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Is there a concern about where you work?

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With Covid cases soaring and with more people taking this pandemic less seriously...and if you're in any kind of position where you interact with the public: 

1. Is your employer taking this seriously? (Making you wear masks, social distancing, etc.)?

2. Is Joe public entering the building taking it seriously? (same in parenthesis as above).

3. Is your elected official (IE - governor) taking this seriously?

4. Should neither of the above be happening, would you consider employment elsewhere that is taking this seriously or move on to a work-at-home job?

5. Take unpaid leave and return when the crisis is over (if possible).

Edited by QuietRiot
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QR, not sure where you live but I think here in the US it is being taken very serious. I living in NY where cases were the highest and we saw over 10K people dying everyday I know that our Governor and  businesses are taking this very seriously. My company had us all working remotely since March. My office is across the the street from the WTC. Today our offices are open to accommodate 50% capacity but no one is forced to go back and hasn't. I personally do not expect to go back. Prior to the pandemic I worked once a week at home to take the edge off of my commute which is over 2 hours each way. It is not necessary for me to risk my health to do the same things I can do at home. HR has had meetings with all of us to determine the next steps for 2021. We no longer have assigned seats at my job. If we go in we are assigned a seat. Many of our companies have consolidated and we are all using one central office. This pandemic has changed how we work and how businesses are now doing business. 

If you are an essential worker and value your life I would think that you would do everything possible to prevent from getting this disease.  It is a real disease. I personally know of people who have contracted and have died of this disease unfortunely. I don't think anyone can afford unpaid leave. We are all taking risks when we go to the supermarket and gas stations. I personally have disinfectant wipes in my car. Disposable gloves when I pump gas and hand sanitizer in my bag no matter where I go. I personally was always big on disinfecting and using these products prior to the pandemic because I found that its easy to get sick when you are touching on everything.  I never wore a mask but am glad that we are all now doing so. 

Hopefully everyone is doing their part to keep themselves and everyone around them safe.

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33 minutes ago, jnel921 said:

I think here in the US it is being taken very serious. I living in NY where cases were the highest and we saw over 10K people dying everyday I know that our Governor and  businesses are taking this very seriously.

Depends where you are in the US @jnel921 Here in Texas it's ongoing, we've had well over a million cases and though it's been managed so the hospitals didn't get overwhelmed there are thousands of new cases per day- months later. 

New York was first and got it worst, it was so much more terrible for you, but the nursing and supplies are in place here now and Covid-care's better understood, so there are lots of people take it less seriously. I picked up food and was amazed to see a packed restaurant, no masks or social distancing.

US Thanksgiving is a week on Thursday so I expect there will be another wave of new infections, people just want to get on with life and travel I suppose, and all the 'vaccine on the horizon' reports make us complacent.

Just do your best @QuietRiot I've become very solitary this year! As for work...that's fallen apart, my main customers are all still locked down.

Things will get better. Got to have hope!!


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Ruby Slippers

All protocols are in place at my office, and I'm lucky that I've been free to work from home since March.

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I work for a large corporation.  My position is not customer facing and I've been working from home since March.  I'm actually not allowed to go into the office without getting special permission, and then for only a brief visit (getting something from a locked desk or cabinet, etc.)

Our customer facing positions all over the United States are taking things very seriously, we have very strict protocols in place.  It's a regular topic in company emails and meetings.  

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