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How long is long-term?

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What do you consider a long-term relationship?

I was listening to a comedian that said she has been in a lot of long-term relationships; i.e. 2 years, 3 years, 1-1/2 years.

It got me wondering if "long-term" means the same to everybody.

My answer would be anything over one year exclusive.


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I don't think there's a strict definition - but I'd use the term to describe a relationship you've been in "for some time" so as to indicate a significant amount of each other's lives are shared, as opposed to a "new" relationship.

I reckon around a year seems appropriate, as you say. But it could be sooner if you spend a lot of time together and already have shared goals of moving in together, etc, and later if it's a bit more casual or on/off.

Edited by snowboy91
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2 hours ago, primer said:

My answer would be anything over one year exclusive.


I agree with you

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I would think of a 5 yr relationship as "medium" term, so I guess more than 5 - like 8? In casual speech, I would probably call the 5 year one LT though, to distinguish from ST, as MT relationships aren't really a think in common parlance.

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Seems to me that intensity of the R and involvement of friends/family in the R are also factors to consider along with time as to what's considered long term or not.


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15 minutes ago, basil67 said:

Long term to me is greater than 10 years. 

Thinking further, to me, the age of the person making the assessment is relevant.   When I was 20, 2 years was long term.   But now that I'm in my 50's and have with my partner for nearly 30 years, 2 years is not much at all.  

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Good point, @basil67.  I was married for 23 years and with him a few years before that, I know I'll never have another relationship of that length (well, very unlikely at my age).  10 years probably does fit more in my view as to the minimum length to qualify as long term.  

I've been seeing the same guy for over a year, but other than not seeing us as "new" anymore, I don't put any kind of definition on it.  

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Personally... I think it depends on how old you are. When I was young (late teens) ... 6 months was a long time.  After I was in my 20's... a year.

I guess if I had to put a label on this... a year of only dating one person exclusively, would be a "Long Term" relationship. 

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13 hours ago, primer said:

What do you consider a long-term relationship?

24 hours with sex. 1 hour without. 

Edited by Wiseman2
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It varies with age, experience, expectations regarding length and how much involvement there is. I would see something as being long term only it's after it is more than 1-2 years old, if it involved regular dating/interaction. If not, maybe more.

I know a guy that consider anything more than 6 months as long term.

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