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I'm happy about the news.  I'm flying from the US and will be in Western Europe for several weeks this summer.  I want to get a second booster about a month before I go.  

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Yes, I still think it's a bit early to tell, at least for the general public.

It is not yet clear whether I will need another booster. At the very least, masks would need to be worn permanently in healthcare settings. It is unlikely that this will ever change. 

So there are ongoing safety measures in place on that front.

Individuals at higher risk and environments with high risk might not be such a bad idea.


Edited by Alpaca
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Eternal Sunshine

Have been lucky so far. 8+ months since the second shot, no booster (can't get one because of a bad reaction to second shot). Have been identified as a close contact of someone COVID positive 7 times so far and no COVID yet. I now got to work, shopping malls etc and use public transport.  Fingers crossed I never  get it.

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On 4/5/2022 at 11:31 AM, Eternal Sunshine said:

Have been lucky so far. 8+ months since the second shot, no booster (can't get one because of a bad reaction to second shot). Have been identified as a close contact of someone COVID positive 7 times so far and no COVID yet. I now got to work, shopping malls etc and use public transport.  Fingers crossed I never  get it.

We will all eventually catch Covid, esp. Omicron. It is inevitable. 

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Happy Lemming

I was able to get a "slot" for "V" to get her 4th shot or second booster (Pfizer).  She is scheduled for Thursday afternoon.  I want to get her taken care of first, then I'll get my 4th shot a week or two after.

We are both over 50, and have decided to follow the CDC guidelines.

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  • 1 month later...
Happy Lemming

Later today, I have an appointment to get my second booster shot (Pfizer). 

I must say, my local pharmacy makes the process quite easy.  I went on their web-site, clicked a few things, answered a few questions and I was scheduled.

"V" got her 2nd booster a few weeks ago and had no side effects, whatsoever.

After today, we'll both have had 4 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which was the CDC recommendation for people over 50.

I did plan an easy dinner tonight, just in case I'm not feeling 100% after the shot.  If I'm feeling really crappy, I'll throw a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner and that will have to do, but I don't think that will be the case.

***Note to moderators*** It appears the "Vaccine Soon" thread is closed, so I started a new one.  I hope that is OK.

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I have not gone for any booster shots - I did have the initial two doses,

am thinking if boosters are not really necessary maybe safer to avoid them- on which I may be wrong of course!

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I think the effect from the vaccines wanes after 6-9 months? So if I get offered a booster, sure, I'll take it.

I have had Pfizer #1 and #2 and Moderna for the first booster in December so the next one should be soon.

 Why not.

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Happy Lemming
2 hours ago, balin said:

I think the effect from the vaccines wanes after 6-9 months?


This is exactly what my doctor said. 

And yes, he told me he was getting his 2nd booster, as well.

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I'll get a second booster too soon. I take an acetaminophen at the same time, didn't have any ill effects from the others. Moderna.

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I had my second booster about a month ago, I was eligible because I'm over 50.  Being up to date with my vaccination status (no more than 270 days since my last shot if I hadn't had a booster) allows me to skip the tests to travel to the European countries I'm visiting in a few weeks.   

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Happy Lemming

WOW!!  That second booster knocked me for a loop.  Every part of my body aches, including some mind numbing headaches.  I threw up my dinner last night and have been laying in bed for almost a day.  I was so cold and shivering all night (last night). For the record, I live in the desert and it is quite hot here.  I couldn't stop shaking even with two blankets and a heavy comforter.

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26 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:

WOW!!  That second booster knocked me for a loop.  Every part of my body aches, including some mind numbing headaches.  I threw up my dinner last night and have been laying in bed for almost a day.  I was so cold and shivering all night (last night). For the record, I live in the desert and it is quite hot here.  I couldn't stop shaking even with two blankets and a heavy comforter.

I'm so sorry, HL. Hang in there.

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55 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:

WOW!!  That second booster knocked me for a loop.

Ugh, sorry to hear that.  I had no side effects from either of my Moderna boosters, other than possibly fatigue (not sure they were the reason for that even).  

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6 hours ago, Happy Lemming said:

WOW!!  That second booster knocked me for a loop.  Every part of my body aches, including some mind numbing headaches.  I threw up my dinner last night and have been laying in bed for almost a day.  I was so cold and shivering all night (last night). For the record, I live in the desert and it is quite hot here.  I couldn't stop shaking even with two blankets and a heavy comforter.

Yeah. Every Covid vax shot hits me like a ton of bricks. It is like having 24 hour Covid for me. Hang in there. 

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Happy Lemming
7 hours ago, Mrin said:

Yeah. Every Covid vax shot hits me like a ton of bricks. It is like having 24 hour Covid for me. Hang in there. 

Yes...  doing a little better today, slept better last night.

My girlfriend went to the store last night and got me some gatorade, she was worried about me dehydrating.  That seem to "perk" me up a bit.  I'm going to try some tomato soup later today and see if I can keep that down.

Headaches have lessened, but I still have body aches.

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Pfizer will distribute Paxlovid, Pfizer's Covid pill, in the U.S. at clinics and testing centers.

It is very positive news!

I'm still going to stay up-to-date on vaccinations though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Eternal Sunshine
On 4/6/2022 at 1:31 AM, Eternal Sunshine said:

Have been lucky so far. 8+ months since the second shot, no booster (can't get one because of a bad reaction to second shot). Have been identified as a close contact of someone COVID positive 7 times so far and no COVID yet. I now got to work, shopping malls etc and use public transport.  Fingers crossed I never  get it.

Still no COVID. My last vax is now a year old. I had a close call 2 weeks ago - dinner with 6 people who all tested COVID positive within the next 48 hours. No symptoms and repeated negative tests.

Everyone in my family has had it by now (but I don't live with them so wasn't exposed that way).

I have now fully resumed national/international travel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Trail Blazer

I must be one of the only people I know to not have had it yet.  My girlfriend and I have both dodged it so far.  Almlost everyone else on both sides of our familt have had it.

A buddy of mine who wasn't vaxxed got it and it knocked him around for a while.  Sick as a dog for a whole week, and took nearly a month to shake his lethargy.


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46 minutes ago, Trail Blazer said:

I must be one of the only people I know to not have had it yet.  My girlfriend and I have both dodged it so far.  Almlost everyone else on both sides of our familt have had it.

A buddy of mine who wasn't vaxxed got it and it knocked him around for a while.  Sick as a dog for a whole week, and took nearly a month to shake his lethargy.


I haven't had it yet... but I've had 2 vaccines and 2 boosters for a total of 4. 🙂 I have asthma. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first 2 days were the worst.  My entire body felt fatigued.  I got 3 hours of sleep in 2 days.  My parents came over to help me and they both caught it.  I think I had it worst although my mother had it similar to me.

Also I'm 36 and my parents are 62 and 59.  Having covid was actually kind of interesting.  After the first 2 days everything became easier.  I still have a cough and runny nose that I think will be gone soon.

The weirdest sensation was after around the 3rd day, my taste buds changed.  I had a burrito that tasted rank even though it was fresh, and water tasted metallic.  Worst of all was that I was always thirsty.  Around day 5 water tasted good again and I recall being so happy I drank probably 3-4 lbs of water right there on the that spot.

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I'd had 3 vaccines when I got covid.  Everyone in the house had it.  

Child was sick for 2 hours.  I kid you not. 

I was the sickest, and TBH, I've had worse colds.  But that was February.  I think this new variant is tougher. 

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I know someone that got it twice and had it really bad.

They still refuse to get vaccinated.

Makes no sense.

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