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Question for all unhapppy married men


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If you were in a REALLY bad marriage but couldnt get out of if right now for financial reasons and you fall in love with someone else, would you be okay with just being friends with the woman you were in love with?

I know someone in this situration. Wouldnt it make you jealous if the woman you were in love with but you could only be friends with started dating someone else and then got married? Or would it be worth it just to be friends so you wouldnt have to go through a messy divorlce?

Have any of you men been in this situation>? Oh, and there are no kids involved.

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Tell your friend if they are not happy without her, they will never be happy with her. Everyone from time to time thinks "the grass is greener on the other side". However, it rarely ever is. Of course there are things that make us unhappy, but the idea of marriage isn't to trade off your partner whenever you think someone better has come along. No affair, either they get a divorce then go for it, or they drop that other person (not even friends, because when that other person gets someone else, it will be a problem)! But, if they are unhappy for things that could be worked out, they really should work them out.


Of course, this all depends on what your definition of a bad marriage is. If there is abuse, then they should get a divorce, and then date the other person.

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