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Am i just a really jellis person or what?

curious jane

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Ok so here goes...


mY b/f and i hooked up about 6 months ago, at first it was very causul with us we were seeing other people, then it got a bit more serious - well we really liked each other..


One night he introduced me to oneof his former f*** buddies, we all went out together - i was like ok i wont be jellis - but she made it hard, i flet like she was very much flirting with him. And she had just gotten out of something with someone and all of sudden she is calling him all the time.. wanting to hang out..

I had to put my foot down and he understood.

I wan't my b/f to be able to hang out with whom ever he wants but for some reason i am really jellis of this women, perhaps it is because my first impresion of her was aquard - she flirted with my b/f in front of me, and kept calling him.


Well my b/f does not really talk to her any more --- til this weekend -- he has an art show and really wanted to get as many people as possible to come he asked me if it was ok if he invited her - and of course i want to support my b/f so i said yeah..

Then today he tells me that she wants to hang out with him because she has a gift certifcate from a jewller that she has not used and she wants him to go with her, the gift certificate was a gift he bought her from him when they were hanging out.. at first i was ok with it ---- but the more i thought about it i got mad -- i trust my b/f and he ressures me all the time i have no doubt in my mind his love for me but for some reason the thought of him going with his x to a jewler a gift from the past really bugs me.. and perhaps to i start htinking like well my b/f asked her to come to his art show, so perhaps she feels it is an invitaion to hang out with him more again - it sounds like she has a pattern of being this way. I get so mad at myself because i want my b/f to hang with whoever but am i crazy for this to be bugging me?


Perhaps she is not up to anything and they had unfinished money, gifts owed and since he is inviting her to his art show, they are just catching up on stuff they did not finish and it is all innocnet... hmmm .. but then i think that these things are all things that they were doing when they were hanging out and that some how bugs me.


Maybe i am just to insecure jellis for my own good?

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no you're not. Since I never believe there can ever be a purely platonic relationship between the sexes, you should nip the problem in the bud. Tell him to stop.... totally.

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hehe sorry jealous...


next question...


my b/f is good friend with a very disfunctional couple - they constanlty cheat on each other.

The girl has been with all of the guys friends and has hit on my b/f but not when i was with him.... would it make you feel uncomfortable hanging out with these people knowing how they are?

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No you are NOT jealous. That girl needs to back off, and your boyfriend needs to cut off his friendship with her or she will NOT back off. I've been in a similar situation, where an ex FWB was constantly calling and asking my boyfriend to have a drink with her or what not, and since he is Mr. Nice Guy, I had to be very direct by telling him exactly how it made me feel and then he said he would cut ties with her. It will take a while for her to go away though, but she eventually will. So, don't think you are jealous, as this is only natural. Who wants to be around your boyfriend's ex, much less an ex FWB who obviously had more feelings for him than he did her. Just think to yourself that there was a reason he only wanted her for sex and nothing more. She is most likely much less mature than you and you boyfriend are as well.

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