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This guy has the nerve... : )

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This guy at my job has made it clear that he is interested in me. He just recently asked me to go out with him sometime a few weeks ago. We haven't gone out yet. But I asked him today when he wanted to go, he mentioned his kids which he has before and I don't have a problem with it, and he says he has to find time first but he still wants to go. Then I mentioned how I might be selling my home then he said that his wife is a real estate agent and she could sell it for me.


First of all, he NEVER mentioned he was married before!!! I never saw a ring!!! And what a slap in the face!!!! OUCH! What a player! Why do guys even bother to play these stupid games!?! He never should have asked me out... man what a waste of time, he tried for the longest time to get me and I fall for the trap and now I look like a fool!


Whay do you guys play these games? It's cool if you're single, but man, what a fool I am a a fool he's making his wife out to be! I am so frustrated! WHAY? Please explain?!

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Not all guys play those games, as you put it. Only the low-life ones. And good for you for thinking it's out of the question to go out with him. Have you been on that "Other" board...yeah, that one. Sheesh! They could take a lesson from you!


Don't worry yourself with this. He's not worth your time. You're better than that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just let it go...


and plz don't say that only men play such sick games.. women r equally guilty of this. i recently had such an experience and its still impacting me. one female kept coming to me, gave her number, we went to movies,lunches,dinners,ball-games.. she took me to her apartment, keeps texting me every single day... blah blah blah... and then one day i see her talking with somebody on the phone and i ask who is it.. she said "oh its jimmie.. my boyfriend in philadelphia". i was like WTF???????? she never ever mentioned about that guy before and even now she doesn't talk about him. apparently they r in an "on again, off again" relationship... my a$$...... whatever!!!!!!


so don't worry, it cuts both ways!!! :rolleyes:

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Noclobber : Sounds like she kept you on a string while she played you and him at the same time. Yeowch !

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Noclobber : Sounds like she kept you on a string while she played you and him at the same time. Yeowch !


yeah Mary3... definitely looks like it..


just out of curiosity, does the phrase "stringing someone along" mean this type of behavior? u play 2 people at the same time?

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Stringing someone along means : You really want someone else but until you get them you hang on to the other person ( ususally sexually ) and when you get the * target object other person * you dump the first person , ripping their heart out .

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I have to echo the posters who point out that this is not gender specific. I was caught up in it a good few years ago. She told me she still lived with her mother. Then one day she turned up at my place, we didn't live in the same city, she was distraught. Turned out she lived with a boyfriend and he'd found out she was seeing me. Then he'd had a hissy fit and cut all her clothes up!!! I bought her some new clothes, put her on the next train and said goodbye, for good. Funny thing is she phoned me a few years later but I made it clear that there was no way I would continue even to talk to her.


Are you sure he is with his wife? You can still have a wife but not a Wife, if you see what I mean, they may be divorcing or he may be one of those totally self centred losers who thinks he is gods gift to women and thinks you couldn't possibly refuse him and you'd put your morals aside because he is such a prize!


Well done for being outraged, its a pity everyone doesn't follow your example, then these people who are "players" or emotional piranhas couldn't go around f**king everyone elses lives up. They would have to play each other and keep their misery to themselves.


Hey NoClobber kick her to the kerb man!! Don't allow yourself to be treated like that!!

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