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Happy Christmas

Opinions please... I've been wanting to move house and asked my bf who also was living with me if he wanted to move to another town? His reply " I don't know because it will be just us won't it". What on earth does this mean

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Happy Lemming

Perhaps he needs the support structure of family and friends to feel complete...

Some people are OK with being nomadic and moving around... making friends as we go.  Others like to plant roots and stay put.

My sister is still in the same town we grew up in, whereas I was nomadic all through my youth... never staying in one place over a couple of years.

I think its in your genes what each individual is comfortable with.  From his comments, it appears your boyfriend is more of a "plant roots" kind of person and you may be a more nomadic type.

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16 hours ago, Happy Christmas said:

 His reply " I don't know because it will be just us won't it". 

Very cryptic, but it sounds like he's not on board with moving.

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