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Losing trust

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Hi,im 20 years old and my girlfriend of 2 years is 18.We live about 300km apart (at different universitys)when we first meet she "got me" straight away,like i'd known her all my life, she is so special to me i love her more than i can express.She still lives in our home town so still see's all of our friends on a daily basis but i can only afford to see her every two weeks (remember im a poor student) when i drive up there.This has basically caused the problem i have.I found out from a true friend that she had sex with my mate about a month ago on more than one ocassion while i was overseas visiting my parents.She has not told me about it,and says she loves me as usual.But she has lost my trust.I tell her everything, and that she was the only person i could really trust.Her mum is really cool to me because mine is overseas and dont want to lose her friendship too. I love my girl so much and forgive her for what shes done, but she hasnt told me which really hurts. I dont know what i should do or say to her or my so called "best mate" . i have nobody to trust anymore and i need that .Please help me


thanx Cam

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Hi,im 20 years old and my girlfriend of 2 years is 18.We live about 300km apart (at different universitys)when we first meet she "got me" straight away,like i'd known her all my life, she is so special to me i love her more than i can express.She still lives in our home town so still see's all of our friends on a daily basis but i can only afford to see her every two weeks (remember im a poor student) when i drive up there.This has basically caused the problem i have.I found out from a true friend that she had sex with my mate about a month ago on more than one ocassion while i was overseas visiting my parents.She has not told me about it,and says she loves me as usual.But she has lost my trust.I tell her everything, and that she was the only person i could really trust.Her mum is really cool to me because mine is overseas and dont want to lose her friendship too. I love my girl so much and forgive her for what shes done, but she hasnt told me which really hurts. I dont know what i should do or say to her or my so called "best mate" . i have nobody to trust anymore and i need that .Please help me thanx Cam
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Hi,im 20 years old and my girlfriend of 2 years is 18.We live about 300km apart (at different universitys)when we first meet she "got me" straight away,like i'd known her all my life, she is so special to me i love her more than i can express.She still lives in our home town so still see's all of our friends on a daily basis but i can only afford to see her every two weeks (remember im a poor student) when i drive up there.This has basically caused the problem i have.I found out from a true friend that she had sex with my mate about a month ago on more than one ocassion while i was overseas visiting my parents.She has not told me about it,and says she loves me as usual.But she has lost my trust.I tell her everything, and that she was the only person i could really trust.Her mum is really cool to me because mine is overseas and dont want to lose her friendship too. I love my girl so much and forgive her for what shes done, but she hasnt told me which really hurts. I dont know what i should do or say to her or my so called "best mate" . i have nobody to trust anymore and i need that .Please help me thanx Cam Dear Cam, i know exactly how you feel. My man and i have been together 8 years and i foung out that he was with someone else while going to his mom's on a holiday. he was also took his friend that he did not care to mention to me. it does really hurt, that after 6mos he still has not even tried to tell me about this, nor does he know that I even know. i look at him and wonder why? i have asked him if he is happy etc., he says yes. if he is not happy i wish that he would just tell me so i could get on with my life. i am like you i would forgive, but i will not forget it in my heart. so, cam if you find a answer let me know. it bothers me a lot that he could do that and not even have second thoughts. Gia


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I can see how you would be upset, especially since your loved one has not even told you about their indiscretion.


Can you trust this person, or are you forcing yourself to accept what they have done?


My daughter went with her boyfriend for almost two years. She introduced a "friend" of hers to one of his friends from out of town. After she didn't get anywhere with the guy from out of town, she focused her attention on my daughter's man.


He found fault with her. Argued with her. He told her he needed "time to think about their relationship". Then he proceded to start dating her "friend". I told her that I thought that there was something going on because the "friend" stopped coming around and calling after the breakup. She asked them both, separately, if they were seeing each other. They both denied it. She found out from


the internet that they were "single but madly in love" with


each other.


He tried to make her think that what he had done was ok, because he wasn't with her anymore. That might have been the case, but the intent to get with this girl was there before they broke up. I told her it was not ok, and she had every right to be angry and had a right to say so.


I think you should let the person you're with know that you know what happened and find out why it happened. They probably know that you know and are just avoiding a confrontation.


How can you truly love someone that you can't trust out of your sight and you doubt their honesty. You deserve to have


a relationship with someone you can count on.

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