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I've seen posts in local groups, about vaccine appointments being available - a few were at one of the grocery stores I visit in North Canton - but I'm not sure if they're only for people with insurance. One woman posted yesterday, about a lot of appointments being available, that she found when she was logged into "MySumma", her account with a local hospital. 

My dad gets his second shot this Saturday. He said that he felt fine after the first one, and I've seen some people say they felt fine after the second one (so fingers crossed he will, too). I don't know when I should think about trying. I'm under 50, and friends of mine have been vaccinated (a few who are under 40, too). 

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Got the Pfizer one today, first shot. Was really surprised when I got notified on Monday. Didn’t think I’d be getting it till May so I had scheduled my shingles booster for yesterday. Canceled it once I got notified. So grateful to whatever angels intervened with that, because if I’d gotten the shingles shot I wouldn’t have been able to get the covid shot for another couple of weeks. 

I was worried about this event because the news reported just a few days ago that people were waiting in line for 4+ hours at the last event. People without appointments had showed up hoping to get any leftover. But I was in and out in half an hour. It stung a little bit but right now not feeling any effects. Nothing like shingles, which hurt like a mother.

Was lovely to hear the gratitude in an older person’s voice. Said she was the last person in her family to get it, and was so looking forward to reuniting in person with everyone. Have to admit, getting the shot made me unreasonably happy too. 

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It’s nice to hear all of these stories. I get my first shot next week. It will be Pfizer. I’m glad to do it, just a little anxious about adverse reactions - particularly anaphylaxis. I’m working up my courage, I’ll be brave... 

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My dad had his second shot this morning, and so far, he feels fine (unless he isn't telling me anything). He's working on something, bought wood to make a large raised bed for the garden, and has just been using some kind of electric tool to cut something. He wouldn't be doing that if he felt ill. 

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Happy Lemming

I was talking to my neighbor (who is male, 73) and he has had both of the Pfizer shots.  He said the first one was no problem, but the second one caused pretty bad diarrhea for two days.  By the third day it had cleared up.

This is the first I've heard of diarrhea being a side effect of the vaccine.

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Received my first Pfizer shot this morning. It's a fair bit sore at the spot, and I'm noticeably lightheaded, but not so much that I can't work. I have heard symptoms are worst 12-24 hours after, especially after the second shot, so ideally I can sleep it off.

My parents reported no side effects. Apparently the older you are, the easier it is; the side effects are just caused by your immune system trying to fight it off, after all. A friend has advised me to take off the day after my second dose.

Overall I'm feeling okay other than a strange urge to buy a Microsoft Zune and upgrade to 5G (mods: this is a joke, please don't ban me).


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13 hours ago, Happy Lemming said:

I was talking to my neighbor (who is male, 73) and he has had both of the Pfizer shots.  He said the first one was no problem, but the second one caused pretty bad diarrhea for two days.  By the third day it had cleared up.

This is the first I've heard of diarrhea being a side effect of the vaccine.

FWIW two of my friends (one 42, one 36) reported severe diarrhea as a side effect of the vaccine. But the vast majority of side effects I've heard about are just fatigue, dizziness, and arm pain.

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I had the Johnson & Johnson one shot vaccine last Thursday.  My arm was never sore.  Within just a few minutes of the shot I felt dizzy, and that kind of came and went over the next few days.  That and fatigue were the only things I experienced.  

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Pfizer says its COVID-19 vaccine is still highly effective after 6 months.

"The COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech is highly effective against symptomatic COVID-19 for at least six months after a second dose, a new analysis has shown.

The companies on Thursday announced that in an analysis of its phase 3 study that included 927 symptomatic COVID-19 cases, the vaccine was 91.3 percent effective "measured seven days through up to six months after the second dose." It was also 100 percent effective against severe disease as defined by the CDC, as well as 95.3 percent effective against severe disease as defined by the FDA, the companies said. There were no serious safety concerns.

Additionally, Pfizer and BioNTech said the vaccine was 100 percent effective against COVID-19 cases in South Africa, where a concerning variant has been spreading."

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Happy Lemming

I got my second Phizer shot, yesterday.  This shot has really thrown me for a loop.  I was expecting my arm to hurt a bit, which it did.  I wasn't expecting how tired and fatigued I became as the day progressed.  Along with being very lethargic, I have a slight fever and some body aches. 

I'm glad I don't have any chores scheduled this week, as I'll probably loaf on the couch for a couple of days.

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Second shot last week - pretty uneventful. Headache that I might have had anyway, tiredness I similarly might have had from a tough work week. No big deal. 

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Shining One

I have my first shot (Phizer) scheduled for Thursday. After a rough several months, Florida seems to have finally stabilized and streamlined the registration process.

Edited by Shining One
Fixed Typo
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Great New Yorker cartoon (two people at a coffee shop) with caption:

"It's not you, it's me. I'm vaccinated and can see other people".

Edited by Wiseman2
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After Australia went so well in keeping our COVID infections under control, our immunisations are an absolute mess.   We were relying on just Pfizer and Astrazenica.  Pfizer is problematic due to it needing deep freeze (vs our climate and distances) and that we can't manufacture it ourselves.  And now only those over 50 can have the Astrazenica because of blood clotting risk.   The rollout is way behind schedule, we're having trouble getting supplies, and the supplies we receive arrive at the doctors without sufficient warning to book a heap of appointments.    

I was listening to the radio today talking about how the US's vaccine roll out has surpassed expectations....and we're just in a mess.   Borders look like being locked down much longer than we'd hoped 😳


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On 4/4/2021 at 11:07 AM, Happy Lemming said:

I got my second Phizer shot, yesterday.  This shot has really thrown me for a loop.  I was expecting my arm to hurt a bit, which it did.  I wasn't expecting how tired and fatigued I became as the day progressed.  Along with being very lethargic, I have a slight fever and some body aches. 

I'm glad I don't have any chores scheduled this week, as I'll probably loaf on the couch for a couple of days.

From what I hear, that’s very typical. I hope you are feeling better. 

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9 hours ago, basil67 said:

After Australia went so well in keeping our COVID infections under control, our immunisations are an absolute mess.   We were relying on just Pfizer and Astrazenica.  Pfizer is problematic due to it needing deep freeze (vs our climate and distances) and that we can't manufacture it ourselves.  And now only those over 50 can have the Astrazenica because of blood clotting risk.   The rollout is way behind schedule, we're having trouble getting supplies, and the supplies we receive arrive at the doctors without sufficient warning to book a heap of appointments.    

I was listening to the radio today talking about how the US's vaccine roll out has surpassed expectations....and we're just in a mess.   Borders look like being locked down much longer than we'd hoped 😳


That’s a change in administration for you... ;)

Yes, I have heard that things are slow. Still, my friend who lives in Aus is living her life, with few restrictions. So, that is good!

We are heading back into lockdown... much of a Canada is already increasing restrictions. I expect ours will come later this week, as our numbers continue to rise because of the variants. About 20% of the population has had one shot. 

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Happy Lemming
47 minutes ago, BaileyB said:

From what I hear, that’s very typical. I hope you are feeling better. 

Thanks... All better now...  That crappy, weak, body aches feeling lasted about a 4 days.

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13 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:

Thanks... All better now...  That crappy, weak, body aches feeling lasted about a 4 days.

That’s longer than most I’ve heard... glad you are feeling better. 

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The FDA and CDC announced a pause on the rollout of J&J vaccine out of the old “abundance of caution” following reports of six cases of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST).😕

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I had the J&J vaccine 19 days ago.  I'm a little unsettled by the news, but for me the statistical information isn't overly concerning, especially since there has been no direct causal relationship established.     

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I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine today. It was so hard to get appointments in my area, I am thrilled to finally get it. 

My husband is fully vaccinated via the Pfizer vaccine. He has a low fever, chills and fatigue after the second dose. 

I am laying low today, and hope to feel well for some work related meetings tomorrow. 




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I got my first shot of astrazeneca this morning. I know it's a controversial  vaccine  but I thought about it hard and decided I needed to be protected asap (my teen goes to a school with multiple cases per day) instead of waiting for another type of vaccine in June. 

Right now I am feeling very tired but doing my best to finish my work day. 


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