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How do I better motivate my family?

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Through the past year, with help with CBT and stoicism (and other things), I've turned my life around in terms of happiness and been more successful. However, I've had terrible results in trying to encourage change in my family. I developed a new positive mindset that leads me to understanding (IMO) that all our problems are due to our own perceptions . Ever since I developed this new mindset over this year, recently, I can't help but notice certain negative things. Like a bad way of thinking. And when I see it in members of my family, I see the old me and feel like giving him a shake down. And that's the problem. I get a bit too imposing and sometimes aggressive with my way of talking. Sometimes I give my view too much. Obviously this lead to no results. And when I get frustrated at seeing my family members the way they are, the only thing that's left in my mind are negative labels which I end up retorting out loud to them. This is obviously unhelpful.

I want to help. I don't know how. 

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Milly May June

I understand where you are coming from and have similar experience with my FOO. All i can advise you is to come to terms with that you can not change others or impose your views on other people. However, you can choose how to respond when you feel that people are being negative. Dont know if this makes any sense 😊

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