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Been feeling great since last week on the 15th I got the news I am cancer free.In August,I went in for a mammogram and got a call two days later.Said they found a couple spots in my left breast and scheduled me for a biopsy.The biopsy was done and the wait on the news was next.I was praying it wasn't cancer and the bad phone came,said I had to come for a visit.Looked at me and said it was cancer,I teared up and did tell me the good news part.The mammogram saved my life,caught early.Tough news was telling my mom,she seen something was wrong.Looked at her and said I have breast cancer tearing up.We hugged and told me I have support from her.Even told her the good news part,it was caught early.I had a great support system and it helped.My mom and 2 younger brothers were there for support including my friends,two daughters,employees at my heavy equipment and semi truck repair place.If I was down,they helped me up.My mom and 2 younger brothers were glad I beat this nasty disease including my dad's family whom was there for support also.Cancer runs in my dad's side of the family,lost my dad to it 4 years ago.

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Great news OP

Try to remember this feeling, the relief, the blessing! Too many of us, forget all too soon, and go back to taking life for granted. Its an ongoing journey: self care and mindfulness..

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