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My aunt is a bipolar alcoholic. What should I do?


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I live with my mom and aunt. My mom and I are suffering because she has outbursts of violent behaviour. She is a bipolar alcoholic. She sits down with us and then starts talking nonsense and about things that really don’t make sense. It’s difficult to move her out because of the pandemic. Not many people are accepting people to move into a room in a house. We are both on disability and I hope she doesn’t judge me for sitting down all day cooking and cleaning etc. She might say “oh why are you at home all the time?” But we are both on disability so she shouldn’t judge me right? I have severe anxiety too. How do I cope living with her?

Edited by Monica-01
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Try going to an on line Al-Anon meeting.  It's a support group for people who have family members who are alcoholics. 

Just tune her out when she goes on a rant.  Easier said than done but if she doesn't get a rise out of you, the situation can't escalate. 

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Is it your mum's home or your aunts? How does your mum feel about her sister (?) being a drunk and a bully?  First of all, the bi-polarity... why is she drinking if she's bi-polar? Over-consumption of alcohol  can cause severe depression or other mood disorders, and anyone who has this type of disorder has no right to inflict their crap on other people, they have an obligation to get help and stick to a lifestyle plan that doesn't involve substance abuse. Is she diagnosed by a medical professional or is that a label you've put on her because she's got two personalities? As far as your aunt questioning you or anything about the way you live your life - she's an alcoholic! She has no right to criticise anyone for anything, all alcoholics are pains in the azz and are a burden to anyone who has to put up with them. If it's your mums house then the aunt needs to be given her orders - get help or get out. If it's your aunts house then you and your mum need to find other accommodation as soon as the pandemic situation is over. 

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Here are some US resources for helping someone with bipolar https://www.dbsalliance.org/support/for-friends-family/helping-someone-with-a-mood-disorder/


Number one way to help someone you live with who drinks is don't drink yourself or keep alcohol in the house.

Hope you got through the holidays ok @Monica-01

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