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Being evasive or not

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I have a long-time friend who when asked a simple question like what are you doing this afternoon, she will say she has some things she needs to do. I certainly don't mind that she is busy and if that kind of response only happened now and then I would understand she is not wanting to share a particular activity but it is an answer she gives often, like most of the time. It feels like she is being evasive, or trying to be secretive. And often she will not tell me she has or had plans with other people we both know and the thing is I  would enjoy hearing about their experience together as they are my friends as well and I have no problem sharing with her. I find it irritating because I do not understand why she will not share with me as. Otherwise we have a good time together chatting or going places.

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7 minutes ago, Sally147 said:

I have a long-time friend who when asked a simple question like what are you doing this afternoon, she will say she has some things she needs to do. I certainly don't mind that she is busy and if that kind of response only happened now and then I would understand she is not wanting to share a particular activity but it is an answer she gives often, like most of the time. It feels like she is being evasive, or trying to be secretive. And often she will not tell me she has or had plans with other people we both know and the thing is I  would enjoy hearing about their experience together as they are my friends as well and I have no problem sharing with her. I find it irritating because I do not understand why she will not share with me as. Otherwise we have a good time together chatting or going places.

My sister is like that. She may not be a sharing person or the connection with you is not there. You can have platonic connections too. My sister will not share anything with me, I feel it is because she is judged. If she said I'm doing this and that, I'd be like okay then find something out and say "did you steak all that money from this person". I'm sure it's different for you though. 

Edited by Datingdisabled
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Some people might be a naturally closed-off person or secretive because based on past experiences that left a deep impact on them, they just don't trust people and feel more comfortable not letting other people into their life.  It might just be how she is.  Or maybe she is making plans with other friends and you're not invited and she doesn't want to get into it with you.  If you push this issue she might feel like you're being nosy and prying.  I would just leave it alone.  I'm guessing this is not a super-close friend or else she would be sharing things with you more.

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