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I am so sick of these anti-vaxxer people who will be the reason we never get back to normal. If people back in the day thought like this we would still have polio. The same people who complain about lockdowns and masks are against the taking the same steps to get us out of that and back to normal. It just astounds me.

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Had my second Pfizer shot yesterday. Side effect so far ... some bit of fog, some fatigue ... not horrible by any means.

I am so grateful to get this shot. I'm astonished, speechless, that people in widespread numbers are rejecting the very medical breakthrough that can save millions of lives. I am astonished.  Anyway, that worry is for another day.


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I wondering if any of you heard about this. Apparently the risk of blood clot with astrazeneca and J&J is only present during the first shot and there is no recording of blood clot with 2nd dosage. 

In my city there is an anti-vaccine activist who died of covid today. It might knock some sense into the others. 

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My wife and I plus most of her family has had the J&J and nobody has had any problems beside a sore arm and a slight fever for a couple days.

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The Pfizer one seems to be safe enough??

think Im on track for that at end of June,

could be changed to J & J, but hoping it will stay Pfizer

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Shining One
On 5/5/2021 at 6:38 PM, Foxhall said:

The Pfizer one seems to be safe enough??

think Im on track for that at end of June,

could be changed to J & J, but hoping it will stay Pfizer

You don't get to choose? The registration process here allowed us to choose between Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

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3 hours ago, Shining One said:

You don't get to choose? The registration process here allowed us to choose between Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

No just take what you get here,

Over 70s got Pfizer or moderna

50-70s get either Johnson or Astra Zeneca (they are currently not allowed for under 50s)

As it stands under 50s will get Pfizer or Moderna- most likely pfizer (more of them ordered)

only vaccinating 60 year olds now so are well behind yourselves and our neighbours,

its picking up now though-more supplies arriving.

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Yay! I made it to 21 days. I am out of the danger zone for blood clot with Astrazeneca.

It's madening, our government pushed us to get vaccinates asap with Astrazeneca, now same government is saying please favor pfizer or moderna. I do not want my 33 yo daughter to get Astrazeneca. I got vaccinated with astrazeneca because apparently at my age (55) there were no risks, still the deaths reported in my country were women between 54-60. 

Here you don't get to chose but you can turn around if it's a vaccine you don't want and try another time or another clinic. 

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Shining One
2 hours ago, Gaeta said:

Here you don't get to chose but you can turn around if it's a vaccine you don't want and try another time or another clinic. 

Do they at least publish which sites are providing which vaccines? Or do you have to physically visit each one to find out what they're providing on that day?

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55 minutes ago, Shining One said:

Do they at least publish which sites are providing which vaccines? Or do you have to physically visit each one to find out what they're providing on that day?

Probably, I have not looked as I'm vaccinated now. At the time when they urged us to get vaccinated with Astrazeneca there was only that vaccine available then 3 weeks later we got millions of pfizer. I understand that 3 weeks can make a big difference during a pandemic. 

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I just started looking at this thread.  The antivaxers are pissing me off. I know a couple of them... and you are right... they are the ones who are b****ing the most about wearing a mask.  Personally... when it was cold... didn't mind it.  Now that it's allergy season... I don't mind it. (Stops pollen)  Besides... I've sewn up nice ones that reflect who I am... and that fit VERY WELL.   AND... since I'm also a proper business man... I've made a few grey, black, and a couple that matched my dress shirts. 

I had COVID.  I had a fever for 12 days... I was "Sick" for 4 weeks. (Close to going to the hospital a few nights) I had ZERO energy for 6 weeks, and a cough if I tried to do anything for 7 to 8 weeks. and it was 3 months until i MOSTLY got my sense of smell back. (5mo to get back all my smell)  I was about as bad as I could get before needing a ventilator.  For the first 4 weeks... even something as simple a taking a shower would make me take a 2 hr nap after. 

I'm fully vax.  I got the Moderna.  I was sick after each shot.  I got it 9 am... at 3am the next morning... fever and chills. It lasted for about 24hrs after. The second shot wasn't as bad. 

Yes it sucks... but like you... I want to get back to normal life. 

Edited by Blind-Sided
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@Blind-Sided: Did you get covid during the first wave? or it was one of the variants? Over here if you got infected with covid you only get 1 shot of vaccine. Being infected by covid counts as 1 shot. 

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1 minute ago, Gaeta said:

Over here if you got infected with covid you only get 1 shot of vaccine. Being infected by covid counts as 1 shot. 

Not in the UK, everyone here is encouraged to get both doses.

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11 hours ago, Gaeta said:

@Blind-Sided: Did you get covid during the first wave? or it was one of the variants? Over here if you got infected with covid you only get 1 shot of vaccine. Being infected by covid counts as 1 shot. 

As far as I know... it's not a variant.   I got sick just after Xmas. So yes... I was that "Statistic" that said families would get together, and get sick.   So... I'm late 40's, good health, and not taking any daily meds. I also have type O blood.  I was in the group that should have been less effected by it.  But... I was BAD !!!   My 73 year old mother got it, and it was like a cold.  A week tops, and no real lung issues.  She was tired for several weeks after.   My 72 year old father was hardly sick.  A fever for a couple days and just tired.  My brother got it also. My GF got it from me... and she had a fever for a day, and was tired for a week... but she took care of me. (Thank God she was here) But she had a lingering cough for several months.   My youngest daughter was sick for 2 days, and then better.  My oldest daughter was Asymptomatic. 

As an FYI... My Xmas tree will come down just after new years. Because I had no energy.... my tree didn't come down until the first week of February, and it was a 2 day event. (One day to take off decorations, and one day to drag it outside)

11 hours ago, elaine567 said:

Not in the UK, everyone here is encouraged to get both doses.

In the USA... they are saying that you MAY NOT need a second dose if you were sick (Mayo Clinic and Princeton Medical)... but since it was approved with 2... they want to stick with that until more studies are done.  I'm guessing it may have to do with socialized medicine in Canada and government funding.  (But I may be WAY wrong with that)   THe only reason I say that is... I don't recall any studies coming out of Canada on 1 vs 2 dose. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So those in my Province who got the  Astrazeneca (like me) are in a bit of trouble. We are 500K to have gotten our first shot but there are only 140K Astrazeneca available for the second shot. At first they said they would give us pfizer for our second shot but this weekend research has shown it could have very negative consequances so that solution got dismissed. Myself and 2 of my brothers with their wives got Astrazeneca and we feel like guinea pigs now. 

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8 minutes ago, Gaeta said:

So those in my Province who got the  Astrazeneca (like me) are in a bit of trouble. We are 500K to have gotten our first shot but there are only 140K Astrazeneca available for the second shot. At first they said they would give us pfizer for our second shot but this weekend research has shown it could have very negative consequances so that solution got dismissed. Myself and 2 of my brothers with their wives got Astrazeneca and we feel like guinea pigs now. 

Sorry to hear that.   There was worries of that early on in the USA.  I know the Astrazenica shot was never approved in the USA. That's probably why there is a shortage. (low production)  I think that was like the J&J shot... there was clot issues. 

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Yes Astrazeneca was said to have 1 clot issue per 400k vaccine. We got 1 out of 100k.

My 1 shot protects me at 70% from catching it and if l catch it it protects me 100% from hospitalization. It's good enough.

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For a long time, my doctors had recommended that I don't get the vaccine, but now that messaging has changed. My rheumatologist isn't available for questions right now, but the recorded message on her office phone has changed. Now, it's recommending the vaccine, but with a long list of potential side effects and a warning that it hasn't been studied in people with autoimmune diseases or who take immunosupressants.
I've been trying to find more reliable, unbiased information, but it's hard. One site recommended stopping Imuran for two weeks before receiving the vaccine, but I can't do that. I'm really confused. I want to make the best choice, but I don't know what that is right now.

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2 hours ago, pepperbird2 said:

My rheumatologist isn't available for questions right now

That should never happen unless they're on life support somewhere. My neighbor has a very rare immune disease and she was instructed to wait so many days after the last treatment. Be cautious with information not coming from your specialist.

Good luck with that pepperbird!

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4 hours ago, pepperbird2 said:

 I'm really confused. I want to make the best choice, but I don't know what that is right now.

Make an actual appointment / wellness check with your rheumatologist so you have that person's undivided attention & can asked pointed Qs about your unique situation.  Do not get the vaccine until you have that discussion.  

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Pepperbird, are you in the U.S.?

If so, the CDC puts out recommendations regarding Covid vaccines for all kinds of conditions. I'd google CDC & your condition to see their recommendation. Sometimes the advice is nuanced. Sometimes you'll find articles that cite the CDC research. 

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@pepperbird2   Believe there is no substitute for talking to your specialist, they'll know your conditions and specifics so can give you specific instead of general advice.   I'd hope there would be a way to reach your specialist even if you have to bug them.

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CDC reports the vaccines are safe for immunocompromised people because they aren't live viruses, and they are safe even if the patient is currently undergoing or about to start treatment. In the US, only people with a history of anaphylaxis with vaccines are being told to wait. Definitely talk to your specialist (or someone else at the same practice/hospital/someone else she recommends) but I think it's a great sign that she feels comfortable enough to advertise it to all her patients via voicemail.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/26/2021 at 4:49 PM, lana-banana said:

CDC reports the vaccines are safe for immunocompromised people because they aren't live viruses, and they are safe even if the patient is currently undergoing or about to start treatment. In the US, only people with a history of anaphylaxis with vaccines are being told to wait. Definitely talk to your specialist (or someone else at the same practice/hospital/someone else she recommends) but I think it's a great sign that she feels comfortable enough to advertise it to all her patients via voicemail.


Got the shot on Saturday, and I was one of the few people who get sick from it.  I had a high fever, vomiting, and just feeling awful. My spleen got enlarged even more than it already is, and I was having an irregular heartbeat.  I ended up in the hospital over Sunday and was allowed to go home this morning.

I have to get the second dose in September.I'm not looking forward to it, but hopefully, it won't be so bad that time. At least the data I provided might help someone else, which is good.

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