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I've just broken up with my ex and I'm the one who's heartbroken

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Well, I’d say give it some time, 90 days is good. Then reach out with sincerity. Explain to him why you ended things, how you felt. If he rejects you, then the ball is now in his court, and back off. If he TRULY loved you, he will think about what you said, and will reach out. Understand that his rejection will be due to insecurity, and hurt. He has every right to protect himself, so don’t take it personally. Most importantly DON’T beg. If he rejects you, simply say, “I understand, and respect your decision. If you change your mind, give me a call”

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You may still have feelings, particularly feelings of loneliness.

Don't reach out. You have already been with him long enough to know it wasn't working.

Move forward, not backward.

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