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11 years relationship and different life plans

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Hi all,

my partner and I have been together for over 11 years. We’re in our mi thirties and are from two different countries... pretty much at the other side of the world (spain and australia).

We always have been in a committed relationship and made a lot of sacrifices for each other (jobs, relocation). He has told me a month ago that he wants to end our relationship because he wants to go home and think that it might be better in the long run for both of us to be able to live in our own countries. I know that he has struggled a lot to come up with this decision and he has been homesick for a while and even more during covid lockdown. I have no doubts about moving to his country but he seems very set in his decision even through I can see he is struggling with the break up. 
Any advices really appreciated.

Thank you

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If he has made his mind then I dont think anything can change it. That's the problem with long distance relationships. Everything shines in the beginning but slowly being away from home friends takes a toll. I know a women from US married to a Pakistani guy for 14 years living in Pakistan for 14 years but ultimately returned US bcz she was homesick and missed comfort. Although her husband came along. Btw what's his problem if you are ready to move to his country? If he really loves you then he should be fine with it!! Talk to him for 1 final time,  long distance posses a lot of doubts fears couples need to talk about. Talk to him and let him you are ready to move to his country, if still he keeps his decision firm you'll have to let him go

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