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I (20m) think I might be friendzoned by (19f) but I'm really not sure

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Hey y’all. 20m 19f. 

We hung out yesterday hiking, and then she wanted to get drunk after. The time we were together she was using tinder until we got back to my house. She kept pointing guys out on the app, that I am clearly not like. I’m definitely not her “type,” that I know for sure. But she kept saying “you’re so funny” “you’re the funniest person I’ve ever met” etc. teasing as well, saying “I hate you” and rolling her eyes several times. I made her laugh until she cried several times. 

She tried to initiate sex with me last summer, by stroking my pants where my dick was...we were both hanging out as friends but she wanted to cuddle. 

She would talk to me about other guys, etc. this stands out to me as something negative. 

We were drinking, and then she wanted to sleep in my bed. We were up until 4:30am tickling each other, laughing etc. then she got on top of me. I didn’t initiate anything because we were both drunk, and I don’t think she’d do anything sober, so I didn’t want to take advantage of her. Well, that and I was far too tired. We ended up cuddling and giving each other back massages. 

We basically touched each other for awhile and then fell asleep. Woke up and she left. I fist bumped her because I was too hungover to get up or do anything, and I don’t want things to be misinterpreted. She’s a really good friend and I must say I’m not “all that into her.” I recently got out of a relationship. However, we both have very aligned views, politically & religiously. 

Should I just say f*** it and go for it? I mean she is way out of my league and I’m not really her type. She kept pointing out other men that are “lumber jack” type. She’s into guys with trucks, I drive a BMW. She likes rough around the edges, works construction guys. I work selling furniture and am quite successful. 

I want to like “date,” her but not rush into a relationship, to see where things go. 

Was this just a drunk mishap? I’m genuinely curious how women interpret this. 

She left me on read earlier. Idk. 

Every sign is telling me she is into me, but I genuinely cannot fathom that. I’m not even sure why she would like me...I mean I went to her for support when me and my girl broke up, and had 0 feelings for her. We dated in 8th grade, but I broke up with her 3 months later. (Were both in college now) so there’s a history between us. Even though it meant nothing before haha. 

Tl;dr: basically I think I’m friendzoned. She was kind of sexual.

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What exactly is your question? Whether you should go for what?

Your post is very confusing... what do you want to happen between you both?

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I too am confused as to what you want.  On one hand you say you want to date and on the other, you say that you're "not all that into her".

As for her behaviour, I can only classify it as 'silly attention seeking teenage girl stuff'.   I was one once, and remember the silliness well.   If you want to try anything, gauge on what she's like when she's sober - but not all teenage girls are this silly, so think twice before you go there.   And while you may see her as being physically out of your league, when it comes to maturity, she's pretty low.  She doesn't deserve any kind of pedestal.

Edited by basil67
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I don't think you are friend-zoned.  If she didn't have sexual feelings toward you she wouldn't have been all over you, drunk or not.  

Ask her to netflix & chill.  Don't get drunk.  See what happens.  

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13 hours ago, html5lffy said:

She tried to initiate sex with me last summer, by stroking my pants where my dick was...we were both hanging out as friends

I mean I went to her for support when me and my girl broke up, and had 0 feelings for her.

Does she still stroke your pants now? 👖Or only when you were with your GF? How did she react when you were crying on her shoulder about your GF? 😪 Did she stroke your pants then? 

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I think you’d need to take a risk and ask her to date you properly. You need to work out whether that’s what you want first. Good friends can become more, especially when they get on so well. You’ve turned her down in the past. I would think she’s not sure of your interest either.

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On 10/11/2020 at 1:45 PM, html5lffy said:

I didn’t initiate anything because we were both drunk, and I don’t think she’d do anything sober, so I didn’t want to take advantage of her.

She also showed interest when you were sober, so there isn't anything about this that implies you're taking advantage of her. Especially when she was the one who got on top of you.

You say you "want to date" but you're "not that into her". I'd consider whether you can see yourself developing stronger feelings for her before asking her out, or whether you're just trying to appease her and/or get some.

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There are women who aren't interested in sleeping with a guy but enjoy the attention they're getting so they 'provoke' the guy.  I have one female friend who likes to flash me her breasts. I have another female friend who likes to get naked in front of me. I have another female friend whom I remember going to visit once, and she just so happened to have her dildo standing on the nightstand, a huge thing, a couple inches over 7 inches, and she asked me what size I have inside my pants while having a very sultry smile dancing on her lips.

These are women who are extroverts. They like to joke, talk, and sexually tease their friends and there's nothing wrong with that. 

Most women know that given the opportunity for it, their male friends would sleep with them, especially those women who are hot, so if your friend doesn't get naked in front of you and gets inside your bed with you -  and I ain't talking about cuddling?

She's not attracted to you. At least attracted enough to sleep with.

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