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Why is he ghosting me?

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So I’ve known this guy for 3 years we’ve tried to date in the past but I was young so things didn’t work out. Recently we started hanging out we’ve probably hung out at each other’s houses 4 times in the past week. Four days ago was the last time I saw him. We made out cuddled and talked a lot about personal stuff things went well we kissed and hugged goodbye. Now he’s still messaging me the same but I asked him to come over the other night and he said he wanted to stay home. What does this mean? He’s a bit dry on texting the last 24 hours. Does this mean he’s no longer interested how should I act? 

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3 hours ago, Bluntbhaddie said:

we’ve probably hung out at each other’s houses 4 times in the past week.

Slow down. Too much too soon. Try not to oversaturate things. Space.

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The title of this is misleading, he's not ghosting you.  I think you're over-analyzing things a bit.  Give it some time and see if he contacts you wanting to hang out again.

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