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How about small "ones"?

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I have a really good male friend of mine who I'm starting to have feelings for (he too for me) and we have been talking alot to each other over the phone because right now he is away for work reasons.


Sometimes the conversations have gotten semi-graphic over the phone, like he's tell me he's holding me in his arms, caressing my back, ect. nothing "pornographic", just really nice and caring.


The other night the conversation was about penises and he told me he was sorry to say this, but if I was a woman who liked a man with a big "dick" that wasn't the case with him


(I've always had a fantasy of a man with a large penis) so I asked him if he was "average" but he didn't know what to compare himself with. I told him that lots of this stuff about big penises was just in the mind and a large one didn't necessarily mean it was better to satisfy a woman, but I asked him what woman had said about him and he told me that only one woman had made a comment that had bothered him.


I just want if it is more difficult for a woman to orgasm with a man with a smaller "one" and what are the potential problems one could run into, if any. I just want to be "informed" ahead of time so as to avoid any embarassing situation if we eventually ever do get together.

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Your forward thinking is very impressive. I hope you get some good answers to this one.


All I have read in the past has said penis size, unless it's microscopic, has little to do with giving pleasure to a woman. The most sensitive areas of the vaginal canal are near the opening so almost any man, no matter what size his penis, should be able to work his way that far.


I have also read articles and posts from women who enjoy large penises for one reason or other. If you find you really love this guy and his penis size is just average, you can buy an artificial one almost any size you like to supplement for your total fulfillment.

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hi jen,


well i can truly give you my experience with this one! i am in my 40's and have had three kids and my first one when i was 17 stretched my vagina out so bad that i could hardly feel anything anymore.


then a year later i had another baby and the same thing. of course this was frustrating to me but my b'f said he could still feel it very well and he had ways of pleasuring me beyond the penis.


well in short, i still have the same problem and have been seperated from the guy for many a years and over the years have found some guys who noticed how stretched out i was and commented about it by calling me a tunnel, etc.


i have met guys well hung that did nothing for me dispite their gigantism because they had no love making skills. then i met guys so small they didn't even know they were inside me either, how embarassing!


well now i've been with this guy for a long time and he is somewhat below average and because i am so self conscious of my "tunnel" and i felt his size before we ever made love and thought this would never ever work, he is too small and i am too big!


well guess what, he loved me and cared enough about me for this to not even be a factor! he never mentioned it to, but i did mention it to him and he blew it off like we were talking about the weather.


so jen, if your guy love's you and you love him, this will not be an issue. also, try this position if necessary and if you remember it cause it works like a charm for me every time: with you on the bottom, put one leg between his legs and the other leg on the outside of his: this hits the clitoris every time when you push up against him.


hope this helps, i know this was about my being stretched out too, but the point is with my being stretched out and him being small and we can make the best of it i have plenty of hope for you too! good luck!

I have a really good male friend of mine who I'm starting to have feelings for (he too for me) and we have been talking alot to each other over the phone because right now he is away for work reasons. Sometimes the conversations have gotten semi-graphic over the phone, like he's tell me he's holding me in his arms, caressing my back, ect. nothing "pornographic", just really nice and caring. The other night the conversation was about penises and he told me he was sorry to say this, but if I was a woman who liked a man with a big "dick" that wasn't the case with him


(I've always had a fantasy of a man with a large penis) so I asked him if he was "average" but he didn't know what to compare himself with. I told him that lots of this stuff about big penises was just in the mind and a large one didn't necessarily mean it was better to satisfy a woman, but I asked him what woman had said about him and he told me that only one woman had made a comment that had bothered him. I just want if it is more difficult for a woman to orgasm with a man with a smaller "one" and what are the potential problems one could run into, if any. I just want to be "informed" ahead of time so as to avoid any embarassing situation if we eventually ever do get together.

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