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Distillation of thought and desire

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I was gonna hook up with this chick for a night of beer and what have you. Told her I'd call to follow up. We used to work together, she's a hottie, and she wants to hang out.


I've decided not to call her.


The chemistry never felt right, and that's the bottom line.


Experience can teach you many things...



How very true. Worse though man, is when the chemistry is there, and both people still can't get it together.


Go Par-tay dude! Get the Barney costume outta the closet... rock and roll!

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I don't think there's anything wrong with her doing online dating. My mom is 65 and she's doing it. Doesn't mean she's slutty! My mother is unusually picky and that's a quick way to separate the wheat from the chafe. I don't think that's flaky.


You should NEVER put all your eggs in one basket anyway...well, until you KNOW for sure that she's THE ONE. And yes, talk is cheap but what does that have to do with her? What did she say to you that made you react by saying "talk is cheap." What did she do, pledge you her undying love?


Man, you're one of those negative guys! I "yelled "at a gal today for the VERY same thing! ARGH!


You're reading too much into something that isn't there. When did I say online dating was slutty? And how did I insinuate anything regarding undying love? And what's so negative about calling her bluff? And what's your mother got to do with it?


And what's with the hot and cold "Coco" puffs?

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How very true. Worse though man, is when the chemistry is there, and both people still can't get it together.


Go Par-tay dude! Get the Barney costume outta the closet... rock and roll!




I can't stop laughing picturing xer in a Barney costume. :D I picture him tall and kind of lean not short and dumpy like I would picture someone who would wear a Barney costume!


I can picture him more as Zorro than Barney....but that's just me.

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You're reading too much into something that isn't there. When did I say online dating was slutty? And how did I insinuate anything regarding undying love? And what's so negative about calling her bluff? And what's your mother got to do with it?


And what's with the hot and cold "Coco" puffs?


I realize you didn't say online dating is slutty but you did site the fact that she was dating online as being something that's a little flaky...she's not to be taken seriously, etc.


The undying love comment had to do with you saying "talk is cheap" What did she say to you that made you say "talk is cheap" Saying that means you doubt something that's she's told you. And I was just asking what she said that made you say "talk is cheap."


Forget it...my mother has nothing to do with it.


Hot and cold Coco puffs? Waaa?:confused: Can I have what you're having!

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I realize you didn't say online dating is slutty but you did site the fact that she was dating online as being something that's a little flaky...she's not to be taken seriously, etc.


I said she was flaky.


The undying love comment had to do with you saying "talk is cheap" What did she say to you that made you say "talk is cheap" Saying that means you doubt something that's she's told you. And I was just asking what she said that made you say "talk is cheap."


Everyone knows what I mean by this... we've all been on the receiving end of it at one time or another. Not limited to dating, either.


By the way, I'm not tall and lean. Picture a fullback... that's me. *chuckle*

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Well, what makes her flaky? The fact that she does online dating or something else?


I honestly don't get your "talk is cheap" remark. Do you know what it means? You're not saying what she said that made you make that remark. I wonder if everyone really knows what you mean...I don't. And I'm not stupid...I even have a college degree! (Not that that means anything in and of itself!:p ) But seriously, no, you're not clear on what you mean. Something's bugging you about this girl but I don't think you're REALLY saying what it is about her that's bugging you.


And DAMN if you had to ruin my fantasy there at the end!

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Ok, one more thing I missed. You said "What's so wrong about calling her bluff?"


NOTHING! But calling her bluff on WHAT?

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I thought this thread would die prematurely, but people came back to it, which is why I'm still here answering questions (somewhat).


Nothing else I can say about this girl, except that I'll be at her Halloween party.


Nirvana's "About a Girl" is running through my head right now.

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W, you might want to check out the PMS thread (nudge, wink)


Interesting, and very entertaining. Thanks.


I'm cool with Coco. She reminds me of my sister, always trying to help her younger brothers.

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Thanks Xer! But how did you know I was older? I'm cool with you too!


Anyway, so why was that Nirvana song running through your head?

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But how did you know I was older?


Not sure how much older you are (if you were born after after '73, then you're younger), but I can recognize that sisterly tone in a heartbeat.


Anyway, so why was that Nirvana song running through your head?


The will of God, I suppose, or the ghost of Kurt.

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Not sure how much older you are (if you were born after after '73, then you're younger), but I can recognize that sisterly tone in a heartbeat.




The will of God, I suppose, or the ghost of Kurt.


I'm laughing and I don't know whether to be flattered or teed off! Yes, I could be your older sister!;) Well, an older, hotter sister, anyway!:eek:


Ok, so who's Kurt?

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Ever heard of Kurt Cobain? You know, lead singer of Nirvana? He's dead now (rest in peace), so no biggie.

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I'm not THAT old! Sheesh! Yes, I've heard of Kurt Cobain. How dumb is that! I just wasn't connecting the name "Kurt" with Nirvana for some reason.

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Problem is, some people can't (or don't know how).


We should probably start another thread for this... would probably generate a lot of responses.


Care to do the honors?

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I don't think it would generate a lot of responses. Talk is either cheap or it's not. It's either backed up with actions that reflect what you say or it's not - and therefore "cheap." Seems pretty black and white to me.

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If it deals with sex, people will respond.


I don't care about analyzing the statement itself.


(I'm not that boring, I hope.)

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