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Threesome/throuple experiences

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Hi all, Im not looking for any judgement only advice. I am a heterosexual female in a relationship for 6 amazing years with a heterosexual male partner. We have a baby and are engaged. Recently which I never thought of before, I have been attracted to “certain” not going to say all or a lot because that would be a lie it’s a very select few females. My partner and I have spoke about a potential threesome but have never acted on it due to the possibility of it getting between our relationship. We have since then grown up a lot and matured in our relationship our trust, love and communication. A very good friend of ours (female) jokingly said about how they fancied us both and would love a sandwich lol! We both are interested, I have also been possibly interested in a throuple, I just wanted to know if anyone has any experience in a long term relationship with having a threesome with someone of the same sex to their original opposite sex partner or if anyone is in a two woman one man throuple. Please let me know your experience, advice or warnings. Thank you.

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We've been together 20 years, married much of that.  We've had threesomes (MFM, FMF), and long term relationships with a third (mostly another woman).  Mostly, we've had an open relationship and each did our own thing, but friendly with the third.  All were heterosexual, but we've known others who have had similar bisexual situations.  Really, the sexual orientation of you and the additional partner doesn't matter as long as everyone involved is okay with the interactions hoped for.  In our case, we all became really close friends, which continued after the "throuple" ended for whatever reason.

The key is to discuss this thoroughly with each other and all three of you together as well to set expectations and boundaries.  What would trigger jealousy or anger, and how would you deal with it constructively?  What limits or boundaries are desired/required to limit issues?  How do you see this evolving over time, or is this likely (or preferably) something short term?  Can this become a live-in situation - or is that even something you'd want?  If long term, how do you handle things like "couple privilege" (if necessary google it)?  If this lasts, then things like financial stuff may matter.  You may want to consider giving everyone veto power, in case it ceases to work for one of you and can't be resolved.

Our relationships have been very fulfilling and successful, but only lasted about 5 years or so at most, but the friendships continue.

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