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Most of my co-workers aren't taking this seriously outside of work

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You could probably say I am extremely passionate regarding mask wearing due to my recent posts...don't get me wrong, I hate wearing masks as much as the anti-maskers.

I have to say, this whole pandemic thing has made me feel isolated among my co-workers...socially.

Let me set the setting...

I live in the south, so its glaringly obvious the attitudes of the people I work with.  My employer did enact a mask policy when dealing with the public...put on a mask when you encounter a civilian at the counter or outside. We don't let people in unless we really have to for a certain process.

I didn't wear a mask at first, even when the lock downs happened, not until the end of May.

Now, I'm the only employee that constantly wears the mask. My boss supports me in this, as she thinks it's a good idea so I don't have to keep taking it out and putting it back in my pocket all the time. That I'll be ready in case I'm caught in the sights of an unmasked individual...or if a fellow employee has forgotten their masks, then I can step in to interact with the public. She is also a compassionate type and has a background that enforces just that.

Then, the "water cooler" talk among the employees when other businesses, grocery stores, etc, were mandating masks to enter stores. One bragged about how she entered a store maskless, and no one said a thing. Another post-poned her wedding until July when the peak of cases were at a major uptick. People talking of group gatherings. All the whining and so-called articles they were quoting about how masks causes you to breathe in your CO2 or whatever biased articles they were reading. How someone got Legionnaires disease via wearing a mask (breathing in your own germs), or any argument giving credence to not wearing a mask.

THEN, the Covid scares hit our workplace.

People took Covid leave due to them having suspected they were exposed to others with the virus. This proves they've been hitting crowds or doing whatever outside of work hours, and then possibly taking a risk of bringing the infection to their workplace. Human Resources sent out a serious email stating no birthday gatherings or whatever in one room or everyone hitting the restaurants as a group.

Some were even flaunting HR regarding this new rule.

Anyone else here that have co-workers or bosses that are not aligned with you in these regards? 


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My husband works in Los Angeles (I work from home) and no, not at all. I'm guessing it's your locale. QR, while I feel you, we all know it separates down political lines and we've known it since the begjnning. Come on, you already know this. I do feel you but starting basically the same thread over and over really just re-stirs the pot and is never going to convince anybody. The same old arguments get rehashed and nobody's mind gets changed either way.

It will be down to a vaccine which is now slated for perhaps the 2nd quarter of 2021. A concerted, joint effort to mask up and distance will not happen. Period. You know this. So we wait.  

Blowing off steam once in a while is totally normal, we all do it. And new information/science is obviously important. But I'm sorry...you seem to just keep posting essentially the same thread and everybody gets angry and upset all over again and nothing changes. Just "do you know people who won't wear masks...isn't it shocking..." 1 . yes and 2. no. It like you but come on. :(


Edited by CaliforniaGirl
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26 minutes ago, CaliforniaGirl said:

My husband works in Los Angeles (I work from home) and no, not at all. I'm guessing it's your locale. QR, while I feel you, we all know it separates down political lines and we've known it since the begjnning. Come on, you already know this. I do feel you but starting basically the same thread over and over really just re-stirs the pot and is never going to convince anybody. The same old arguments get rehashed and nobody's mind gets changed either way.

It will be down to a vaccine which is now slated for perhaps the 2nd quarter of 2021. A concerted, joint effort to mask up and distance will not happen. Period. You know this. So we wait.  

Blowing off steam once in a while is totally normal, we all do it. And new information/science is obviously important. But I'm sorry...you seem to just keep posting essentially the same thread and everybody gets angry and upset all over again and nothing changes. Just "do you know people who won't wear masks...isn't it shocking..." 1 . yes and 2. no. It like you but come on. :(


Yeah I know. I think this will be my last "venting" which it is, but more explanatory. 🙂 Just have to worry about myself. I am glad I do have someone that supports me (my own boss) on this. They are respectful and don't give me too much flak about it. I just get caught up in my head about it sometimes. But...thanks for listening. :)

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I've been working from home since I started a new job in April. Some people opt to go into the office at least some of the time. In the building, it's required to wear masks unless you're in a private office with the door closed. 

I wear a mask when I go into any place of business, and I only go to places where masks are required for all and the rules are enforced. Most people I'm around seem to have gotten used to it.

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I see more and more people with their noses out. It's ridiculous! Why even wear a mask at that point?

I've seen people not wearing a mask in stores where it is supposed to be enforced, I guess employees are scared to ask them to put a mask on because they could be shot or punched. 

I have gotten used to my mask and people should try on different masks to find one that is most comfy. These people should be wearing shields over their faces if their nose will be out. I REALLY CAN'T STAND EMPLOYEES WITH THEIR NOSES OUT!!! Bosses should be enforcing their employees to wear it correctly. It's horrible!!!! 

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