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What numbers are you looking for in your area before you can get back to normal?

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The sad thing is the amount of people that die in 2 days from Coronavirus in America are the same amount of people that died on 9/11. They say the same amount that died on 9/11 will die a day from the virus come December. I remember everyone being horrified by the amount of people that died that day, it's just unbelievable it's like 9/11 is happening multiple times a week and soon will be daily. Nobody cares, plenty of people still not wearing their masks, noses out, not social distancing, still thinking it's a hoax. If 9/11 happened now it would turn into political. Trump supporters would blame Democrats and vice versa. Back in 2001 we all came together, helped each other, were kind to one another and mourned for the lives that were lost. It was nobody's fault the terrorist attacks happened except the terriosts that did it. Now it's Americans own fault Americans are dying, it's shameful.

If someone told you back in 2001 if you wore a mask, social distanced, stayed home, sacrificed some fun and the 9/11 attacks wouldn't happen, I would have hoped people would have agreed with no question, why doesn't that apply to the virus when soooo many more people are dying.

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1 hour ago, Spring1234 said:

... still thinking it's a hoax. ... Back in 2001 we all came together, helped each other, were kind to one another and mourned for the lives that were lost. It was nobody's fault the terrorist attacks happened except the terriosts that did it. Now it's Americans own fault Americans are dying, it's shameful.




in case you've been in a closet for nearly 2 decades,  many people still think 9/11 was a hoax.   

Thus we didn't "all (come) together (and) help each other".


The parallels are quite striking though.

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2 hours ago, SincereOnlineGuy said:



in case you've been in a closet for nearly 2 decades,  many people still think 9/11 was a hoax.   

Thus we didn't "all (come) together (and) help each other".


The parallels are quite striking though.

I think more people think the virus is a hoax then 9/11 was. 

People that think 9/11 was a hoax are usually insane and can tell they are not normal. The people that think the virus is a hoax are average everyday people my friends, family, neighbors. 

I think more people mourned the deaths and the country didn't just ignore the attack. I didn't hear people protesting to more security and detectors at airports or that you could no longer bring knives on board. 

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9 hours ago, Spring1234 said:

I think more people think the virus is a hoax then 9/11 was. 

People that think 9/11 was a hoax are usually insane and can tell they are not normal. The people that think the virus is a hoax are average everyday people my friends, family, neighbors. 

I think more people mourned the deaths and the country didn't just ignore the attack. I didn't hear people protesting to more security and detectors at airports or that you could no longer bring knives on board. 

Do they believe the virus is a hoax (doesn't exist) or do they think it does exist (not a hoax) , but is not all that harmful/big deal?

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19 hours ago, Spring1234 said:

I think more people think the virus is a hoax then 9/11 was. 

People that think 9/11 was a hoax are usually insane and can tell they are not normal. The people that think the virus is a hoax are average everyday people my friends, family, neighbors. 

I think more people mourned the deaths and the country didn't just ignore the attack. I didn't hear people protesting to more security and detectors at airports or that you could no longer bring knives on board. 

That's interesting...I find that conspiracy people are conspiracy people. The non-911-ers are the same people who don't believe we went to the moon, and stuff like that.

There's actually a psychology behind what nudges someone to become a conspiracy theorist. It's at least partially a personality type. So you may think 9/11 disbelief is crazy and Covid disbelief isn't, but there's actually not really a distinction, if you're talking mental health and putting one into a negative category.

You don't know what else your friends and neighbors are thinking about conspiracies. I only recently found out that an aquaintance of mine basically is imagining Democrats as commies under the bed. She had mentioned covid once or twice in sort of a sideways snarky way but I figured...whatever, I know a few people for sure that are doing that. She had said "I'll bet after Nov. 3 it magically goes away..." I just sort of said "I'm being careful in the meantime" and moved on to something else. But...then suddenly the other day she texted me the most amazingly frightening list of things Democrats do. Right down to [taking this one out, it's too triggering, I think] And how "they're" in a secret underground to destroy America...when I expressed shock at this she warned me to warn anyone I knew that Bill Gates is trying to sterilize people with vaccines and that she felt it was time for "the silent majority" to speak up at last...WTH?????

This is a person whose kids went to school with mine...we've talked a jillion times. Just about regular stuff. We've know one another for more than 10 years. I was blown away.

I had a woman take my blood for a test about...three months ago, I think? It was a covid antibodies test. She was a sweet woman and we shot the breeze about our respective families, kids for a few minutes while she was taking my blood and literally out of nowhere she smilingly and sweetly told me that the New Order is about to happen and that it's actually from God and is meant to separate the good from the bad.


Edited by CaliforniaGirl
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9 minutes ago, CaliforniaGirl said:

She was a sweet woman and we shot the breeze about our respective families, kids for a few minutes while she was taking my blood and literally out of nowhere she smilingly and sweetly told me that the New Order is about to happen and that it's actually from God and is meant to separate the good from the bad.

I would be very disturbed to hear these words from someone who just jabbed a needle in me.

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2 hours ago, Shining One said:

I would be very disturbed to hear these words from someone who just jabbed a needle in me.

OMG...I was.

I just kind of sat there shocked with a frozen smile on my face like a total idiot. I got down from the chair and thought, Wait. What??

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4 hours ago, CaliforniaGirl said:

That's interesting...I find that conspiracy people are conspiracy people. The non-911-ers are the same people who don't believe we went to the moon, and stuff like that.

There's actually a psychology behind what nudges someone to become a conspiracy theorist. It's at least partially a personality type. So you may think 9/11 disbelief is crazy and Covid disbelief isn't, but there's actually not really a distinction, if you're talking mental health and putting one into a negative category.

You don't know what else your friends and neighbors are thinking about conspiracies. I only recently found out that an aquaintance of mine basically is imagining Democrats as commies under the bed. She had mentioned covid once or twice in sort of a sideways snarky way but I figured...whatever, I know a few people for sure that are doing that. She had said "I'll bet after Nov. 3 it magically goes away..." I just sort of said "I'm being careful in the meantime" and moved on to something else. But...then suddenly the other day she texted me the most amazingly frightening list of things Democrats do. Right down to [taking this one out, it's too triggering, I think] And how "they're" in a secret underground to destroy America...when I expressed shock at this she warned me to warn anyone I knew that Bill Gates is trying to sterilize people with vaccines and that she felt it was time for "the silent majority" to speak up at last...WTH?????

This is a person whose kids went to school with mine...we've talked a jillion times. Just about regular stuff. We've know one another for more than 10 years. I was blown away.

I had a woman take my blood for a test about...three months ago, I think? It was a covid antibodies test. She was a sweet woman and we shot the breeze about our respective families, kids for a few minutes while she was taking my blood and literally out of nowhere she smilingly and sweetly told me that the New Order is about to happen and that it's actually from God and is meant to separate the good from the bad.


Exactly I think the non believers of 9/11 are people you know are nuts and the people that don't think the virus is real are your friends, family and neighbors. I don't know anyone who didn't believe 9/11 happened, however they did think the towers fell were from bombs, or that Bush knew, however they know it happened, just things with it they think we're kept quiet, which could be true.

However the virus is real but i know people who don't think it's that serious or even real. 

I would be terrified if someone like that was giving me a blood test and I would have reported her since it was inappropriate to say at her job. 

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6 minutes ago, Spring1234 said:

Exactly I think the non believers of 9/11 are people you know are nuts and the people that don't think the virus is real are your friends, family and neighbors. I don't know anyone who didn't believe 9/11 happened, however they did think the towers fell were from bombs, or that Bush knew, however they know it happened, just things with it they think we're kept quiet, which could be true.

However the virus is real but i know people who don't think it's that serious or even real. 

I would be terrified if someone like that was giving me a blood test and I would have reported her since it was inappropriate to say at her job. 

No, I'm saying...a conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory. No one of them is more nuts than the next.

Oh, regarding the New Order: I thought whatever it must be, it was just weird...just really odd. I had to Google it afterward because I had never heard of it. The way she said it, I thought it must be some religious thing or something, like maybe the Rapture? Well, nope. 😲

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46 minutes ago, CaliforniaGirl said:

No, I'm saying...a conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory. No one of them is more nuts than the next.

Oh, regarding the New Order: I thought whatever it must be, it was just weird...just really odd. I had to Google it afterward because I had never heard of it. The way she said it, I thought it must be some religious thing or something, like maybe the Rapture? Well, nope. 😲

I think people that think both covid and 9/11 aren't and didn't happen are both nuts, however you used to be able to tell who was nuts. Average people don't believe covid, crazy conspiracies people like your crazy old drunk uncle or wacky neighbor who live alone and have a million cats and talks to themselves don't believe about 9/11.

Is it a religious thing, what was she even talking about?

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4 minutes ago, Spring1234 said:

I think people that think both covid and 9/11 aren't and didn't happen are both nuts, however you used to be able to tell who was nuts. Average people don't believe covid, crazy conspiracies people like your crazy old drunk uncle or wacky neighbor who live alone and have a million cats and talks to themselves don't believe about 9/11.

Is it a religious thing, what was she even talking about?

I think it was something about a select group of people trying to make people sterile in order to take over the world? I think you can Google it. I'm going to right now to make sure that's it.

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I believe that some people enjoy trying to believe something that isn't true, it's kind of like going into a haunted house to enjoy being scared. 

For instance, I kind of stopped responding to a friend that started spamming me with conspiracy theory videos ever since Covid started...prior to that, she was a fan of tarot card/palm reading and going on haunted tours. She likes horror movies (likes being scared)...so it's really a form of entertainment for them to believe in conspiracy theories. 

I had to cut ties with whom I thought was an intelligent person that the first time EVER heard her mention the whole 5G network causing Covid issues. I felt like I was in in the twighlight zone, esp. when it was coming from someone who I thought was rational. Imagine knowing someone for years, then Covid happens, and they go off their rocker.

Edited by QuietRiot
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3 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

I believe that some people enjoy trying to believe something that isn't true, it's kind of like going into a haunted house to enjoy being scared. 

For instance, I kind of stopped responding to a friend that started spamming me with conspiracy theory videos ever since Covid started...prior to that, she was a fan of tarot card/palm reading and going on haunted tours. She likes horror movies (likes being scared)...so it's really a form of entertainment for them to believe in conspiracy theories. 

I had to cut ties with whom I thought was an intelligent person that the first time EVER heard her mention the whole 5G network causing Covid issues. I felt like I was in in the twighlight zone, esp. when it was coming from someone who I thought was rational. Imagine knowing someone for years, then Covid happens, and they go off their rocker.

Exactly, this pandemic really shows people's true colors and mindsets! 

That family member and her family i think snapped back in June. They were terrified of the virus, then one day they turned their fear off like a switch one day and went on vacations, went to parties and now doesn't care about it anymore. 

Other friends and family that i have that i thought were so smart don't believe the virus is that serious and just out to get Trump and masks give it to you.

I have one friend who won't wear a mask because she thinks the virus is in it especially if they're made im China and won't get a covid test for the same reason and she had been exposed, she goes to work, sees people and just lies and says she hasn't been in contact with anyone sick when I know she has. She has traveled out of state and her aunt who she spent the weekend with had covid the whole time and she didn't know it, then my friend went to work I think starting spreading it, they had to shutdown because people were testing positive, she was obviously a carrier.

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On 9/3/2020 at 8:35 AM, basil67 said:

I'd be guessing a number close to zero in your area, and that's with travel limitations in place so that infected people don't come from beyond that area.

Here in Australia, we start getting back to normalish when we see around 10 new cases per day/per state.  

My buddy in Melbourne was telling me it's really bad in that city right now.  Much worse than the rest of the country. 

He said it got bad there because security guards were having sex with people who were quarantined in hotels. 

If I didn't Google it myself afterwards, I would have found that almost unfathomable.  You can't make this sort of stuff up.

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Yeah, Melbourne has been a right mess.   With really strict social protocols their numbers are lowering, but it's pretty scary there.  The rest of the states are counting their blessings. 

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On 9/10/2020 at 2:13 AM, Spring1234 said:

Exactly, this pandemic really shows people's true colors and mindsets! 

That family member and her family i think snapped back in June. They were terrified of the virus, then one day they turned their fear off like a switch one day and went on vacations, went to parties and now doesn't care about it anymore. 

Other friends and family that i have that i thought were so smart don't believe the virus is that serious and just out to get Trump and masks give it to you.

I have one friend who won't wear a mask because she thinks the virus is in it especially if they're made im China and won't get a covid test for the same reason and she had been exposed, she goes to work, sees people and just lies and says she hasn't been in contact with anyone sick when I know she has. She has traveled out of state and her aunt who she spent the weekend with had covid the whole time and she didn't know it, then my friend went to work I think starting spreading it, they had to shutdown because people were testing positive, she was obviously a carrier.

Yeah, our HR dept sent out a strongly worded email saying that if you travel domestically, you have to quarantine at home for a few days before returning to work, and if internationally, 2 weeks to quarantine, before going back to work...however, who knows how many employees are hiding that fact when they put in for vacation time?

I work with mostly backwater, blue collar rednecks, where most even have bragged about going to grocery stores W/O their masks on, even though the store requires it! One person postponed her wedding when the lock downs FIRST happened, then come July, when our governor went to phase 2 reopening, she rescheduled her wedding for that month.

Some of my co-workers are like, "You're going to get it eventually, so why fight it?" Some think that we should just let the spread occur as we're just delaying the inevitable!"

No! What we're doing is lessening the strain on the # of people entering hospitals!


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3 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Yeah, our HR dept sent out a strongly worded email saying that if you travel domestically, you have to quarantine at home for a few days before returning to work, and if internationally, 2 weeks to quarantine, before going back to work...however, who knows how many employees are hiding that fact when they put in for vacation time?

I work with mostly backwater, blue collar rednecks, where most even have bragged about going to grocery stores W/O their masks on, even though the store requires it! One person postponed her wedding when the lock downs FIRST happened, then come July, when our governor went to phase 2 reopening, she rescheduled her wedding for that month.

Some of my co-workers are like, "You're going to get it eventually, so why fight it?" Some think that we should just let the spread occur as we're just delaying the inevitable!"

No! What we're doing is lessening the strain on the # of people entering hospitals!


You will never convince these people you describe. ^ It won't happen. Six solid months of information and arguments haven't convinced them. Nobody is simply uninformed or in the dark. It has become an outright refusal...period...risks or no risks. No arguing will change it. So...we have to just keep dealing with the fallout of that attitude at least until we have a vaccine.

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On 9/9/2020 at 4:54 PM, CaliforniaGirl said:

That's interesting...I find that conspiracy people are conspiracy people. The non-911-ers are the same people who don't believe we went to the moon, and stuff like that.

There's actually a psychology behind what nudges someone to become a conspiracy theorist. It's at least partially a personality type. So you may think 9/11 disbelief is crazy and Covid disbelief isn't, but there's actually not really a distinction, if you're talking mental health and putting one into a negative category.

You don't know what else your friends and neighbors are thinking about conspiracies. I only recently found out that an aquaintance of mine basically is imagining Democrats as commies under the bed. She had mentioned covid once or twice in sort of a sideways snarky way but I figured...whatever, I know a few people for sure that are doing that. She had said "I'll bet after Nov. 3 it magically goes away..." I just sort of said "I'm being careful in the meantime" and moved on to something else. But...then suddenly the other day she texted me the most amazingly frightening list of things Democrats do. Right down to [taking this one out, it's too triggering, I think] And how "they're" in a secret underground to destroy America...when I expressed shock at this she warned me to warn anyone I knew that Bill Gates is trying to sterilize people with vaccines and that she felt it was time for "the silent majority" to speak up at last...WTH?????

This is a person whose kids went to school with mine...we've talked a jillion times. Just about regular stuff. We've know one another for more than 10 years. I was blown away.

I had a woman take my blood for a test about...three months ago, I think? It was a covid antibodies test. She was a sweet woman and we shot the breeze about our respective families, kids for a few minutes while she was taking my blood and literally out of nowhere she smilingly and sweetly told me that the New Order is about to happen and that it's actually from God and is meant to separate the good from the bad.


Woah! I just came across this now. Sounds like something from a Sci-Fi flick. 

You should have whispered back *Hail Hydra!* (Marvel Comics reference lol)

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Once I've had a properly certified vaccine, I won't care about the numbers.  I'll be able to safely engage in whatever activities are permitted - which may be far fewer than I'd like because it will take time for enough people to be vaccinated and reduce the infection rate to below WHO guidelines.

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