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Bringing up someone's single/dating status

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55 minutes ago, QuietRiot said:

....People don't go to the grocery store to look for dates, but men may hit them up anyway. Same can be said for the gym. 

"I don't go there to look for dates", but that's when people wind organically meeting and dating. That's typically how it happens.

BUT, I get what you're saying about holding out for a while before asking.

OK... your two places are a good starting place. 

The grocery Store:  I never understood that one. When I'm "On a mission".... I'm not looking for a date.  Even if a good looking girl asked... I probably wouldn't be receptive.   BUT... falling back to the "Holding out for a while" comment... that's the key.   If you go to the same store, on the same day(s) at the same time(s), and you run into the same person, and start talking... then the conversation of status may come up.  But this takes time. 

The Gym:   It's the same as above.  You will be going to the Gym, and you will see the same people.  If you start talking to one of them... and eventually ask... then it's ok.  If you walk up to a good looking girl and just cold ask.... you will be lucky if you don't get punched since she may be there to actually work-out. (ie, on a mission) 

Anyway... in my personal experience... the only time you get a response to a question that the other person doesn't want to answer... then you are asking an inappropriate question for the situation. AND... this also makes me think of your other post about the guy who talks to everyone.  He's good at talking with people and reading the room.  Maybe you need to work on reading people, and picking up on social ques.  I don't mean that in a negative way... I truly think that everyone could benefit from a debate or public speaking class.  I personally had issues with public speaking when I was young... and then I took a few debate classes in college, and that all changed.  In my current job... I'm a consultant, and to get the information I need... I have to find the right person (people) on property, and more or less become their buddy in just a couple days.  I have gotten very good at reading the room, and being able to draw out conversations with people who may not have originally wanted to talk.  Part of that is getting them to talk about themselves. (everyone's ego likes doing that. LOL)

Edited by Blind-Sided
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It can be uncomfortable because when a guy you don’t know well asks you this for no particular reason you could assume he is interested in you romantically. It would be a cold approach. If you were to slowly get to know someone, this type of information would be come out naturally

Edited by Shortskirtslonglashes
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On 10/30/2020 at 9:00 PM, QuietRiot said:

No, we're just friends. We added each other on Facebook.

If you're friends, you would talk about what you've been doing in your spare time.  This naturally gives the information about whether or not a person is in a relationship.  

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On 10/30/2020 at 6:00 AM, QuietRiot said:

No, we're just friends. We added each other on Facebook.

Ok, so you're just work friends, so what does this have to do with anything?

On dating apps hopefully you can assume they're single. Unless there's a reason to be suspicious.

As far as your "in the wild" approach, hopefully you're not using cheezy lines like "so, are you single?"  

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Haaa, l never get this kinda thing when l was single women would just shoot off you married ? and many were just out and about or in shops or God knows where, in seconds , literally, all the time . lf l was on a date site l wouldn't hesitate in asking if needed and l'd doubt here she would either , as if you'd trust 90% of who's on date sites but really it would come around in your first convos anyway in my experience so it wasn't really a question as such anyway back in the day .  Out in the wild or a supermaket you might wanna work it in a bit if it's someone your thinking of asking for her number but in my experience they were far blunter than me anyway, but personally l'd wait for an opening myself . But eh , for some bizarre reason women have always felt very comfortable around me God knows why , so l'm not sure if my experience is the norm.

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