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Wife dresses inappropriately around house guests?

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A 20 something letting.a bunch of 50 something year old dudes feel her up and gosh knows what else?   Either she's so insecure she'll take attention from anyone who will give it to her or she's making some money off of it. 

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On 11/14/2020 at 1:54 PM, DarrenB said:

God help you and your marriage.

Which seems more desirable than probable.

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16 hours ago, princessaurora said:

 Either she's so insecure she'll take attention from anyone who will give it to her or she's making some money off of it. 


20 something can get attention from 20 something up....  50 something should have money but not much attention from 20 something. Money helps bridge the age gap..... 

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On 11/12/2020 at 3:01 AM, Riverman2000 said:

I don't think she's cheated, but one never knows i guess. She never seemed like the type 

They never do seem the type until it happens to you.  Then you know the type.  Sometimes it takes a few times to learn the type.

So.... wife is a bartender PT with fake boobs and nipple piercings.  Nights?  Red Flag.

You have an older male roommate together.  How much time do they spend together alone in the house while you're out working your ass off?

Brother there are red flags all over this.

Are you sure there's nothing going on between your wife and your roommate?  And that these men are indeed your roommates friends.

It sounds like you pretty much pay all the bills.  Your solution may be in moving somewhere more affordable and less lavish to minimize your debt.  Has maybe the money you make changed your wife from what used to be "more conservative" as you say?  How would she feel as a PT bartender not having access to so much wealth that you provide?

Don't let the brain in your pants do the thinking for the brain in your head man.  Even if the roommate wasn't in your home or his friends, this still all sounds like a train headed for a crash.  Fake boobs and all.

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On 11/12/2020 at 2:29 AM, Julie13 said:

To be honest you have every right to have this discussion with her. Start it by saying “ I would like to let you know that it’s uncomfortable for me when you wear revealing clothes around our friends, I’m letting you know how I feel and I’m not trying to be controlling , it  just makes me feel uncomfortable “ . Then listen to what she has to say . Let her know that you don’t mind her dressing this way when it’s just the two of you but around other friends it’s uncomfortable for you. Ask her when guests are around can you please wear less revealing clothes because those are our friends we want to respect them. 

This.  If she responds with more "you're controlling" and she doesn't respect your feelings, take them to heart, or empathetic... then she's selfish and therein lays your answer man.

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On 11/12/2020 at 3:02 AM, Wiseman2 said:

It's her house and she can walk around however she wants.  If you don't want male roommates, get rid of them.

This too yo.

Edited by Commongoal123
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For me it is a red flag.... she loves attention and one day or another, when your relation will fade a bit, and it will, she won't hesitate to cross the line because she will have the choice..... 150%sure ;( it happened to me...

Edited by Bluesandy
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On 11/16/2020 at 3:44 PM, notbroken said:

Wow.  If a guy touched my wife's breast we would definitely have a problem - like get out immediately and he'd be lucky if we didn't come to blows.  Total disrespect - both by your 'roommates' and your wife.   Honestly, that is grounds for divorce as far as I'm concerned.   Tell her you won't tolerate that kind of behavior - and then don't! (unless you are ok with it - then don't be surprised when, not if,  this escalates).    My guess is lots of feeling has been going on when you are away.   Your wife likes the attention.  You have a real problem that likely isn't going away on it's own - particularly if you don't put your foot down immediately.  

Don’t let him fool ya, he enjoys watching. Only a CO would allow a wife or gf to do the things she has done. 

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On 11/12/2020 at 4:09 AM, Riverman2000 said:

They're right there and kinda hard to ignore (D size).

But you bought them for her... or did she come into an inheritance and instead of paying it on the mortgage you can't afford, you said "boobs are a great idea!!" ?


The house and boobs are a big reason I'm struggling financially.

Sell the house and move where you can afford your life.  Stop putting on airs when you can't afford it. Clearly you're living beyond your means if you cannot afford your life without a renter.

Any reason why it can't be an older female?  When is his lease up?  You need to tell him that you will not be renewing his lease nor will you be granting a month to month lease.  He will need to vacate the property when his lease ends.

Then, you advertise for a 55+ yr old woman who is financially solvent. Your wife prancing around with her tits on display at home will come to a screeching halt.

Edited by kendahke
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  • 3 weeks later...

Where did OP go? I just came across this curious tale of the accountant and his young wife with fake boobs and nipple piercings who like being felt up by a bunch of 55+ seniors by the pool. Did the writer lose interest or unsure of where to take this story?

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