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my boyfriend does not think so.

am i normal?

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am i normal?

my b'f enjoys going to bars, family things, activities, etc. me? i'd rather stay home and relax. does this make me strange or anti-social? i enjoy being home and doing what i want to do, playing on the computer instant messaging my family and friends, or just reading or watching t.v.


my b'f gets really restless i guess and wants to do things, we go out every saturday night and he seems for the most part content during the week. sometimes even on saturday i don't want to go out but i go for him.


i don't mind staying home all the time, it does not bother me, i don't feel like i'm missing anything. he wants to go to places like california to visit his brother, and vegas in july with his family and sunday is father's day and wants me to go to his dads with him.


i don't want to do any of these things, i have done them many a times already and know what to expect and i don't care for any of it, so does that make me anti-social or weird? i don't know how to handle this anymore, i'm stressing about sunday already. his family celebrates every little thing and it can be months in between but when the time comes it seems like it was just yesterday that we were there again.


so what can i do? are we just wrong for each other? we do love each other, that i don't doubt, i'm just not into anything, but i'm happy that way anyway. i would just love to spend every evening watching my litt'l grandson, that would make me very happy. so am i weird or what?

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No, you're not weird but you are incompatible in these ways with your boyfriend.


If you can talk to him and come to the understanding that you won't have to go places you don't care to and he will not badger you to do so in the future, it may be OK to remain with him.


But if you have to go through battles with him everytime some social situation comes up where you are expected to attend but don't want to, your only choice is to break up.


I hope he can understand how you feel and go to these places alone. However, if he's the type who feels his lady should be by his side and make these sacrifices on occasion for the sake of family, he just may not go for an agreement that allows you to remain behind.


In that case, if you don't want to be with him enough to make these intermittent social sacrifices, then end it now and avoid future anxiety and pain.

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