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Is she hitting me up just teasing?


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So i got a crush on this girl in my class. She did much more open flirting before, holding my shoulder, sending me an dm first, telling me to get closer to her. Her friend tried to help her telling she liked me aka saying it to me.

But i recently heard she asked her why she was staring at me when she didnt have feelings anymore. She propbaly knows i like her know since i messaged her first 4 times after she stoped the openly flirting. I couldnt do so much with her flirting because i froze all the time.

I catch her staring/glancing at me everyday with this a lingering stare, sometimes she will give the corner of the eye stare. Sometimes she would look away when i catch her. But she did a playful wink when i looked at her walking by, she randomly touches me once in a while like poking my head touching my arm, or the head scratch and sometimes uses the situation to touch me. She wrote she digs me. But she has guy friends she lowkey flirts or what she is doing with, wich makes me overthink. No idea if she is teasing me or what she is doing.

Some days ago she sat next to me (classroom) when i were talking with some friends and i see thats she is looking my way and my friends became silent. So i look in her eyes but she changed her eye direction i think before i turn against. But when i text her she will respond within 5 min but she dosent try to ask questions back?

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Have you tried talking to her yet rather than staring,

need to be braver buddy,

say hi between classes and ask her what her star sign is or something and have a witty response ready to whatever she replies.

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Don't wait for signs or signals.

Just start some small talk about school, classes, teachers, whatever.

Smile be open confident and after you build some rapport you can ask her for a date.

Girls need to be comfortable with a guy. Otherwise they think he's creepy and just staring at them.

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On 12/28/2020 at 11:27 AM, JoshHamington said:

So i got a crush on this girl in my class. She did much more open flirting before, holding my shoulder, sending me an dm first, telling me to get closer to her. Her friend tried to help her telling she liked me aka saying it to me.

But i recently heard she asked her why she was staring at me when she didnt have feelings anymore. She propbaly knows i like her know since i messaged her first 4 times after she stoped the openly flirting. I couldnt do so much with her flirting because i froze all the time.

I catch her staring/glancing at me everyday with this a lingering stare, sometimes she will give the corner of the eye stare. Sometimes she would look away when i catch her. But she did a playful wink when i looked at her walking by, she randomly touches me once in a while like poking my head touching my arm, or the head scratch and sometimes uses the situation to touch me. She wrote she digs me. But she has guy friends she lowkey flirts or what she is doing with, wich makes me overthink. No idea if she is teasing me or what she is doing.

Some days ago she sat next to me (classroom) when i were talking with some friends and i see thats she is looking my way and my friends became silent. So i look in her eyes but she changed her eye direction i think before i turn against. But when i text her she will respond within 5 min but she dosent try to ask questions back?

Can't just play these little cat and mouse games.  It's up to you to be direct because she's not going to be. 

She may like you or may just be manipulating you.  One sure way to find out is to just ask if she wants to hang out sometime.  If she says no then you can move on.

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