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WHy do men like porn?

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Ok all you men out there. I need help! My boyfriend is totally into porn, although he doesn't always talk about it.


I see on his 'history' list on his computer that he visits numerous porn sites and trades naked pictures of girls via email with his stupid 'frat' friends. I have found at least 5 tapes and he has numerous magazines in his room. He also goes to strip clubs once and a while, as well as Hooters, twice in the last year. (he is 23 in case that means something). Anyway, here is the thing. I consider myself an attractive 21 year old, as many guys try to pick me up and stuff. I feel that I have good features and that I am prettier than some of those naked chicks he likes to look at. SO here is my question : WHY DOES HE LIKE IT SO MUCH? I don't get it. I mean, I don't get turned on by naked men in a magazine..so why does he? The fact that he looks at these women makes me feel self concious about myself like Im not good enough so he has to look at the naked chicks. Does he look at them because he doesn't think Im good enough?


I feel that these women are in a horrible industry anyway, and that they can do something better with their lives, yet my boyfriend supports them and their fake breasts. ARG!


SO can anyone help me? I'd really appreciate it if someone can tell me why he likes porn. Are all men like that? Is he right to look at them? Wrong? thanks....

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Sierra Sugar

I think porn is sick and I don't understand what keeps guys looking at it. My boyfriend is trying to stop going on porn but he still goes on everyonce and a while and says that it is an addiction. An addiction to what, fake breasts and dirty whores. I mean how can a slutty girl be attractive. It pisses me off. I think that you should talk to your boyfriend and tell him how it makes you feel bad about yourself. Then maybe he will respect you if you are lucky and try to stop. Good luck.

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Addiction to porn is a compulsive psychological illness that requires treatment, not harsh judgement or put down. This is a just as difficult to deal with as alchoholism or drug addiction.


Scroll back to the home page of this site, click on "links", then click on "Addiction and Recovery", then click on "Sexual Addiction".


If you want to get to the definitions page quickly, cut and paste the following URL into your browser:




On this page, if you scroll down you will see that pornography is one of the components of sexual addiction and requires treatment. The sites listed in the links page will guide you to organizations that you can contact for help with your boyfriend's situation.


Additionally, a competent psychological counsellor may be able to establish a treatment regimen.


It is critically important that you understand this is a disease and must be treated as such. Being verbally harsh will get you nowhere.


If you just don't want to deal with this situation, point your boyfriend in the direction of getting help and move on to someone else. Realistically, it could take him a few years to totally get rid of this problem...and he can only do this if he sees it as a problem and wants treatment.


Alcoholics are the same way. They will not seek rehabilitation until they are fully ready. Many drink into their 40s, 50s and 60s before some traumatic life event forces them to realize their problem.


You ask: Why do men like porn. Well, not all men like porn. Most men like to look at a naked lady once in a while because that's the way our creator made us. Would you prefer we look at naked men? Most men are not nearly as preoccupied with lewd pictures as your guy. That's why he needs love, compassion and help.

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Hey- Women like porn too. its fantasy, something that is different than reality. I like porn b/c I put myself in the place of the girls. However I would not do most of what they do...its just a game. And although it can be a true problem or addiction, I wouldnt conclude that it is a bad addiction. Sex is fun and part of the fun is fantasy and imagination. Porn is fuel for the imagination.


Addiction to porn is a compulsive psychological illness that requires treatment, not harsh judgement or put down. This is a just as difficult to deal with as alchoholism or drug addiction. Scroll back to the home page of this site, click on "links", then click on "Addiction and Recovery", then click on "Sexual Addiction". If you want to get to the definitions page quickly, cut and paste the following URL into your browser: http://www.ncsac.org/definitions.html On this page, if you scroll down you will see that pornography is one of the components of sexual addiction and requires treatment. The sites listed in the links page will guide you to organizations that you can contact for help with your boyfriend's situation. Additionally, a competent psychological counsellor may be able to establish a treatment regimen.


It is critically important that you understand this is a disease and must be treated as such. Being verbally harsh will get you nowhere. If you just don't want to deal with this situation, point your boyfriend in the direction of getting help and move on to someone else. Realistically, it could take him a few years to totally get rid of this problem...and he can only do this if he sees it as a problem and wants treatment. Alcoholics are the same way. They will not seek rehabilitation until they are fully ready. Many drink into their 40s, 50s and 60s before some traumatic life event forces them to realize their problem. You ask: Why do men like porn. Well, not all men like porn. Most men like to look at a naked lady once in a while because that's the way our creator made us. Would you prefer we look at naked men? Most men are not nearly as preoccupied with lewd pictures as your guy. That's why he needs love, compassion and help.

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