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Cheating on with a Happy Ending.

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Hey Guys, I hope you are well. 

I'm sure you remember my experience from below. 

Posted March 25

  On 11/20/2019 at 6:41 AM, TDHYoungMale26 said:

Good morning guys,

I hope you are well.

Early this morning I broke up with my girlfriend after finding out she had shared a bed with one of her colleagues that she has got really close with recently after a work night out.

To give some context this is a kind of butch Portuguese lesbian woman who is engaged, they work together at a bar. Recently they have been talking everyday which is fine they do work together after all but my girlfriend has not stopped mentioning her it seems.. Every second jenna this and jenna that.

My girlfriend has recently been trying to see her friends more cos she doesn't go out too often as she has moved back home just before I met her mid last year so she went on a work night out last week with 4 of her colleagues. That night jenna's fiance was there and PUSHED my GF as she was extremely insecure about the way those two were behaving I think she didn't like how close they were standing to each other. Her fiance is insecure that my girlfriend is blonde and very pretty and is jenna's type.

On Monday she went on another night outand I never heard from her until I text her.. She responded sent a few pictures of her night around 10pm I never replied, she was up until past 5am that night/morning and ending up inviting jenna into her house and then into her bed even though she has a spare room and a sofa also (a sofa she is always willing to sleep on when I'm snoring) they also lied to jenna's fiance claiming jenna fell asleep on a colleague's sofa that's why she wasn't contactable even though she was in my girlfriends bed.

Once my girlfriend told me this information I broke up with her as I saw it as super inappropriate, very weird and strange plus it horrible that she would do that to jenna's fiance also. She knows how it would make her feel if she found out that they shared the same bed. It would probably end their marriage.


Sorry for the poor grammar and vocab it's very early in the morning and I'm still in shock as I love her more than anything but she continues to make very questionable decisions.

Do you guys believe that I have over reacted?

Update (25/03/2020)

Hey guys, 

I hope are well. 

Many apologies for not taking your advice. 

My ex ended up cheating on me twice in a week then leaving me for the lesbian thay she shared d the bed with. 

Next time i will follow my head and not my heart and I WILL NEVER have a relationship with a bi-sexual girl again. 

You live and you learn. 


NEW UPDATE 15/09/20


I recently found out my ex cheated on me with a guy 11 older than us and is now living with the guy as well as the affair with the lesbian BUT GUESS WHAT i could care less. Just shows what a damaged individual she truly is. Over the Lockdown i completed P90x and am I'm currently in the shape of my life, I also have starting practicing martial arts three times a week, I try to live a fulfilling life as I can and have stopped pouring my heart into women and placing into my own passions. I plan to travel to Thailand next year for 3 months and learn Muay Thai. I will learn to become a better man and I'm enjoying every step of my journey (SOLO) 


I thought I'd leave this as a hit of inspiration for anyone who is going through or went through something similar to what i did. 

I'll never forget your advice! RP all the way. 

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