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Food disorder / unable to know when to stop eating

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I've became recently conscious about my not so healthy relation with food. When I'm feeling safe and not anxious, I usually eat well and healthy, but without being over- controlling. If I want to eat junk food with friends from times to times, I'm not the one who is going to eat a salad.

But when I'm anxious, unsafe or sad, I tend to go from one side to the other : I either eat a lot to fill myself up without ever knowing when I should stop except when I'm really uncomfortably full, or I barely eat for weeks. My weight doesn't change much during these times and I'm not concerned about my appareance. But I'm concerned about my mental health now and my relation with food. I try to observe myself during meals and I never know when I should stop, when I'm not hungry anymore, I don't really feel hunger actually.

How should I proceed to get back in touch with my body and feel when I'm satiated or not?

(I have an appointment with a counsellor soon, but I would like to hear your opinion as well)

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