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May want to stick to pick-up/take out

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Saw this new article pop up in my feed...

Adults with Covid-19 about 'twice as likely' to say they have dined at a restaurant, CDC study suggests

Just saying, I get a kick out of how these places that say you can take off your mask while you eat and drink...doesn't make any since, as you're likely gabbing up a storm between bites and spreading the virus around. I saw a picture of my area local cafe packed to the brim with people gabbing up a storm, packed in like sardines, no social distancing.

At this point, I'm still sticking with ordering a head and picking the food up just as I was doing back during the phase 1 lockdowns in March...I'd advise others to do this as well.


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4 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

 I get a kick out of how these places that say you can take off your mask while you eat and drink...

I'd like to see people try to drink THROUGH their masks.... about the only mask I know of that works for that is a military gas mask with a tube leading to a sealed canteen.😆

If y'all want to stay home, that's cool.  More food for me, I guess.

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It may be a case of correlation (vs. causation) as those eating in restaurants may not be the type to be particularly careful in other respects. Particularly if it's in e.g. an urban area where there's lots of random people around. Out in the boonies where it's just locals and there's been no COVID this whole time I could see it making more sense.

That said - of course you're exposed if the prior person(s) had it. Viruses are microscopic. Others were sitting there for 10+ minutes minimum, breathing and leaving minute other traces of themselves. Unless it's outside and they are literally changing the entire table and chairs and replacing with new ones, OF COURSE you're exposed to whatever viruses they had. May not be an infectious dose always, but there will be SOME traces, even if they change the tablecloth and wipe down the chairs, etc.

Also in a restaurant there's no opportunity to re-heat the food, so if the chef or waiter happened to have COVID without symptoms and breathed on your food - well, there's that (low but real) possibility as well.

Edited by mark clemson
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3 hours ago, major_merrick said:

I'd like to see people try to drink THROUGH their masks.... about the only mask I know of that works for that is a military gas mask with a tube leading to a sealed canteen.😆

If y'all want to stay home, that's cool.  More food for me, I guess.

Nope, because I'll be ordering ahead and picking it up taking it home. So...no "more" food for you. lol Taking your mask off to eat defeats the purpose of trying to not  spread the virus...like I said...pick-up or delivery. 

Edited by QuietRiot
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5 minutes ago, Woggle said:

As much as I miss eating out I will wait until next year to even consider it.

Yeah, I can't believe people are willing to attend a crowded restaurant. Even pre-Covid, I'd turn around and go eat somewhere else if I saw people in lines at a restaurant with that little flashy thing telling you your table is ready. 

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I don't eat out much even in normal times.  I've spent the majority of the last three years pregnant, which limited me to just a couple of places where the food was organic and I trusted it.

I'm craving a trip to the Chinese buffet, but that will be a while.  Not because of COVID, but I'd rather not overeat.

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21 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Yeah, I can't believe people are willing to attend a crowded restaurant.

I've been to a few restaurants lately and ate indoors, but they were by no means crowded.  That's probably because my City has strict mandates for occupancy (50%) and distancing.  Each time I've eaten inside we've been at least 15 feet from other tables, usually further.  The servers wear masks at all times and when we are not seated at our table we wear masks.  

I'm not saying it doesn't pose any danger, but not all situations are equal.  I've stuck to my City for the most part because other areas are not following the same guidelines.  Last weekend I went with the guy I'm seeing about an hour outside our City for a music gig.  We stopped at a quick stop type place along the way and the guy at the counter wasn't even wearing a mask, while about half the other customers were.  I didn't buy anything and got out of there.  

Buffets are not even an option around here, nor salad or other similar bars that used to be within grocery stores.  

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2 hours ago, FMW said:

I've been to a few restaurants lately and ate indoors, but they were by no means crowded.  That's probably because my City has strict mandates for occupancy (50%) and distancing.  Each time I've eaten inside we've been at least 15 feet from other tables, usually further.  The servers wear masks at all times and when we are not seated at our table we wear masks.  

I'm not saying it doesn't pose any danger, but not all situations are equal.  I've stuck to my City for the most part because other areas are not following the same guidelines.  Last weekend I went with the guy I'm seeing about an hour outside our City for a music gig.  We stopped at a quick stop type place along the way and the guy at the counter wasn't even wearing a mask, while about half the other customers were.  I didn't buy anything and got out of there.  

Buffets are not even an option around here, nor salad or other similar bars that used to be within grocery stores.  

Yeah a while ago, around March when it all began, a guy called a head to pick up an order, but when he arrived at the bar, he had his mask on...turned out, there was a delay in his order, so he had to wait around like 20 or 30 mins...all the patrons sitting and eating weren't wearing masks, neither were the employees...so although he had  mask on, he did inhale Covid...luckily, with a mask on...it was a lower viral load, so thusly, didn't wind up in a hospital, and just got pretty sick when he got home.

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9 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Yeah a while ago, around March when it all began, a guy called a head to pick up an order, but when he arrived at the bar, he had his mask on...turned out, there was a delay in his order, so he had to wait around like 20 or 30 mins...all the patrons sitting and eating weren't wearing masks, neither were the employees...so although he had  mask on, he did inhale Covid...luckily, with a mask on...it was a lower viral load, so thusly, didn't wind up in a hospital, and just got pretty sick when he got home.

Why does every medical professional and media keep saying masks protect others from you, why don't they say masks protect you? If they did, I bet more people would wear them and properly, people are selfish and only care about themselves so when they keep saying protect others from you nobody cares. I always thought a mask protected you so you don't breathe in the germs, they go on your mask.

Just why can't they say it protects you??

Edited by Spring1234
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I also agree about the restaurants. I could see eating inside maybe if you're like the only table and you're with people in your household, or outside, however again eating with people in your household and tables being apart.

I take food out. 

I went to the mall yesterday food court was packed, I took my food to go. 

It's crazy all these people eating out at crowded restaurants, even outdoor dining is packed and looks dangerous. I would never eat out with people I dont live with. I don't want to be at the same table with people not wearing their masks. I think that's crazy, seeing people eating out without masks with people they don't live with. 

It's not that important, I'll wait. 

American is a sick country, we sacrificed lives to have fun and keep our economy healthy, it's disgusting. 

Restaurants should just be takeout. 

I know I kept saying everyone is everywhere, but we have like 40,000+ cases and 1200+ deaths a day. It's bad...

However still surprised it hasn't gotten worse considering everything is reopened.

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I went out to eat a few times a few months ago when the first attempt at a lockdown lift was made. I was 99% sure there would be another wave and it wouldn't last long. Every place I went had proper protocols in place and there weren't a lot of people there.

Since the big uptick in cases, I haven't eaten inside a restaurant at all. My meals now are 98% home-cooked, and I've gotten curbside/drive-through takeout a handful of times. I have no plans to go to a restaurant until the virus has dramatically subsided, which could be well into next year or even longer.

I love to cook, so this aspect of it is working just fine for me. 

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On 9/11/2020 at 7:12 AM, QuietRiot said:

and 98% went to the grocery store and a gasoline station, what is the point?

the spanish flu killed over 50 million persons and the lock down lasted....

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On 9/13/2020 at 12:54 AM, Spring1234 said:

I also agree about the restaurants. I could see eating inside maybe if you're like the only table and you're with people in your household, or outside, however again eating with people in your household and tables being apart.

I take food out. 

I went to the mall yesterday food court was packed, I took my food to go. 

It's crazy all these people eating out at crowded restaurants, even outdoor dining is packed and looks dangerous. I would never eat out with people I dont live with. I don't want to be at the same table with people not wearing their masks. I think that's crazy, seeing people eating out without masks with people they don't live with. 

It's not that important, I'll wait. 

American is a sick country, we sacrificed lives to have fun and keep our economy healthy, it's disgusting. 

Restaurants should just be takeout. 

I know I kept saying everyone is everywhere, but we have like 40,000+ cases and 1200+ deaths a day. It's bad...

However still surprised it hasn't gotten worse considering everything is reopened.

Yeah, I wouldn't eat at a crowded restaurant on a pre-Covid day. I remember this one place that was the talk of the town. When I got there, people there were waiting with those stupid little buzzers that light up when your table is ready.

Not my show...so I just turn tailed and went to some plaza mall Chinese take-out or buffet. lol Pre-Covid of course.

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On 9/12/2020 at 9:47 PM, Spring1234 said:

Why does every medical professional and media keep saying masks protect others from you, why don't they say masks protect you? If they did, I bet more people would wear them and properly, people are selfish and only care about themselves so when they keep saying protect others from you nobody cares. I always thought a mask protected you so you don't breathe in the germs, they go on your mask.

Just why can't they say it protects you??

Because they are reporting, not just throwing reverse psychology out there. And BTW, medical professionals and the media generally say that *everyone* in an area wearing masks is the best protection, not just that wearing a mask protects somebody else.

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For a little while I was thinking about doing dine in just once. We have a restaurant we go sometimes that's usually not crowded so I went in to check it out. Only one guy sitting in the whole place, perfect. I looked at him, he looked at me, then he immediately started hacking and coughing without a mask on.

Like groundhog day, he was my Punxsutawney Phil that signaled six more weeks of takeout. 

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We have dined out a few times since March. We chose restaurants that had very few people, we chose off-times so we could have plenty of distancing/not many tables filled up and we of course were masked up and when the server came over we put our masks up.

But we don't like to do it much. That's for very special occasions and maybe not at all for the time being if numbers grow again. 

At first (in the spring) we also thought we'd do takeout maybe once a week. Just to kind of have something fun for the kids since they were missing a lot of the things they used to freely do, especially with friends. But now we're leery even of that. We've had some BAD experiences with order-in, let me tell you. We actually got a hamburger with a bite taken out of it, a second burger looked like it had been sat on and our fries were just missing. I mean...who does that...eew... :D

On the upside, my cooking skills have improved TREMENDOUSLY! I seared scallops last night for the first time ever. They were over a pesto pasta. First time ever for either of those.

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8 hours ago, gaius said:

For a little while I was thinking about doing dine in just once. We have a restaurant we go sometimes that's usually not crowded so I went in to check it out. Only one guy sitting in the whole place, perfect. I looked at him, he looked at me, then he immediately started hacking and coughing without a mask on.

Like groundhog day, he was my Punxsutawney Phil that signaled six more weeks of takeout. 

The bolded: THIS just won the Internet! ROFL!!  So when's the comedy tour. :)

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