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A Self-Respect Dilemma

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I've recently become a private pilot, and I like flying airplanes.  I've been flying a lot and I've gotten to the point where I'm feel that I'm ready to take friends as passengers for some fun times flying.  I have a dilemma about buying a second aviation headset, though.  Aviation headsets are kind of a big deal, because spending the extra money (usually $600-$1000) for a good quality noise-cancelling headset is well worth the investment, and nearly all serious pilots buy these expensive headsets because it makes such a huge difference in the quality of the flying experience because these small airplane cockpits are so noisy.  A nice $600 noise-cancelling headset provides a far better flying experience than a cheap $100 headset with no noise cancellation.  I paid $1000 for my headset and it was well worth the investment.  

I have the money to buy a second noise-cancelling headset for about $600 for the friends that I bring along flying, and I think my friends would have a much better flying experience with me if I let them use this second noise-cancelling headset.  The dilemma is that I can't decide if this shows a lack of respect for my own money.  

If I buy a second headset, that may make their flying experience much better, but I am afraid that it will show a lack of respect for my own money and it will be lavishing a gift on someone who really hasn't done anything to earn it.  If don't buy the headset, then I'll rent a cheap one with no noise cancellation for them, and they will probably not have as good a flying experience because the cockpit will be very noisy for them, and they will possibly not want to come flying with me again if their experience with flying is that it's very noisy and unpleasant.  

I'm willing to spend the money, but I am afraid that buying the second headset will cause others to lose respect for me.  

I'm asking this question because in the past I have tended to give way too much to people, and I think that my over-generosity towards people who really didn't do anything to deserve it has caused people to lose some respect for me.  

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I would buy the second headset. You will still own it right? Maybe I don’t understand but I don’t see how offering the use of the good headset to your passengers is giving them something they have not earned. To me it is protecting their hearing and, as you said, helping to ensure they have a good experience. I’ve been in small planes and not sure what quality headset I was given to use, but I never felt it was a gift to me - just part of the gear for the duration of the flight.

Congrats on getting your license!

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Perhaps you are not ready to take passengers if you can't afford the appropriate passenger equipment.

Commercial airliners, for example, do not view seat belts or tray tables as "gifts" for passengers, but rather as the necessary equipment to have on board.

When and if you do take up passengers, they're not going to walk away with Your expensive equipment.

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I went ahead and ordered the headset.  I think the emotional danger here is more of a need-obligate, as in, "I gave you a great flying experience, so that means you need to like me and come flying with me again."  So I'll have to watch for that.  

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No. It sounds like you just want them to have a good flying xp. Presumably they don’t know how big or small of an investment it is for you. I think you made the right decision. 👍

Edited by Shortskirtslonglashes
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