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Her veganism is keeping her single

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9 hours ago, Shortskirtslonglashes said:

I have met an inordinate amount of vegans in my city and been on dates with quite a few. By several I mean out of the few dates I had one year,  at least half were vegans. It wasn’t intentional, because honestly they are not my preference. I think it is just a popular thing right now that gets you some identity politics points. Not saying that is why all people do it. Please don’t get me wrong. I respect their ethics. I just don’t share them and I enjoy animal products in moderation(I think most people’s diets consist of way too much animal protein , but that’s just my opinion). Plus, most vegans  I’ve met seemed to not know how to vegan right. Despite their insistence they “feel so much healthier”, it seemed the facial coloring  and muscle tone was off. Plus they were kind of moody. One of them also could not keep up with me on a hike and I am by no means that fit. I think they did not take the time to really get their diet right. That could just be the way that they are though. My ex was a vegan for about 2 years until he started dating me. lol.  I live near Chicago. Perhaps she should move here. 


Yeah , at last someone's calling it how it is , exactly around some of the things l was getting it , which just went straight over heads. And yeah ex was niggely , all the time, and anemic looking , and very quick tempered and a lot of others things l always suspected was deficiencies . But like l'd said l spent yrs with a "serious" vegan.  Emphasizing " serious" as in real , which also went straight over heads. None of the so called vegans here most are talking about are even real , they're just the fads l also mentioned . No animal products at all , not even dairy or eggs .  And fanatical , which also went straight over heads- that means they'll probably preach and guilt trip even their partners about animal cruelty and farming and all things to do with touching any related foods . That means you probably can't even have your food in the house, or fridge , or even bring it home because eventually they'll just ware the partner down. l also mentioned say a career athlete - also straight over heads. l dunno if all real vegans are as bad as ex was to live with but some of her friends were even worse than her and about as much fun s a migraine.

So it's nothing to do with what some have suggested or accepting something different, l love different, been different and alternative all my life, live it.  But from an ex vegans partners point of view, a "real" vegan , it became a real pain in the arse after a few yrs and l def' wouldn't wanna go there again- which also went straight over heads, even when l mentioned how refreshing it was with my fiance now being more a mainstream eater. l can't see how people wouldn't get it, suppose they just haven't lived with a real , vegan partner , or some other fanatical type partner, like a career athlete or something- which is basically like living with a nun .  Sound like fun ?


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13 hours ago, max3732 said:

What kind of local singles group?

One of my friends is vegan because he said when he switched he felt better and healthier and becomes very strict about it. So much so that his wife left him saying she couldn't take it anymore.

After that he found someone else that was vegan and married her.

I wouldn't date someone who was that strict about it.


Haaaa yes. Exactly my points , which also went straight over heads. l probably couldn't have gone on with ex either as l said it wasn't why we broke up but at times living her way, which is basically what no one here bar a few are getting,  was almost packing the bags worthy alone and l may well have done down the track.




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41 minutes ago, chillii said:


Yeah , at last someone's calling it how it is , exactly around some of the things l was getting it , which just went straight over heads. And yeah ex was niggely , all the time, and anemic looking , and very quick tempered and a lot of others things l always suspected was deficiencies . But like l'd said l spent yrs with a "serious" vegan.  Emphasizing " serious" as in real , which also went straight over heads. None of the so called vegans here most are talking about are even real , they're just the fads l also mentioned . No animal products at all , not even dairy or eggs .  And fanatical , which also went straight over heads- that means they'll probably preach and guilt trip even their partners about animal cruelty and farming and all things to do with touching any related foods . That means you probably can't even have your food in the house, or fridge , or even bring it home because eventually they'll just ware the partner down. l also mentioned say a career athlete - also straight over heads. l dunno if all real vegans are as bad as ex was to live with but some of her friends were even worse than her and about as much fun s a migraine.

So it's nothing to do with what some have suggested or accepting something different, l love different, been different and alternative all my life, live it.  But from an ex vegans partners point of view, a "real" vegan , it became a real pain in the arse after a few yrs and l def' wouldn't wanna go there again- which also went straight over heads, even when l mentioned how refreshing it was with my fiance now being more a mainstream eater. l can't see how people wouldn't get it, suppose they just haven't lived with a real , vegan partner , or some other fanatical type partner, like a career athlete or something- which is basically like living with a nun .  Sound like fun ?


Yeah, everything has become a fad these days. There's also those crystal crunchers I stay away from  (those that belief in the power of the energy of crystals). 

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On 1/1/2021 at 9:44 PM, Acacia98 said:

I don't think she's much different from, say, a religious or ethnic minority trying to date members of the majority religion or ethnicity, encountering challenges, and deciding to stick to dating people of their religion or ethnicity.

I think this sums it up.

I'm a veggie but eat vegan quite often. My husband is a meat-eater but agrees to eat veggie one day a week.

It's all about compromise.

I dated a Jewish guy for years. I wasn't prepared to convert as I am RC but I would have celebrated his Holy Days and Festivals with him. His mother put the mockers on it as she wanted him to marry a 'nice Jewish girl'.

If this girl will absolutely not entertain a non-vegan, then yes, she is limiting her choices, but then she is living an authentic life which is more important to her - so hats off to her.

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1 hour ago, chillii said:

 l dunno if all real vegans are as bad as ex was to live with but some of her friends were even worse than her and about as much fun s a migraine.

Of course not. It goes without saying. You have to account for people's personality types and that kind of thing. The super intense people tend to be the ones who shout the loudest; so they tend to be more visible. 

But for discussion's sake, if it were next-to-impossible for a vegan and non-vegan to be happy together due to the drastic differences in their ethical and lifestyle preferences, it would make absolute sense for the vegan (or the non-vegan) to choose to avoid the difficulty and to date someone who shared his/her preferences. Living (long-term) with someone who has a strict routine that they have to adhere to can be very difficult if you're not on the same page.

And it is true that quite a few people adopt veganism without understanding nutrition well enough to make it work. 

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2 hours ago, chillii said:


Haaaa yes. Exactly my points , which also went straight over heads. l probably couldn't have gone on with ex either as l said it wasn't why we broke up but at times living her way, which is basically what no one here bar a few are getting,  was almost packing the bags worthy alone and l may well have done down the track.




While dating I've met a lot of different diets that I'd never heard of before. One girl wouldn't eat any carbs, another ate a ton of carbs but wouldn't eat seafood, plus I've met a lot of vegetarians. As long as they weren't super strict about it I don't think it would be a big deal for me, but these people that take it too far would be an issue. The only thing strange about me is I don't drink alcohol, which apparently is a deal breaker for some people. I don't care if the other person drinks though so I'm not trying to control her the way some of these diet people are doing with others.

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Years ago I was a vegetarian for several years, but had to stop. The only issue I encountered from the opposite sex was being made fun of for not consuming meat. What?! Like, excuse me for my apparent bad eating habits.

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