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Is it common for women in their mid 20's to date men in their 40's now?

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On 1/16/2021 at 8:40 PM, Katkats7777 said:

There's this guy that I dated last year and I found out his dad who is 46 is now dating a 24 year old woman. I can get why older men would date younger women, but why would she be interested in him at his age? Yeah, he has money and built his half a million dollar home. And he has 3 adult children who happen to be around HER age?! Isn't that awkward?  What could he have in common hanging with bunch of couples in their 20's anyway? I have an older brother who is in his 40's and I don't seem to have anything in common with his friends-mostly due to the age difference. And most of them are married to their college sweethearts, then again they seem to be old fashioned and art nerds. 

First of all, people are attracted to what they're attracted to.  It could be her hypergamy kicking in.  If she wants to be able to live a certain life and experience certain things, she isn't going to be able to do that dating someone her own age.  All but the elite are just getting started out in their careers.  But in general, don't we all aspire to date something greater than what we are?  It could be money, it could be status, it could be looks, it could be charisma, it could be intelligence.  We're all attracted to someone that has a quality that we aspire to acheive or want to be around.  That's hypergamy.

Also, many women are attracted to powerful men.  Why the hell would Monica Lewensky want to be involved with Bill Clinton? A powerful man is really the very true essence of what masculinity represents.  If you're looking for powerful 24 year old men it's going to be slim pickings.

Third, the vast majority of those early-mid 20s men are sex-crazed, immature guys.  Also, they put those women on pedestals and in general don't really know how to act around them.  That's not the case with a lot of older men who are secure with themselves.

Or maybe she's just a gold digger.  These are all possibilities.

Edited by dramafreezone
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9 hours ago, dramafreezone said:

Dating =/= marriage.  I think the subject is specifically referring to dating.

I'm 41 and women in their 20s flirt with me frequently.  I'm sure I could date them.  A lot of women at that age see a man that has his life together and it's attractive.  Also I have zero inclination to put any women in her 20s on a pedestal, so maybe that's part of it too.

Other women at that age aren't attracted to older men at all.  It's just preferences.

Fair enough, but I suppose it depends on the definition of common and dating. Does dating mean a relationship? Or just going on a date with? How long? And what percent would make something common? And if it were common, wouldn’t the average age difference in marriage also reflect that?. 

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4 hours ago, Weezy1973 said:

Fair enough, but I suppose it depends on the definition of common and dating. Does dating mean a relationship? Or just going on a date with? How long? And what percent would make something common? And if it were common, wouldn’t the average age difference in marriage also reflect that?. 

First I consider dating at least one date.  Next, l I didn't say that I agree with the OP's premise that women in their 20s dating men in their 40s is any more common than at any other time.  I haven't seen any evidence that it is. 

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