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Feeling lonely at times


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I am feeling rather lonely at times.  Thanks to the virus I am isolated like everyone else, but I think I am more alone than the average person.  It's hard to find genuine people to be friends with and it doesn't matter what socio-economic backgrounds, jobs, age, race, religion, etc. you come from.  

I feel like people don't really care about others anymore.  It's all about me me me and narcissism, but I have seen this since I was about 14.  Once you graduate from schools, you move, change jobs, etc. so do you relationships with others as well.  I once said that people don't want to do anything fun educational or wholesome (go to museums, go on trips to quirky places nearby, go kayaking, etc.) Unless it involves drinking alcohol.  And you say that if it's that simple then you can incorporate that into anything you do, and they still don't want to do it.  You go back to your roots and they aren't receptive.  I am always the one who reaches out to everyone else, all of them say that I am the only one who does so.  What are others doing?  Sitting home alone I guess.

Does anyone ever feel like this?

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I feel EXACTLY like this as well, been observing this kind of behavior for years from various people in the 3 countries I lived in. All of that combined often with making plans to hang out or accepting plans to hang out only to then not follow through on them or act dumb when I bring up those plans again. I am traveling right now to one of the countries I used to live in and it coincided with one of my friends birthday. Haven't heard from her since I landed 5 days ago and I'm leaving tomorrow. She even asked when I was going to be here, I responded and texted her for her birthday and never got a response now 4 days later.

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