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What would you prefer? An intelligent man with a small p or a not-so-smart man with a big p?

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I got talking again to my friend about the penis subject and he was so funny he told me he asked God, "Why didn't you give me a bigger penis" In a dream God replied, "You decided you wanted to have a bigger brain and a smaller penis before you were born"


Then he told me how he and his penis are good friends, but sometimes his penis thinks he is a person (this made me split my sides laughing because he was so funny the way he was telling this to me! He could be a stand-up comedian) and he has to keep reminding his penis that he is not a person, JUST a penis with one eye, but his penis protests and cites famous generals in history that also had one eye. This man is sooo funny and witty that I bet he could please me in every way possible even if his p was microscopic!


But tell me ladies, would you prefer a smart man with a small penis, or a stupid man with a big one?

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I mean Jen!!
I got talking again to my friend about the penis subject and he was so funny he told me he asked God, "Why didn't you give me a bigger penis" In a dream God replied, "You decided you wanted to have a bigger brain and a smaller penis before you were born" Then he told me how he and his penis are good friends, but sometimes his penis thinks he is a person (this made me split my sides laughing because he was so funny the way he was telling this to me! He could be a stand-up comedian) and he has to keep reminding his penis that he is not a person, JUST a penis with one eye, but his penis protests and cites famous generals in history that also had one eye. This man is sooo funny and witty that I bet he could please me in every way possible even if his p was microscopic! But tell me ladies, would you prefer a smart man with a small penis, or a stupid man with a big one?
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