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difference between dating and seei

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It could mean he feels you're his girlfriend, could mean he's just dating you or he's dating you along with others.


After three months of dating or seeing or whatever, it may be time to have a talk with him and clarify the matter. He's the only person in the entire universe who can tell you precisely what he meant when he made that remark.


On the other hand, you should have a pretty good feeling by this time of how he feels and what the status of your relationship is with him. If you don't, I'd say there's some healthy communication missing between the two of you.

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Sierra Sugar

I think that three months is a little long to see someone. Usually you see someone and get to know them before you actually get together but I think that you two being together for three months should explain how he feels and how you do. I thin you should talk to him and tell him how you feel.

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