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How are you handling dating logistics during a pandemic?

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Over 6 months in, and with the numbers not as bad as where I live (as we're more of a suburban/rural area...more spread out and less dense)...The other day, I hung out with a cute co-worker at a park for our lunch break, it was my FIRST time I had done some kind of social activity outside of work... and it got me thinking that maybe I can cautiously start dating again, but have a few cautionary things in place. Don't forget, in Florida, they opened up restaurants to full capacity.


But, if you've been good THIS far, may as well loosen up a bit. So here are a few things to consider, possibly that you may are even doing now?

1. STILL not dining in, yes, even with a date. Suggest eating outside in a park, order food a head. Like a picnic.

2. Avoid crowds if  you can, make it about only you 2. MAYBE do an open air flea market (keep a mask handy).

3. Physical intimacy: Yeah, we're all going to have to reach this point in actually touching each other, after a certain amount of time, so I was thinking if you wound up catching it from each other, the effects wouldn't be that bad if you are under 65, had no underlying health issues, young of course. Etc.  Also, I figured the BAD cases of Covid were caught via a person being amongst crowds of people....this is usually due to high loads of it from numerous people, but if you caught it from one person you were spending time with, would the impact would be as bad?

My mom was invited over by a couple of neighbors to hang with them, outside with masks on...and...they hugged (with masks on). I think obviously you can't catch it by hugging...with masks on.

4. Date someone that is living alone to increase your chances of not having them bring anything back to anyone in the household. Dating a single parent would also not be a great idea, as kids are major germ carriers and are being allowed in schools, thus bringing it back to the parents, and then infecting you.

There could be more you could add to this list. I consider myself a relatively healthy person, so I'm figuring healthy people are going to put themselves out there, as  they know themselves, but they know better not to bring it to anyone else.

What are your Covid logistics when it comes to dating in a pandemic?

I honestly started thinking about it when I started seeing friends (and ex's) starting new relationships during a pandemic. 

Edited by QuietRiot
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I got sick in July, @QuietRiot and I've not worried about Covid since. I could not have been more sick than that, I had pneumonia, and two of my friends died.

I'm still living it down that I told my best ( female ) friend that I love her during that time. I thought I was going to die that week, I had a temperature of 106. 

But I'm fine now.

I've been talking to a really nice man for weeks now, it's not dating exactly, but he's going to come over one day so we can meet. I'm a bit scary for most men, but he's been intrigued enough to stay in touch for quite a while. We've had some lovely conversations.

Life's completely changed with the pandemic. Nothing anyone can do about it, pandemics take @ 2 years start to finish. 

I went to stay with a friend who has dementia last week, her family needed the break more than they were worried about Covid, and they had a lovely time at the coast whilst her mum and I had a lovely visit.

I wear a mask out and about and social distance as per CDC/ WHO advice, and I did the Covid19 infection control training from both organisations.

What more can people do?!







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we have been lucky enough to have had a clean dating run since early June- 4 months unrestricted really,

unfortunately the second wave is now hitting us hard, and tight lockdowns look imminent- god knows for how many months is the concern,

It may be a case of only seeing other by moving in together now, but not sure if ready for that,

will we ever be ready!

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21 minutes ago, Foxhall said:

we have been lucky enough to have had a clean dating run since early June- 4 months unrestricted really,

unfortunately the second wave is now hitting us hard, and tight lockdowns look imminent- god knows for how many months is the concern,

It may be a case of only seeing other by moving in together now, but not sure if ready for that,

will we ever be ready!

Should you really be moving in together BECAUSE of Covid?

I have this long-single female friend that I had been in touch with, as she hosts certain events at her place of work. She revealed to me that she now has a boyfriend she's moved in with because of Covid (he can't back to his country becuase of Covid).  I was like "How long have you been dating?" she goes, "3 months, yeah, I know, it's weird, but he cannot get back to his country"

Very strange, I was like "Um...well, becareful..since you barely know him"

I am noticing a trend in  people their otherwise casual relationships and moving in together out of fear of Covid. Esclating their relationships in haste...is it a good idea or bad idea?

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2 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Esclating their relationships in haste...is it a good idea or bad idea?

I think we worry too much about outcomes, and maybe the pandemic will help with that because what's the worst that can happen?! 

Some years ago I knew a very pretty young woman in England, she corresponded with an American man who came to England expecting to marry her and she rejected him; he murdered her. Left her body in a car at the airport when he flew back home. That's the worst thing that could happen but most men aren't going to do anything like that. Nor most women. 


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