thought it was funny) or the guy that's a bit shorter than 6 feet or whatever.

To prioritize what DOES matter in a relationship than what doesn't matter.


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Why do you have such interest in this Quiet Riot?   Are you wanting someone to settle for you? Or worried that nobody will settle for you?

Have you ever looked around at all the younger women in the street who have just regular partners?   I seriously think you’re making more of this than it deserves.  

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6 hours ago, basil67 said:

No, we don't view the word the same.   I view it as the more traits you have on your 'must have' list, the pickier you are.  For example, someone who is looking for 10 traits across a broad spectrum is picky. 

Ok, but I suppose I was thinking all things being equal, the person who had an education preference is picketer than someone that doesn’t. 

If we look broadly at options, there are two ways to limit them:

1. The percentage of the opposite sex interested in you.

2. The percentage of the opposite sex you’re interested in. 

Both of those percentages multiplied will give you your total options. The percentage of men interested in women goes down as women get older. If women don’t make up for that change by increasing the percentage of men that they’ll date, they can price themselves out of the market. Here’s a blog that explains the phenomenon:


So a woman commenting that her priorities have changed as she’s “not getting any younger” is just accepting what is a fact. If she wants to be in a relationship, she’s going to have to increase the percentage of men she’s willing to date by decreasing  her pickiness. 

6 hours ago, basil67 said:


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6 hours ago, basil67 said:

.What I meant to say is we don't know that young people today will want the same thing as today's older people when it's their turn to be old....   So it doesn't make sense to compare a young woman with an older woman when they come from different generations which had different priorities.

But this is the data we have. Hypergamy isn’t new by any means. Women have shown preferences for men with equal or higher education and incomes for a long time. Fairly soon educated women are going to outnumber educated men by an almost 2:1 margin if current trends hold up. Add that to marriage happening later and later in life, and you can see why many women are now just choosing to stay single! 

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15 minutes ago, Weezy1973 said:

But this is the data we have. Hypergamy isn’t new by any means. Women have shown preferences for men with equal or higher education and incomes for a long time. Fairly soon educated women are going to outnumber educated men by an almost 2:1 margin if current trends hold up. Add that to marriage happening later and later in life, and you can see why many women are now just choosing to stay single! 

Right, and I think I have a post somewhere here where women are not even desiring a relationship. Some have no desire to even date and just decide to get their social needs met via their family...their sister/brother, nieces and nephews. If she has her own kids, she's all in up through their senior years in high school. Should they become empty nesters, they'll just hang out with their gal pals, all traveling together.  Of course, if one of her gal pals are still interested in dating, she may try to coerce said friend into matching her up on the fly when out and about by inviting over some gents to their table.

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On 8/28/2020 at 2:21 PM, QuietRiot said:

There has been cases where women have decided to change their criteria due the fact that "Well, I'm not getting any younger" and thusly, change their criteria around or some as my call it "settling".  That the guy with the receding hairline or a few inches shorter than what they would've wanted would now be the guy they will go for as they get older.

Everyone settles.

There's no malicious intent behind that decision.

 Last I heard the vast majority of men don't look like a 30 year old Brad Pitt, and the vast majority of women don't look like a 18 year old Sara Sampaio.  People will date, will marry and will have babies with those who want to do those things with them.  

Now here's the thing. Attractive women aren't picky. I'm a Californian man born and raised in Santa Monica Beach, not even 5 minutes walking away from Muscle beach, a famous place for bodybuilders, I would often watch the most impressive man of all time - Mr. Schwarzenegger-  lift there all the time growing up.

Then because of several reasons, some of those reasons being I wasn't interested in becoming homeless at the age of 18 because you need to be a millionaire to be able to afford UCLA + living alone, I moved to Europe, and I got to meet a lot of different people from very different cultures, from all over the world: South America; Africa; the Middle-East etc.

As such, I either got to see tens of thousands of women per day who were considered to be average in their dating enviroment  date average-looking men.

Now what's an average-looking man in this enviroment?

5'6'' to 5'10'' about 140lbs to 160lbs, very rarely did I ever come across a bodybuilder or even a guy who didn't look like a teenager at the age of 25-30 with how scrawny they were, they had dead-end jobs, still living at home with their parents, and regardless of any of that the women they were dating were young, naturally slim, with straight white teeth, clear skin, and a pretty face.

These women considered themselves to be average. For when everyone is attractive, no one gets to feel attractive, and women -from all  parts of the world - will date the men they are surrounded by. These women, in Barcelona, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dublin, London, and yes even back home at Santa Monica Beach weren't waiting for a man to be the physical embodiment of a greek god.

Attractive women aren't picky. Only those women who can make a ton of money off their looks are picky about the men they date.

If a guy needs to wait until he's in his 30s or 40s to get a girlfriend, he's either going for women who are a 10 out of 10 while they are a 5, or they're a 0 and are going for 5/10 women. Young women aren't holding out waiting for Prince Charming, and then when they fail to capitalize on their youth, marry a guy they wouldn't glance once back when they were young.

That's a male fantasy that many unattractive men '''oh but I'm average! Except it's the wrong version of average, oopsie hehe'' will use to make themselves feel good about themselves.  Average women aren't rejecting average men because 1984 ''Against All Odds'' Jeff Bridges is knocking on them door, making these women ignore the men who are in their league.



Some call it "settling" some call it just altering it a bit as typically people in their younger years...their 20s, are basing their criteria off mostly on looks and status and so on.

However, I know a gentleman that found out his ex-girlfriend mentioned to her mother that the reason she decided to date him exclusively was in part due to the "I'm not getting any younger" reason.

I can't help but to think that may be a feasible reason though, esp. if you're giving up specifically superficial criteria. I mean, of course you don't want him to have bad hygiene and stuff....but I can see someone managing settling on someone with a little thickness to their belly and/or height. Does it seem feasible?

yeah, and? What does it matter?

If an unattractive/average-looking man wants an attractive woman, he's either going to step up and stop being average by improving himself, or he's going to do with old, rich men have been doing since the first Homo Sapiens Sapiens figured out he could get sex by giving women a zebra's leg.

Make money.There are no ugly men, only poor men, dude.Nah, man, listen.

My father is in his 60s.

He has a flat stomach and a full head of hair, and the man doesn't even work out. He's just never been a fan of that Anglo-Saxon diet, and he enjoys going for walks. 

My mom still thinks he's as hot as he was at the age of 25, and every time we go out, the women in their late teens and early 20s will stare at me, an old dude in his 30s, and the attractive 30s and 40s women will be checking out my dad. Don't be lazy.

Hit the gym hard.

If you've lost your hair, that's easy, either hulk up that body like JasonStatham or Dwayne Jonhson, or pay the money for a hair transplant operation.

If you want attractive women you're going to have to pay, there are no free lunchs.  Everyone pays. Unattractive men with their money, while I pay for it with my shoulders, or my abs, or my hairline, or the fact that I can actually spit out a lot of hot garbage that women find to be charming, but the vast majority of the women who find me to be hot aren't putting sex on the table, I still have to approach and not mess things up.

Everyone pays, so don't fret about having to pay for what you want. You're not special and even men like Brad Pitt at the peak of the game end up paying, sooner or later, one way or another.



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55 minutes ago, Azincourt said:

Everyone settles.

There's no malicious intent behind that decision.

 Last I heard the vast majority of men don't look like a 30 year old Brad Pitt, and the vast majority of women don't look like a 18 year old Sara Sampaio.  People will date, will marry and will have babies with those who want to do those things with them.  

Now here's the thing. Attractive women aren't picky. I'm a Californian man born and raised in Santa Monica Beach, not even 5 minutes walking away from Muscle beach, a famous place for bodybuilders, I would often watch the most impressive man of all time - Mr. Schwarzenegger-  lift there all the time growing up.

Then because of several reasons, some of those reasons being I wasn't interested in becoming homeless at the age of 18 because you need to be a millionaire to be able to afford UCLA + living alone, I moved to Europe, and I got to meet a lot of different people from very different cultures, from all over the world: South America; Africa; the Middle-East etc.

As such, I either got to see tens of thousands of women per day who were considered to be average in their dating enviroment  date average-looking men.

Now what's an average-looking man in this enviroment?

5'6'' to 5'10'' about 140lbs to 160lbs, very rarely did I ever come across a bodybuilder or even a guy who didn't look like a teenager at the age of 25-30 with how scrawny they were, they had dead-end jobs, still living at home with their parents, and regardless of any of that the women they were dating were young, naturally slim, with straight white teeth, clear skin, and a pretty face.

These women considered themselves to be average. For when everyone is attractive, no one gets to feel attractive, and women -from all  parts of the world - will date the men they are surrounded by. These women, in Barcelona, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dublin, London, and yes even back home at Santa Monica Beach weren't waiting for a man to be the physical embodiment of a greek god.

Attractive women aren't picky. Only those women who can make a ton of money off their looks are picky about the men they date.

If a guy needs to wait until he's in his 30s or 40s to get a girlfriend, he's either going for women who are a 10 out of 10 while they are a 5, or they're a 0 and are going for 5/10 women. Young women aren't holding out waiting for Prince Charming, and then when they fail to capitalize on their youth, marry a guy they wouldn't glance once back when they were young.

That's a male fantasy that many unattractive men '''oh but I'm average! Except it's the wrong version of average, oopsie hehe'' will use to make themselves feel good about themselves.  Average women aren't rejecting average men because 1984 ''Against All Odds'' Jeff Bridges is knocking on them door, making these women ignore the men who are in their league.


yeah, and? What does it matter?

If an unattractive/average-looking man wants an attractive woman, he's either going to step up and stop being average by improving himself, or he's going to do with old, rich men have been doing since the first Homo Sapiens Sapiens figured out he could get sex by giving women a zebra's leg.

Make money.There are no ugly men, only poor men, dude.Nah, man, listen.

My father is in his 60s.

He has a flat stomach and a full head of hair, and the man doesn't even work out. He's just never been a fan of that Anglo-Saxon diet, and he enjoys going for walks. 

My mom still thinks he's as hot as he was at the age of 25, and every time we go out, the women in their late teens and early 20s will stare at me, an old dude in his 30s, and the attractive 30s and 40s women will be checking out my dad. Don't be lazy.

Hit the gym hard.

If you've lost your hair, that's easy, either hulk up that body like JasonStatham or Dwayne Jonhson, or pay the money for a hair transplant operation.

If you want attractive women you're going to have to pay, there are no free lunchs.  Everyone pays. Unattractive men with their money, while I pay for it with my shoulders, or my abs, or my hairline, or the fact that I can actually spit out a lot of hot garbage that women find to be charming, but the vast majority of the women who find me to be hot aren't putting sex on the table, I still have to approach and not mess things up.

Everyone pays, so don't fret about having to pay for what you want. You're not special and even men like Brad Pitt at the peak of the game end up paying, sooner or later, one way or another.




Not doing the hair transplant thing, that's lame lol. I just cut my hair short (makes me look younger)

Anyways, this conversation made me think of a woman that wanted to introduce me to her geeky friend. She figured we had shared interest in geek culture, craft beers, and other pop culture stuff. I saw her her FB profile, and I recognized her from POF. lol. (Small world right)

She said to go ahead and PM her on FB...and go from there.

She was chubby, but cute. I liked her expressionable face. But you could tell by looking at her a fit guy wouldn't be into her. I like chubby if she fills out in the right spots (curvy)...so an extra 20 or 30 lbs doesn't really turn me off.

I also don't swing for 10s much at all, as I rather know my place and realistic when I pursue women when it comes to the physical.

I send this person a message, I see a "seen" but no response. I try again the next day, still "seen".

I go to my friend that set me up with her and ask her what's up, her friend isn't responding. She told me that she wasn't physically attracted. I was kind of baffled and thought (Has she looked at herself in the mirror or weighed herself lately? She aint much to write home about either , lol)

But I found it funny how someone like her figured that she could do better physically. Men do the same too, some fat guy wanting a perfect 10, as it's not uncommon either. But it's sad when someone wants someone that they cannot bring to the table themselves.

Speaking of which, a contrasting situaiton...

I have a friend of mine that's not in a lucrative profession. He's a photographer/graphic designer...self employed. So not swimming in the big bucks. Met his now wife via taking photos of her. She's a belly dancer, tight bod on her as well, petite, and if you were to see them walk into a room together, you would not even THINK they are together. He's 15 years older than her...her in her mid-30s, him in his 50s.

Dude has nose hair growing out a mile long, bad halatosis, and dresses in frumpy blue jeans, a polo shirt with his company name, and a ball cap...her...she dresses to the nines when she joins him. At first, I thought they were only just colleges. HIm the photographer, and her the model. COmpletely a professional relatoinsihp.

He admits that he's surprised she chose him with the way he looks. He's got a gut, and definitely someone most women in this area would not give the time of day.

As far as myself, I do work out..not a hard core crossfitter like I see some do. Not my thing, but I stay healthy and work at home and in my neighborhood. 

The women that did date me, most of them, admittedly told me that they don't care about looks, and only personality. Which is probably why was able to score dates with them. 

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17 minutes ago, QuietRiot said:

I go to my friend that set me up with her and ask her what's up, her friend isn't responding. She told me that she wasn't physically attracted. I was kind of baffled and thought (Has she looked at herself in the mirror or weighed herself lately? She aint much to write home about either , lol)

But I found it funny how someone like her figured that she could do better physically. Men do the same too, some fat guy wanting a perfect 10, as it's not uncommon either. But it's sad when someone wants someone that they cannot bring to the table themselves.

Loads of assumptions there...
So just because she does not find YOU attractive she  is somehow looking for the impossible...
Why would you be baffled, are you God's gift to women?
Surely women of all shapes and sizes are allowed to be attracted to who they are attracted to.
You are assuming she is looking for some guy with filmstar good looks but she may just love a type that you do not fall into, eg Big burly red haired guys with beards or short weedy nerds with glasses, or tall beanpoles or fat cuddly guys or ... etc. etc.

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5 minutes ago, elaine567 said:

Loads of assumptions there...
So just because she does not find YOU attractive she  is somehow looking for the impossible...
Why would you be baffled, are you God's gift to women?
Surely women of all shapes and sizes are allowed to be attracted to who they are attracted to.
You are assuming she is looking for some guy with filmstar good looks but she may just love a type that you do not fall into, eg Big burly red haired guys with beards or short weedy nerds with glasses, or tall beanpoles or fat cuddly guys or ... etc. etc.

Never claimed to be "God's gift", far from it actually.

Just as a tupoee wearing, pudgy short guy wanting a wash board abs supermodel and only that, that's their right to limit themselves to the impossible, but it always comes to a point where they start complaining about "I can't seem to meet a decent guy/gal"

Their friends and family members know how picky this one single friend of their's can be, and well, even they eventually will advise them to lighten up on their unrealistic expectations in a partner

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Picky is a derogatory term, usually levelled at women who are unwilling to settle with any guy that shows up and shows interest...
God forbid any man should settle, but women just need to be less picky...

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1 minute ago, elaine567 said:

Picky is a derogatory term, usually levelled at women who are unwilling to settle with any guy that shows up and shows interest...
God forbid any man should settle, but women just need to be less picky...

I keep noticing you're turning this into a man vs woman thing. It's on both sides that this happens. I've expressed this already.

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40 minutes ago, QuietRiot said:

I go to my friend that set me up with her and ask her what's up, her friend isn't responding. She told me that she wasn't physically attracted. I was kind of baffled and thought (Has she looked at herself in the mirror or weighed herself lately? She aint much to write home about either , lol)

Why would you ask her friend why she isn't responding to your text messages?

It never occured to you that she was either:

A) Too busy to respond to you  just yet because of work/school/family life

B) It has slipped her mind to go back to you, but she will.

C) She simply isn't interested. Or she was interested at one point but she lost interest. It happens.

There have been women I was talking to for a month or so, we had it arranged for them to come to my house to smash(it was verbally stated it was a smash-only get-together) and they never really came to my house.

Either because something better came along, a better man than I, or they decided they weren't interested in having casual sex(or at least with me) or they met a guy they wanted to get to know better and whom they could see themselves dating, and no one is going to go into something serious while having casual sex with another dude.

You're kinda baffled that a woman isn't physically attracted to you? 

Why?  Attraction is subjective to many women. Sometimes a woman will even reject a Giorgio Armani catwalk model to date a guy who is as remarkable as finding salt water witin the Atlantic ocean.


Not doing the hair transplant thing, that's lame lol. I just cut my hair short (makes me look younger)

Women can still figure out that you suffer from baldness, and nah it doesn't make you look younger. Having a full head of thick hair makes you look young.  Met guys years and years ago who were physically hot, had a great square face going,  but then the baseball cap comes off and would you look at that.

Dude ages 20 years right there. Get a hair transplant. If you lose your teeth in an accident are you going to go toothless because it's lame to improve one's looks via any way one can find to do so?


Their friends and family members know how picky this one single friend of their's can be, and well, even they eventually will advise them to lighten up on their unrealistic expectations in a partner

M,y mother was picky where it concerns men.  Got lots of offers, waited it out until she met the man who would become my father. 40 years together, happy sex life(11 sisters) and they're still very satisfied with the choice they made in each other.

My mother was single for 5 years before she met my dad. It's far better for a woman and for a man to take his time when it comes to selecting a life-partner. 

I advise every woman in the world to be as selective as she possibly can. There's way too many lazy dudes who think they deserve a woman, and hilariously enough, they honestly believe they are fully deserving of a hot young woman because they have a job.

Congrats, so how many millions of dollars a year after taxes do these guys bring home?

Dude, just work on yourself, keep on improving yourself, don't be bitter, and don't worry yourself with the dating lives of women who are not interested in you. Pursue and date the women who are interested in you. If you don't like what you can get, then you know what needs to happen.

Hire a person trainer and tell him, ''hey I want Brad Pitt's body in Troy(2004) Eric Bana's body build also sounds sweet'' then you work on that like your life depends on it.

If you have crooked teeth, or teeth that aren't white, hire a good dentist and proceed to getting braces and teeth-whitening procedures. Get a hair transplant.  No, shaving or cutting your hair short doesn't make you look younger. I can see how thin your hair is from across the Atlantic, and women can see it better.

The only bald men who look good bald are men who are already beautiful to begin with, or they're built strong.  Vin Diesel,  The Rock, Bruce Willis etc. Get built and huge and swole and gorgeous like they are, and women will be more into you.

If you want younger women,  those beautiful 19 year olds that walk around, then you're gonna have to put in a lot of money into them to be able to get something out of them. There are men who had a baby face when they were young and took very good care of their looks as they began to grow old, which enables them to still pull hot women in their early 20s despite being old themselves, for they do not look old at all.

Just make sure to tell women you meet that you're 10, 15 years older than them so it doesn't get awkward when they find out your real age.

Good luck.And God's gift to womenfolk is named Brad Pitt, and it's named Cristiano Ronaldo. 

Show me a woman who is so picky she is saving herself up for such men.

Edited by Azincourt
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3 hours ago, elaine567 said:

Picky is a derogatory term, usually levelled at women who are unwilling to settle with any guy that shows up and shows interest...
God forbid any man should settle, but women just need to be less picky...

Picky is not derogatory is it? My sister in law fully admits that she’s a picky eater and she’s not putting herself down. She is a picky eater. Someone who is a picky dater isn’t worse than a less selective dater, but probably will have a harder time just because they’re limiting their options.

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3 minutes ago, elaine567 said:

Picky when it refers to women unsuccessful in dating is a derogatory term.

That’s your interpretation of it? How do you know people are using it as a derogatory term? 

I suspect what people might object to is someone who complains about their lack of success in dating, but at the same time is on the pickier side. And they’re not objecting to that person as a human being, just explaining that the more one limits their options, the harder it will be to find someone to date. 

Edited by Weezy1973
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